hi, fairly new to ddo, but i have played some ad&d (2.0) on a table years ago. i mostly solo or party with a few hirelings or one or two family members (who i am trying to get interested in the game).
i did manage to get a wizard up to level 5 mostly solo, but it was hard. my characters stats are now (10,12,14,20,9,8) and i have been sorta following http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Path:...man_Profile%29 and http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p...4&postcount=70 but i put points into dex instead of con and str.
a lot of the stuff in the game is new and *very* confusing. i have been reading a bunch of posts about building wizards. apparently insightful reflexes can make up for a low dexterity. so i was thinking about a (10,8,16,18,8,8) or if i can afford a 32 point build after taxes: (12,8,18,18,8,8) or (10,8,18,18,10,8). the latter because of will saves? (i think).
if i get my new character up much past level 5, i expect that i would be playing in a party of 4 or more, so i would rely on a cleric and avoid spending points on umd. don't know anything about warforged, so i was going to avoid spending points on repair.
being very wimpy, mostly i expect to sneak around and hide a lot, so i thought http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Feat:Enlarge_Spell would be a good one to take very early.
maybe any extra points could go into other schools of magic?
the advice about putting points into concentration, move silently, hide, balance, tumbling, diplomacy and, jump seems to make sense. search and spot do not seem so obvious though. won't other party members like thieves have a high ability in these things?
any pointers will be appreciated.