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  1. #1
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    Question Give more mobs fortification and give fort bypass enhancements

    As most know, very few enemies have fortification in DDO. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are WF and some epic bosses. Now this mainly applies to rogues since they need to bypass fortification in order to get the majority of their damage (though they will still be doing decent dps if they are a strength build), so I also propose that a new enhancement line should be opened up for rogues that allows them to bypass fortification.

    The Opportunist feat bypasses 10% fort while the Precision feat bypasses 25% fort. Naturally, most if not all rogues should have taken the Opportunist feat (unless they are multi-classed and their build demands likewise). As for the Precision feat, it's just plain horrible. I tried it out once, and it even halves your sneak attack damage which doesn't really even make since because you would think being more "precise" would actually improve your ability to sneak attack.

    I suggest this to bring a bit more balance and sense to the game. Why would level 20's be running around with 100% while CR 36's have 0% fort? Of course, if the enemy decides to start using fortification, the rogue would be smart to train a bit to slip past the enemy's defenses.

    "But Quarterling!" you may say, "this is essentially a nerf to rogues!"

    This may be so, but also keep in mind that all the other classes' critical hits have a chance of failing as well, more so since they might not have the option to boost fort bypass. However, I see this as a minimal problem for all the other classes because of how it is impossible to auto-crit come update nine. Many people will no longer start to rely on weapons such as the heavy picks, but instead try to boost their raw dps.

    Let's face it, there should have been mobs with fortification a long time ago, yet Turbine for some reason has not implemented this.

    Finally, as for an example of the new enhancement line, it could go something like this; and this is based off of how most new enhancement lines will be when update nine comes out, with the biggest bonus at the top and all tiers of an equal AP cost.

    Pierce Fortification I (level 3) [bypass 25% fortification] 1 AP
    Pierce Fortification II (level 6) [bypass 30% fortification] 1 AP
    Pierce Fortification III (level 9) [bypass 35% fortification] 1 AP
    Pierce Fortification IV (level 12) [bypass 40% fortification] 1 AP
    Pierce Fortification V (level 15) [bypass 45% fortification] 1 AP
    Pierce Fortification VI (level 18) [bypass 50% fortification] 1 AP
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  2. #2
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    Creating even more passive +damage AP to spend would not be desirable. Basically, there isn't enough option space left in AP selection for that to be helpful (especially because of how it applies more harshly to some classes than others)

    If you change it so that weapon-users now need to spend a bunch of AP to get back towards the same critical rate they have now, that means you're nerfing weapon users while leaving spellcaster DPS unaffected. The upcoming situation is that spellcaster DPS will often be overpowered anyway, so a nerf like that would make things worse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterling View Post
    I suggest this to bring a bit more balance and sense to the game. Why would level 20's be running around with 100% while CR 36's have 0% fort?
    It's true that the low occurrence of Heavy Fortification on high-level monsters highlights a troubling inconsistency in the design, but other approaches to rectifying it would have better results.

  3. #3
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    I suggest that maybe an "Improved oppertunist" AP line whether fort is kept the way it is now or not.

    Something like
    (Oppertunist pre-req of course)
    Improved oppertunist I (Level 10) Bypass an additional 15% fort Cost: 1AP
    Improved oppertunist II (Level 13) Bypass an additionional 10% fort Cost: 1AP
    Improved oppertunist III (Level 16) Bypass an additional 10% fort Cost: 1AP
    Improved oppertunist IV (Level 19) Bypass an additional 5% fort Cost: 1AP

  4. #4
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Creating even more passive +damage AP to spend would not be desirable. Basically, there isn't enough option space left in AP selection for that to be helpful (especially because of how it applies more harshly to some classes than others)

    I do not think it is very expensive AP-wise to spend just one point to get 25% for bypass (though what I've given is purely an example, but in line if Turbine continues the new u9 AP trend). If enemies could potentially have maybe 50% fortification or so, your crits/SA's would land most of the time if you put just one point towards it. Some people prioritize differently and might go halfway, or even all the way with the enhancement line.

    If you change it so that weapon-users now need to spend a bunch of AP to get back towards the same critical rate they have now, that means you're nerfing weapon users while leaving spellcaster DPS unaffected. The upcoming situation is that spellcaster DPS will often be overpowered anyway, so a nerf like that would make things worse.

    Let's be honest, we have no idea what Turbine will do to casters after update 9 as this is going to be a huge change to them.
    In red.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkadios View Post
    I suggest that maybe an "Improved oppertunist" AP line whether fort is kept the way it is now or not.

    Something like
    (Oppertunist pre-req of course)
    Improved oppertunist I (Level 10) Bypass an additional 15% fort Cost: 1AP
    Improved oppertunist II (Level 13) Bypass an additionional 10% fort Cost: 1AP
    Improved oppertunist III (Level 16) Bypass an additional 10% fort Cost: 1AP
    Improved oppertunist IV (Level 19) Bypass an additional 5% fort Cost: 1AP
    This is an idea I like, opening up an enhancement line that is granted through the acquirement of a feat (similar to how racial toughness only shows up if you have toughness).
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  5. #5
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    I think the typical DDO Monster would share your ideas. They feel that YOU have too much fort, and likely complain about a lack of Fortification bypassing. [speculation] One has to wonder what the Monster's DDO Forums look like... [/speculation]

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpinator View Post
    I think the typical DDO Monster would share your ideas. They feel that YOU have too much fort, and likely complain about a lack of Fortification bypassing. [speculation] One has to wonder what the Monster's DDO Forums look like... [/speculation]
    I do know they all say not to take Improved Crit: its useless at end game!

  7. #7
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    Necroed, because i would like this way more than 'nerfing' the kopesh like some people are proposing. Just to see more weapon types being used.

  8. #8
    Community Member CheeseMilk's Avatar
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    Hey, remember, anything they give to us, they give to mobs as well...

    Do you want 235% fort WF to be the only end-game viable race??

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