Extreme repetition leads to boredom and a desire to change up.
Extreme repetition leads to boredom and a desire to change up.
I like variety, missionary gets boring after 100+ runs .... spice it up you may enjoy it more .... pfft.
Flashious, Slashious, Bashious, Delushous, SifuTam Toustious, Sneakious
Officer - Templar - Cannith
Gotta love people who try to micromanage in Shroud part 1 - "omg, you are at the wrong portal, everyone hit the same portal or we all dooooooomed".
But seriously, everytime i run Shroud, 11 players run the wrong pattern. Noobs! It's tough i tell you...
Thelanis: Mhagenta
Keeper (Europe): Defy, Blhue, Spiderbot, Memek
As long as everyone is actually beating on an active portal who should be, it all works out in the end...whether they're all on the same one or a few on different ones. Just make sure you're with the group if your haste is about to run out and there's only one arcane, or have your own haste handled.