never played a pally and wanted to try one. their various abilities sound awesome. but new to the class and have no clue where to start. can somebody suggest a build for me? i have looked into the halfling healing pally build idea in the request a build thread. but it was not what i was looking for.
Must haves-
1. Must be halfling
Looking for -
1. good dps. but not looking to compare numbers with a fully geared h-orc barbarian
2. hoping to go pure 20 pally to get the experience.
3. not be a burden on the group - need to do well in higher lvl quests/raids
4. not depend on more than 2 +2 tomes for build
5. 2 weapon fighter will be nice. but open to 2 handers also
1. 32 pt build
2. +2 str, dext, intel and wis tomes. but hoping not to use more than a couple +2s.
3. full set of +1 tomes
any suggestions?
also heard abt a good guide writen for pallys by junts. but not able to find it. can somebody link it plz.