Originally Posted by WangChi View Post
Adding an enhancement line with weapon finesse as a prereq would be great for rangers/rogues/bards/monks. Something like:
Finesse Strike I: Cost 2AP
Requires Weapon Finesse, wielding finessable weapon(s).
If your dexterity modifier is higher than your strength modifier, you add 15% of your dexterity modifier to damage.
Finesse Strike II: Cost 4AP
Requires Weapon Finesse, Finesse Strike I, wielding finessable weapon(s).
If your dexterity modifier is higher than your strength modifier, you add an additional 15% of your dexterity modifier to damage for a total of 30%.
Finesse Strike III: Cost 6AP
Requires Weapon Finesse, Finesse Strike II, wielding finessable weapon(s).
If your dexterity modifier is higher than your strength modifier, you add an additional 15% of your dexterity modifier to damage for a total of 45%.
Finesse Strike IV: Cost 8AP
Requires Weapon Finesse, Finesse Strike III, wielding finessable weapon(s).
If your dexterity modifier is higher than your strength modifier, you add an additional 30% of your dexterity modifier to damage for a total of 75%.
In this example, for a total of 20AP, finesse fighters can now add decent DPS, at the cost of a lot of other enhancements. 20AP goes a long way.