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  1. #1
    Community Member HarveyMilk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Balancing is harder than nerfing

    Balancing means running precise numbers, weighing numbered benefits against defensive/utility benefits (like Air savant perks) and other rather difficult considerations.

    Nerfing means slapping an ability with a debilitating change that makes you not want to play the game. It's using a sledge hammer when a scalpel was called for, and the consequence to player fun, be damned.

    Sometimes people call balances nerfs. TWF monster build dmg was out of control. Changing tempest I and twf mechanics was right on the line. It was required, but a little heavy-handed. Some tears did roll, but I didn't see anyone really lose any sleep over it. But, that was a close one.

    However, when you change mechanics that are fun, like stacking debuffs that you weave into your spell rotation, then you draw my ire. Changes should be more fun. I don't care if you change the debuff to 10% extra dmg and let me stack it again... the stacking is the fun part! Make them independent so you can't just bring 5 cold savants! I don't care! Yes, some inane raid leaders will insist on getting one cold, one earth, one air savant. Who cares? And yes, no stacks is better than every raid leader asking for "need 5 cold savants!" in the LFM.

    But stacking = fun, so figure it out please.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Great post.
    I agree; make them stack again, but only from the same caster, or make it so that they can only be increased after say 15 seconds. I was actually wondering why they didnt do it like this from the start, the first version obviosly led to the 5 vater savants in a group scenario. if dps benefits from having 4 different savants in a group that is awesome, that way all savants gets a bit of loving. Fire will still be the worst one but it does have some merit in epics as there are epic bosses that doesnt have fire resists and a few people will be really grateful for that little extra dps a firesavant brings there.

  3. #3
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    No, no, no this is how it works

    Balance: Changes that hurt you.

    Nerf: Changes that hurt me.

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