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  1. #1
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Default Nightforge Items

    In the release notes it said that the Nightforge items would be made out of Adamantine, since you have to turn Adamantine ores in to the npc to get the items you want. Tested the Nightforge *Docent* and its listed as "Gem" for material.

    Relic of a Sovereign Past

    * Mysteriously, Galrias the Smith was not using adamantine to craft the Nightforge Gorget, Nightforge Armbands, and Nightforge Darkhelm, and was instead using steel. Apparently, he was stockpiling the adamantine for his own use. He has been caught red-handed, and will now use the proper material (adamantine) when crafting these items.

    Pic Included

    *Edit* The Docent is apparently WAI, although the material should still be adamantine being that you turned in adamantine ores to get this item made.

    I posted here because the bug report in the lamma client does not work for me.
    Last edited by Wurmwood; 04-12-2011 at 03:16 PM. Reason: More info

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmwood View Post
    In the release notes it said that the Nightforge items would be made out of Adamantine, since you have to turn Adamantine ores in to the npc to get the items you want. Tested the Nightforge Gorget and its listed as "Gem" for material.

    Relic of a Sovereign Past

    * Mysteriously, Galrias the Smith was not using adamantine to craft the Nightforge Gorget, Nightforge Armbands, and Nightforge Darkhelm, and was instead using steel. Apparently, he was stockpiling the adamantine for his own use. He has been caught red-handed, and will now use the proper material (adamantine) when crafting these items.

    Pic Included

    I posted here because the bug report in the lamma client does not work for me.

    Umm I think you have to take Adamantine Body or Mithril to get those on a docent....Just saying..

  3. #3
    Community Member ~Glouscester's Avatar
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    It's always been gem or steel (bracers I think?). Some of the items are adamantine and some aren't.

    Hope they fix this (shouldn't be tough) and it's been that way for a long time...

  4. #4
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    I'm just pointing out that it says specifically that these items were meant to be crafted with adamantine and that they are not currently.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmwood View Post
    In the release notes it said that the Nightforge items would be made out of Adamantine, since you have to turn Adamantine ores in to the npc to get the items you want. Tested the Nightforge Gorget and its listed as "Gem" for material.

    Relic of a Sovereign Past

    * Mysteriously, Galrias the Smith was not using adamantine to craft the Nightforge Gorget, Nightforge Armbands, and Nightforge Darkhelm, and was instead using steel. Apparently, he was stockpiling the adamantine for his own use. He has been caught red-handed, and will now use the proper material (adamantine) when crafting these items.

    Pic Included

    I posted here because the bug report in the lamma client does not work for me.
    That pic matches exactly what they were before the change. At least as is shown here from the loot list thread...
    Quote Originally Posted by Perspicacity View Post
    5 min? I don't know about you but if I leave for my lady I'm out for the night. The bedroom is the one place I NEVER zerg.

  6. #6
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmwood View Post
    Relic of a Sovereign Past

    * Mysteriously, Galrias the Smith was not using adamantine to craft the
    Nightforge Gorget, Nightforge Armbands, and Nightforge Darkhelm, and was instead using steel. Apparently, he was stockpiling the adamantine for his own use. He has been caught red-handed, and will now use the proper material (adamantine) when crafting these items.

    Pic Included
    Release notes say nothing about the Docent. Seems WAI.
    Last edited by Zaodon; 04-12-2011 at 02:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Almost every docent in the game has the material type "gem"
    even other ones you need to trade in materials for, like the dragon ones. Since its just like a disk that slots into you, and not actually anything that covers your body.

    Instead you take body type feats to improve your dr or armor check..

    So seems fine.

    Could have a higher hardness on it to match the others, but that doesnt matter much since docents almost never get heavily damaged and its already at a reasonable level.

    Speaking of items missing "adamantine" as a material type.. The epic antique greataxe still lacks it.

  8. #8
    Community Member ~Glouscester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Almost every docent in the game has the material type "gem"
    even other ones you need to trade in materials for, like the dragon ones. Since its just like a disk that slots into you, and not actually anything that covers your body.

    Instead you take body type feats to improve your dr or armor check..

    So seems fine.

    Could have a higher hardness on it to match the others, but that doesnt matter much since docents almost never get heavily damaged and its already at a reasonable level.

    Speaking of items missing "adamantine" as a material type.. The epic antique greataxe still lacks it.
    He just chose the docent as an example...

    The docent should probably be made of adamantine as well since it is made FROM adamantine...even if others in the game are not.

    Basically, it was a small oversight when the nightforge items were included and they were supposed to be fixed and they aren't.

  9. #9
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glouscester View Post
    Basically, it was a small oversight when the nightforge items were included and they were supposed to be fixed and they aren't.
    He chose the docent, because thats either the only one he has, or the only one that wasn't changed. The notes specificly said which ones were changed. So there's no oversight, the devs just choose not to update the docent, which like i said, isn't a big deal.. Docents almost never get damaged due to the way the game is coded, they dont take nearly as much dmg as say fullplate does.

    And I'd bet they are fixed (the ones mentioned)

    You just linked a bunch of pics from circa ~2009.. May wanna try again with some more recent pics if your trying to proove that none of them are fixed.

