ADDED: +5 Holy Handwraps of Bleeding (ML12: Half-Orc)
ADDED: +5 Holy Handwraps of Bleeding (ML12: Half-Orc)
TRADED: +6 Strength Ring (ML13)
ADDED: +6 Dexterity Gloves (ML13)
ADDED: Disease Immunity Necklace of Protection +5 (ML15)
ADDED: Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone
TRADED: Disease Immunity Necklace of Protection +5 (ML15)
ADDED: Large Guild Augment Robe
TRADED: +1 Holy Handwraps of Bleeding with risia icy burst (ML6)
TRADED: Striding Ring +30% (ML13)
TRADED: +1 Holy Greataxe of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML10)
TRADED: +1 Metalline Handwraps of Pure Good with risia icy burst (ML12)
TRADED: +1 Holy Burst Handwraps of Pure Good (ML10)
TRADED: +5 Metalline Kama of Pure Good with risia icy burst (ML14)
TRADED: +2 Shocking Burst Handwraps of Greater Goblinoid Bane with risia icy burst (ML12)
TRADED: +2 Axiomatic Burst Handwraps of Greater Elf Bane with risia icy burst (ML16)
TRADED: Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone
TRADED: +3 Holy Rapier of Pure Good (ML10)
ADDED: +5 Green Steel Light Pick
ADDED: Large Guild Augment Slot Outfit
ADDED: +6 Strength Ring (ML13)
ADDED: +6 Charisma Ring (ML11: Drow/Elf/Half-Elf)
TRADED: Antique Greataxe scroll
TRADED: Cape of the Roc scroll
TRADED: Robe of Fire scroll
TRADED: Dusk Heart scroll
REMOVED: Acquired large guild augment slot mithril tower shield, removed from my list of wants
TRADED: +1 Holy Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML10)
ADDED: Bracers of the Claw scroll
TRADED: +1 Holy Dwarven Axe of Greater Undead Bane with risia icy burst (ML10)
REMOVED: Acquired cold iron handwraps and removed from my want list, already have byeshk studded. Still looking for silver threaded and adamantine studded handwraps.