will those stats be good at end game? dwarf clr starting sats 6cha. 18wis.18con10str.8int 8dex.
will those stats be good at end game? dwarf clr starting sats 6cha. 18wis.18con10str.8int 8dex.
you will be short on DV's as your cha modifier is negative at the moment, but will make a sturdy cleric. I would actually recommend dropping con to 16 and pumping those points into cha instead. otherwise, looks good.
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
You may want to consider going a small bit further. 12 + 2tome =14 CHA base, enough for DM1. Unless you plan on using a +4 CHA tome...
But, no, you maxed Wisdom. That's a good start xD
And I said that as you will encounter idiots who build with 8 base WIS and say "why can't I cast spells?" when they aren't building a battlecleric.
yeah, 6 investment into charisma if where it's at, imo. Those extra radiant servants bursts'll win every time![]()
how does DM1 benefit in any way shape or form?
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
Lowering the CHA to 16 for +4 CHA is a tad better.
Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)
my cleric has 8 charisma based and had 14 turns up to some point.
currently running around with 11 because of gear issies.
the world doesnt end if you cant invest into charisma, but getting more turns is sweet.
1 turn / 2 charisma is basicly 70 more spell points(maximized empowered cure serious, or mass heal).
6 points into charisma ends up at 210sp. nice deal!, if you can affort it.
on the other side:
extra turning is 4 turns(4*70=280) versus 105 sp menstal toughness. ET wins
Dropping Con to 16 will give you 4 points to add elsewere. I would add them to Str and or dex. Even with that low of a dex meteor swarm will be your death. You may not think you will get str high enough to matter but remember devine power gives you 6 str, stack that on a base 12 str and you have the str of a fighter (minus enhancements and such) and makes you hit like a fighter of the same level. My Cleric only has a base of 12 Con and gets buy, I wish I had 14 but 16 is excesive IMHO. I guess it depends on how you play. Wait till you are level 20 to start wearing a fortification item and you will learn how to compensate for low HP.
Last edited by MoonRunner; 04-14-2011 at 03:18 AM.
He maxed WIS, therefore he will be playing caster/healer style not Battlecleric style. I wouldn't max WIS and put points into STR. Meteor swarm won't be his death because of his high HP and +2 refex save won't be an difference imho. I wouldn't spend points into DEX or STR. Putting some points from CON to CHA may be an option. Question is: Are two more turn undead for burst or aura better then 20 hp? And why is 16 CON expensive on a dwarf? they get +2 CON, it's a bargain!
Last edited by Jiirix; 04-14-2011 at 03:27 AM.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...h-legendary-CC
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
I would not max WIS and put points in STR on your first time cleric. Because it can be a hard time to be healing, offensive casting and fighting at the same time, inho. Later on with gear and experience you don't have to choose between caster and battle cleric style, you can go demi god style![]()
Last edited by Jiirix; 04-14-2011 at 05:16 AM.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...h-legendary-CC
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
This calculation ignores the fact that turns regenerate over time.
My clerics always dumpstat Cha yet end up with at least 10 turns by the time they cap:
1-2 base (6-8 base Cha)
1 Cha enhancements (+2 Cha is the best choice IMHO to qualify for 2nt tier of Pre)
3 +6 Cha item (can be swapped out after those turns have been used)
3-4 extra turn enhancements
1 +2 Cha tome (easilly affordable for a capped toon)
2 Lesser turning item (Sacred ring from Fens for example)
It is quite rare that you need to use a lot of bursts in a short period of time, so having a large max number of turns is nice but not critical.
I would personally prefer 20hp over one more turn, but its a fairly close call either way.
i personally would go cha >str >wis on a battle cleric taking advantage of dms
Virt II makes elujin smile!
Dwarves and Half-orcs are two races where dump stating charisma becomes a very viable option because qualifying for DM2 requires too much of a investment for the return often.
I never recommend more than 6 build points into FvS or Clerics because they can heal themselves so easily and hit 500 hp with this.
I would recommend taking 4 build points out of con and putting 2 into Str (if you are going to melee, Chr otherwise) and 2 into intelligence. 10 Intellligence will allow concentration and balance skills. You will just have concentration otherwise. Balance is a very important skill. Intimidate also works good with more advanced players, but will require some TRing to fit the build points in.
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