In the release notes it said that the Nightforge items would be made out of Adamantine, since you have to turn Adamantine ores in to the npc to get the items you want. Tested the Nightforge *Docent* and its listed as "Gem" for material.
Relic of a Sovereign Past
* Mysteriously, Galrias the Smith was not using adamantine to craft the Nightforge Gorget, Nightforge Armbands, and Nightforge Darkhelm, and was instead using steel. Apparently, he was stockpiling the adamantine for his own use. He has been caught red-handed, and will now use the proper material (adamantine) when crafting these items.
Pic Included
*Edit* The Docent is apparently WAI, although the material should still be adamantine being that you turned in adamantine ores to get this item made.
I posted here because the bug report in the lamma client does not work for me.