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  1. #1
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Default why do people run ahead of the pattern in shroud?

    it does not seem to speed things up. if any thing it might slow the group down due to confusion.

    Is it just people stroking their ego by trying to take a portal down all by them selves?
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
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  2. #2
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    more shroud threads = more drama!

  3. #3
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Because I am not paying attention and/or forget a portal. Figure by the time I get to the next portal that running back will be a bigger loss of DPS...

    Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
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  4. #4
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolo_Grubb View Post
    it does not seem to speed things up. if any thing it might slow the group down due to confusion.

    Is it just people stroking their ego by trying to take a portal down all by them selves?
    Sometimes it's people new to the raid getting confused about where to run. I know I did this at least once on my first Shroud run.

    Often, though, it's people running ahead to start clearing trash (things go to hell in a handbasket pretty quickly if no one keeps the trash cleared). Most groups will have one or two arcanes on trash-clearing duty, but some will have an arcane archer or an assassin rogue (or anyone else, really) help out. After trash is cleared, it's just a waste of time for them to run back to the previous portal, so the best way they can contribute to the group is to start beating on the portal they're currently at (which is "ahead of the pattern"). Some people (evocation archmages, especially) will use their spells for portal DPS, but a lot of them will pull out a portal beater and go to town -- you may see them doing this and not realize that they're the trash-killing arcane.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  5. #5
    Community Member Bargol's Avatar
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    The arcanes? Probably to clear trash spawns from portals....or other classes trying to help clear trash, find out the arcane has it covered and decide to just hit the portal they are standing next to....?
    Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200

  6. #6
    Community Member valorik's Avatar
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    assuming it's not confusing everyone, it should actually make things faster, since the more you split up the less time is spent running from portal to portal, I kind of doubt that's why people are doing it though...
    Arannel, Aqueous, Cocobolo, Arboreous, Erudirion, Congruous, and Cogs
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  7. #7
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    One thing to consider is that they might not be running ahead, rather they might be used to a different pattern. I myself have seen at least three regular patterns, and it's likely there have been more minor variations that I just didn't notice. Once you're at a portal, there's little point in going back to the rest of the group as it would just waste time. Unless your arcanes aren't taking care of the trash and for some reason you can't handle it yourself, of course, but at that point you're probably not harming the group by not hitting portals anyways.
    EDIT: wow, 4 posts in the time it took me to type that out.
    Last edited by SardaofChaos; 04-12-2011 at 02:27 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SardaofChaos View Post
    One thing to consider is that they might not be running ahead, rather they might be used to a different pattern. I myself have seen at least three regular patterns, and it's likely there have been more minor variations that I just didn't notice. Once you're at a portal, there's little point in going back to the rest of the group as it would just waste time. Unless your arcanes aren't taking care of the trash and for some reason you can't handle it yourself, of course, but at that point you're probably not harming the group by not hitting portals anyways.
    EDIT: wow, 4 posts in the time it took me to type that out.
    yeah I noticed they do the portals in a slightly differnet pattern khyber vs ghallanda

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  9. #9
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    I run ahead to clear trash since many arcanes don't know the taking-this-one-out-spawns-these-others pattern or don't realize it's their job.

  10. #10
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I stay with the group on the portals as long as we don't experience any of the 2nd waves (or worse, keepers).
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  11. #11


    If your group has extremely high dps you can have a few people move out of sequence in areas where multiple portal spawn close together at the same time
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  12. #12
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    There is more than one pattern. I've seen at least three.

  13. #13
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    In Ye Olde Days (tm) of the Shroud, extremely high DPS on a single portal would sometimes result in the "loss" of damage on a portal. It was as if the game missed some of the damage. So groups would often split up and take down portals far faster than they could by staying on the same one.

    So, for example, it might take 10 people 20 seconds to take down a portal. But half those people could take one down in 35 seconds. The total time to kill two portals, then, was 35 seconds instead of 40. Across 15 portals, this was a noticeable improvement.

