At first, when I had read that the death effects had been redesigned for U9, I became happy for my Dex/Int rogue assassin experiment - afterall I was having a lot of fun doing tactical assassinate's on casters and even melee's alike
But then I went and read this...
Then I was... wait, this is STILL gonna be useless: for my assassinate to work, I will have to beat down those epics mobs and THEN stealth AND THEN assassinate! Which is like, as a sorcerer, casting waves of Meteor Swarms then DD'ing and waiting for a Meteor to fall of the sky to kill them!Melee death effects on items (and the rogue assassin enhancement) have been redesigned.
- For targets with more than 1,000 hit points, vorpal no longer kills and instead hits the target for 100 points of bane damage. If a creature has less than 1,000 hit points, the vorpal effect is applied on a confirmed natural 20 as before.
Now, I realize that it is a powerful ability - but then, aren't everyone getting powerful abilities this update? Sorcerer's multiplying their damage? Pale masters doing AoE Energy Drains + WoB's?
At the moment, there is only 1 melee weapon on the game that favor's a rogue with high int score, which, while being pretty decent, isn't a DR breaker, so their DPS on occasions when it is needed would become lower because of the weapon switch needed.
For Assassinate to work, you need to attack while stealthed, a major drawback when you consider that many mobs will probably spot you on Epic and how hard it is to do Stealth on this game.
Now, the TL;DR Version Question I'm asking is:
Would a piercing Assassinate be REALLY that powerful? Does anyone think that with this rogues would solo epic quests? What is the big FEAR of letting assassinate *assassinate*?