    You'd probably have to do the quest tho, and not look at an old ones tho, as its possible it wasnt a retroative fix.

  10. #10
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Perhaps I should have used a better example to avoid confusion. Thank you for linking the other items. I agree the Docent should also be made out of adamantine just for the extra durability, although I wouldn't expect to see any DR on it.

  11. #11
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmwood View Post
    Perhaps I should have used a better example to avoid confusion. Thank you for linking the other items. I agree the Docent should also be made out of adamantine just for the extra durability, although I wouldn't expect to see any DR on it.
    Yea confusing op..

    read it again.. Noticed you said gorget...

    Did you actual run the quest to get a new one?

  12. #12
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Yeah I have been running this morning on my sorc to try and get enough ores to test all the items.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Speaking of items missing "adamantine" as a material type.. The epic antique greataxe still lacks it.
    I believe the Staff of Shadows still has a hardness of 10 and it's listed as Adamantine under Durability. I know when I upgraded it, it became wood and I had to do an Adamantine ritual to get it to a hardness of 15. In fact, I believe all quarterstaves, no matter what their material, have the hardness of butter. The Theurgic Stave (an adamantine weapon) and the Epic Souleater have a hardness of 19, which are the highest I've seen for any staff.

  14. #14
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    I believe the Staff of Shadows still has a hardness of 10 and it's listed as Adamantine under Durability. I know when I upgraded it, it became wood and I had to do an Adamantine ritual to get it to a hardness of 15. In fact, I believe all quarterstaves, no matter what their material, have the hardness of butter. The Theurgic Stave (an adamantine weapon) and the Epic Souleater have a hardness of 19, which are the highest I've seen for any staff.
    Witching Hour is adamantine with hardness 20 & can presumably be upgraded with adamantine ritual too to boost by another 5 points. Not the best weapon, but a good multipurpose thing for situational use against golems & ghosts.

    I've also come across a few randomly generated steel quarterstaves with hardness 17 or 18, and sometimes random stuff appears with hardness way above what you'd normally expect - i used to have a holy righteous rapier that was supposedly steel with a hardness of 29.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    Witching Hour is adamantine with hardness 20 & can presumably be upgraded with adamantine ritual too to boost by another 5 points. Not the best weapon, but a good multipurpose thing for situational use against golems & ghosts.

    I've also come across a few randomly generated steel quarterstaves with hardness 17 or 18, and sometimes random stuff appears with hardness way above what you'd normally expect - i used to have a holy righteous rapier that was supposedly steel with a hardness of 29.
    Forgot about the Witching Hour.
    Yeah, occasionally you'll find a 17 or 18 hardness quarterstaff. Maybe there are some super rare quarterstaves that are harder, like the super rare randomly generated metal-based staves (such as Cold Iron and Silver) that haven't dropped for me.

    As you said, I've been surprised at hardness of some of the random items, like the Greatclub of Ooze Bane with a wood hardness of 25 that I noticed recently.

  16. #16
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    A small part of me was wanting an Adamantine Docent with inherent dr/5 adamantine to be honest. Oh well. It does make me wonder about the other items being adamantine, will they provide dr/1 adamantine?
    The worse this game gets, the more I am inching towards making my own DDO! [ With Unreal Engine, Blackjack and Hookers too! Hookers as in Fish ]

  17. #17
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    They aren't armor or shields (well, mostly). So no.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  18. #18
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    an adamantine docent that gives /adamantine DR & stacks with body feats & lord of blades FvS capstone would be very sweet... would be nice if eg. the epic bladesworn docent was changed to that.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  19. #19
    Community Member ~Glouscester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    He chose the docent, because thats either the only one he has, or the only one that wasn't changed. The notes specificly said which ones were changed. So there's no oversight, the devs just choose not to update the docent, which like i said, isn't a big deal.. Docents almost never get damaged due to the way the game is coded, they dont take nearly as much dmg as say fullplate does.
    Do you play any warforged? My docents break all the time and I'd love to see their hardness improved. I get sick of adding the adamantine ritual to them.

  20. #20
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glouscester View Post
    Do you play any warforged? My docents break all the time and I'd love to see their hardness improved. I get sick of adding the adamantine ritual to them.
    A couple.. Do you?
    One of my main characters is a WF barb that takes massive abbuse from tanking most everything in each quest I do.
    Only docent I ever see gets dmg is his blood docent, which happens to have a hardness of 12 (well base, after adamantine ritual, its at 17, which is sufficient).. And even that survives most any elite/epic quest I do. Every other docent I own is much higher hardness. (DT/Battle/Defiance/Some epic ones)

    Docents by design take far less dmg then armor (of equal hardness), its a benefit of playing a warforged.

    Which of your docents breaks? and in which quest?

    I never had a docent break even once . Only way I can think of breaking them is dying multiple times in a quest.. not something i do often.

    I even remember rainbow in the dark on him.. Id charge up fearless and fight the rusties with my everbright club, they ate my helmet (minos legens) as I recall, but never my docents. Steel tastes better then gem I think heh.

    And why are we even argueing this. Do you seriously wear that terrible terrible nightforge docent? That thing is plain awful.
    Go get a proper Blademark Docent and call it a day my friend.
    Last edited by Shade; 04-13-2011 at 10:57 AM.

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