For human wizard, palemaster is a great PrE, because it allows for very good self healing + other benfeits.
pale master just doesn't feel right for my character. i've never had a characters get past level 5, but i think i want to be a nuker/buffer or nuker with some tricks.
>> Starting stats: 18int, 16 con, 10 str. For 32 point, 18int, 18 con.
i got the 32 point build so he is/will be 18int 18con.
>> Feats:
>> 1. Extend, Toughness, Insightful reflexes ...
>> Reasoning behind feats selection and order:
>> Maximize and Empwer early to smoke bosses in miliseconds, ...
>> Spell foci in necro and ench - 2 best schools to have high DC in (IMO), ...
necro does not feel right. ench might be interesting.
>> Spell penetration feats - they are important late game.
good to know.
>> Heighten and quicken - I would like to take them earlier, but it is impossible to fit everything then (you cannot take great spell foci or greater spell pen as bonus wizard feat).
won't some of these be affected by the upcoming release?
>> Extend - convenience, especially for PM
>> Toughness, Insightful reflexes - increased survivability is very important.
i got/will get those.
>> Skill points - well, concentration, umd, a bit of balance and then whatever you want, you will have plenty of those.
>> Equipment - I will assume here that you dont have high amount of plat, but you are not completly broke too.
i buy a few points and get a plus weapon and cloak, potions for healing and spells and few hirelings to get through the lower levels.
>> 1. Get your +1 caster level on lev 1 spells robe from Grotto. Do not unequip it until lev 5. Alternative is Robe of Duality from Catacombs - if you ran this pack with your toon and you have it, use it, it is even better.
haven't run across "grotto" yet, where is he/it? also have not been into the catacombs yet.
>> 2. Try to get robe of invulnerability or of axeblock (depends how long it will take you, after U9 axeblock will be better). They are often cheap on AH, or you can ask when in party if anyone has it for sell. Damage reduction helps alot.
what is ah?
>> 3. If you have Devils Assault adventure pack, ...
no, those cost too much for me.
>> 4. Now THE most important thing. Damage amplification gear. If you can afford it, buy some superior freeze, spark, inferno and erosion I clickies (from AH). If you cant afford it, buy pots in house P, they are very cheap and I am sure you can afford them. If you will not get them, you may stop reading - rest of my advices relly on you having high damage output, and it is impossible to beat +75% damage those item gives.
will do.
>> 5. At lev 4 you may get random loot +1 DC to specific school. Bracers or weapons. If you can afford them, get 1 for evocation and 1 for conjuration.
>> 6. Get some healing pots and/or pocket cleric. more healing is always good. You can run this "defend the crystal" q in khorthos to get some bracers of assistance, they give 11 temporary hp for 3 minutes, as good as healing pot and rechargable. Get few of them. When you are doing this q, get bracers of lesser spearblock and axeblock - wearing spearblock will take care of most damage income in khorthos and harbor.
good to know. i was using axbane.
>> 7. Dont forget about Archivist necklage from Misery Peak quest.
haven't done that (or i missed it).
>> 8. Go back to point 4 and buy those superior pots already
where do i find house p?
>> 9. Get best fortification item you can find/buy/steal/beg. Light at lev 1, moderate at lev 7, heavy at lev 9. Getting zombie form in U9 will solve this problem.
what is a fortification item?
>> Now, spell selection and tactics.
>> Spell level 1.
>> 1. Expeditious retreat - never leave home without it. 25% run speed is a life saver. Always keep it up.
haven't tried that yet. will do.
>> 2. Jump - same as above, but skip it before lev 3, you dont have spell slots for all stuff
>> 3. Niacs cold ray - highly damaging spell, even better in U9 (2,5 times cheaper). ... otherwise, your most damaging spell, ...
yes, i had it.
>> 4. Shocking grasp. Yes I know. Very short range. *shrugs*nothing is perfect, as stated above. Lower damage then Niacs, but no save and nothing is immune in low levels. Overall, great spell, requires a bit of practice.
>> With those spells, you should try to take mobs 1 at time, snipe with niacs, kill in short range with grasp. Nice practice before using ottos iresistable dance in epics
yes, niacs was working well.
>> 5 and 6. Burning hands and Acid spray. If you feel confident and want to take few mobs at time, alternate those 2 spells. I am bad at targeting with them ,so I usualy go with single target method.
burning hands worked well for me. haven't tried acid spray yet.
>> 7. Charm person. It is fun sometimes, provides nice distraction, but careful nikung is just faster.
>> 8. Nightsield. Great buff, 3rd in the line after exp retreat and jump. Try to keep it up when you can afford using spell slot on it.
i will.
>> Spell level 2.
>> 1. Invisibility. Zergers dream. It allows to avoid fight and conserve sp. If you can, get scrolls. If not, get this into spell slot for some quests and explorer areas (Stealthy Reposesion is a q you can do casting only exp retreat, jump and 7x invisibility).
>> 2. Fox Cunning. If you cannot afford pots with this buff and dont have house P favor yet, use this spell. It improves your success rate with niacs. Well worth it.
will do.
>> 3. Web. Great crowd control spell. You should not fight crowds before character lev 5. Skip it for now, take at lev 5
>> 4. Blur. Meh. With some DR and picking mobs 1 at time you can just drink a pot from time to time. 1/5 less pots is not worth slot and sp.
5. Melfs acid arrow. Another great and underrated spell now. You want to kill a tough mob without being killed? Turn maximize and extend on, cast melf, run away, let him die chasing you. Cheap and effective.
yes, that worked very well.
>> It will get only better in U9. Remember that you need superior erosion II for this spell.
>> 6. Schorching ray. Good spell at lev 3, but I rarely can fit it then. At lev 4, shocking grasp is better thant to your robe. At lev 5 it will be obsoleted by lev 3 spells. Take it later as a secondary damage spell.
>> Spell level 3.
>> 1 and 2. Acid blast and fireball. I prefere Acid Blast, because 1. it does not destroy webs.
good point.
>> 2. nothing is immune to acid at low levels. pick 1, stick to it and get superior inferno or erosion clicky.
>> 3. Displacement. 50% reduction in incoming damage. Crucial for survivng.
good to know.
4. Haste. Take it when in party. Otherwise, dont bother (until higher levels)
5. Raqe. Nice buff, but mostly useful in higher levels.
6. Protection from energy. Good for trap heavy quests without rogue (gwylans stand for example).
>> At lev 5, grab acid blast, web, displacemnt and superior erosion III clickie. Buff with exp retreat, jump, nighthield. Start running, jump cast acid clickie. Gather few mobs. Cast displacement. Gather few more mobs. Cast web, kite mobs into it. Run circles casting acid blast into trapped mobs. Die because you lured to many mobs. Learn from your mistakes, lure less next time

Seriously speaking, with this strategy you can easily clear most quest at level solo. Just try it few times, check how many mobs you can take at time. It is very important to wear robe of invulnerability at this point, otherwise damage intake will be to high to manage with pots only.
sounds like fun.