    However, I think that turbine's TWF overhaul in the last year has all but eliminated DPS lag and lost DPS so it may not be a benefit any more.

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  14. #14
    Community Member Slap_Happy's Avatar
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    Default it is faster

    and to be honest i usually dont run ahead but i have when i have gotten new items or made changes to a toon because im curious to see what my portal dps is like.

  15. #15
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    Should only be two groups in shroud part 1.

    The portal beater group.

    And ONE caster at the next portal.

    But of course theres always... ALWAYS that one guy who goes and beats down a portal solo. Slowing this down by a few % just because they spend more time running to the next so they can show off. And usually whining for haste and rage since he wasn't with the group when it got cast.

    Nobody is impressed by how much damage you do to portals. Get with the program and stay with the group so we get done with this grind faster. If you want to 'test' your awesome damage. Go out to the vale or reavers reach. The rest of us wanna shave as many seconds off part 1 as possible.

  16. #16
    Community Member SynalonEtuul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy1guy View Post
    Should only be two groups in shroud part 1.

    The portal beater group.

    And ONE caster at the next portal.

    But of course theres always... ALWAYS that one guy who goes and beats down a portal solo. Slowing this down by a few % just because they spend more time running to the next so they can show off. And usually whining for haste and rage since he wasn't with the group when it got cast.

    Nobody is impressed by how much damage you do to portals. Get with the program and stay with the group so we get done with this grind faster. If you want to 'test' your awesome damage. Go out to the vale or reavers reach. The rest of us wanna shave as many seconds off part 1 as possible.
    A few people have explained why this is wrong

    Also you can have as many casters as you like in Shroud

  17. #17
    Community Member dmslasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SynalonEtuul View Post
    Also you can have as many casters as you like in Shroud
    yes i have had as many as 3 casters and have had no problem completing shroud as long as the ppl you bring know there role and have good dps all will be fine. and harry was a 1 rounder in part 4 with the 3 casters. so why ppl believe there should only be 1 caster in the shroud to that i say .. NONSENSE.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    The chance of tomes dropping is actually getting a significant increase.In Update 16, those odds are increased to 1 in 333.The new Upgrade tomes will be a sizable percentage of all ability tome drops- for example, when a +4 tome would drop, it will instead have a 25% chance of being a +4 to +5 upgrade tome. (quote edited for size)

  18. #18
    Community Member Morosy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmslasher View Post
    yes i have had as many as 3 casters and have had no problem completing shroud as long as the ppl you bring know there role and have good dps all will be fine. and harry was a 1 rounder in part 4 with the 3 casters. so why ppl believe there should only be 1 caster in the shroud to that i say .. NONSENSE.
    Well of course part 4 would go quick with multiple casters (if they aren't just standing around like some do for some odd reason), it's only Part 1 that becomes slower the more casters you add. hardly matters; only if you're one of the people, who (like fuzzy mentioned) must shave off as much portal beating time as possible.
    Last edited by Morosy; 04-12-2011 at 03:45 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member dmslasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morosy View Post
    Well of course part 4 would go quick with multiple casters (if they aren't just standing around like some do for some odd reason), it's only Part 1 that becomes slower the more casters you add. hardly matters; only if you're one of the people, who (like fuzzy mentioned) must shave off as much portal beating time as possible.
    yeah everyone hates part 1 but i would rather get thru part 4 faster then part 1 cuz part one is easy. its part 4 that has all the party wipes. ive never seen ppl wipe in part 1.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    The chance of tomes dropping is actually getting a significant increase.In Update 16, those odds are increased to 1 in 333.The new Upgrade tomes will be a sizable percentage of all ability tome drops- for example, when a +4 tome would drop, it will instead have a 25% chance of being a +4 to +5 upgrade tome. (quote edited for size)

  20. #20
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Can be many casters clearing adds... and can actually split the party per side on portal duty if they portal beaters strong enough they clear even quicker - shaving the time in part one down.

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