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Thread: new build

  1. #1
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    Default new build

    hi, fairly new to ddo, but i have played some ad&d (2.0) on a table years ago. i mostly solo or party with a few hirelings or one or two family members (who i am trying to get interested in the game).

    i did manage to get a wizard up to level 5 mostly solo, but it was hard. my characters stats are now (10,12,14,20,9,8) and i have been sorta following and but i put points into dex instead of con and str.

    a lot of the stuff in the game is new and *very* confusing. i have been reading a bunch of posts about building wizards. apparently insightful reflexes can make up for a low dexterity. so i was thinking about a (10,8,16,18,8,8) or if i can afford a 32 point build after taxes: (12,8,18,18,8,8) or (10,8,18,18,10,8). the latter because of will saves? (i think).

    if i get my new character up much past level 5, i expect that i would be playing in a party of 4 or more, so i would rely on a cleric and avoid spending points on umd. don't know anything about warforged, so i was going to avoid spending points on repair.

    being very wimpy, mostly i expect to sneak around and hide a lot, so i thought would be a good one to take very early.

    maybe any extra points could go into other schools of magic?

    the advice about putting points into concentration, move silently, hide, balance, tumbling, diplomacy and, jump seems to make sense. search and spot do not seem so obvious though. won't other party members like thieves have a high ability in these things?

    any pointers will be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Community Member Ninety0ne's Avatar
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    For a new player doing a wizard. Buy warforged then roll max int max con. Grab a greataxe and masters touch spell and hack self heal and buff your way to firewall at lvl.7 then its off to the races. The self healing on the wf gives you much more room to learn and expwriment. But dont waste points in anything other than int con and maybe str. The sneaking skills arent very useful in ddo. Max umd diplomacy and concentraion every level.

    hope it helps
    Ulyssus, Traeci, Cateleno, Diocletianvs, Antonivs, MarcusJunius
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  3. #3
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    Post Not Warforged... Elven Necromancer Rocks!

    I realize that playing a wizard solo is very tough, but it can be very rewarding.

    at low levels, I depended on hireling clerics to keep me healed and summoning monster spell always provided an additional target for monsters while allowing me to do distance fighting with ranged spells or a bow.

    At level 6; however, I became a Necromancer and let me tell you... It rocks. At level 12, while in undead form, the death aura spell will cause damage to enemies while keeping me healed. I now use other types of hirelings such as fighters, bards and paladins to help me in combat.

    Maximize your Intelligence, get your Dex up to at least 15 and then your con as high as you can. Strength, Charisma and Wisdom can be left behind or at least a 10 so you don't have penalties. Spend every enhancement on Intelligence. Let your other scores get better though Magic Items or Tomes or something. (When I got to level 12, I resurrected my character as a 32 point build instead of the original 28 point build and then used a +2 tome of supreme ability). I then enhanced all my abilities with Magic items of at least +4 bonus.

    The first feat you want is Augmented summoning which makes your summoned monsters and hirelings tougher than average. Then you need Spell Focus Necromancy. At level 6 this will allow you to get the Pale Master I Enhancement which will grant you the ability of summoning various skeletons to do your bidding. (one at a time of course!) but now you have a skeleton and a summoned monster and a hireling running with you! That's four members in your team running solo!

    Next get Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Point Blank Shot and Mental Toughness. With these feats you can get the Elven Arcane Archer Enhancement at level 8.

    Then add, Toughness, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Maximize Spell, Extend Spell and Heighten Spell. If you get the chance then either add Spell Focus: Enchantment or get an item that grants you this ability.

    At level 12 you can then get the Pale Master II Enhancement which will grant you the ability to get either Shroud of the Lich or Shroud of the Wraith Enhancements (you can eventually have both but the Action Point cost will make it difficult at level 12)

    This wizard rocks! you turn into a wraith and you automatically gain displacement (50% chance of miss), a bonus on hide and move silently skills and you can do damage with unarmed attacks. You also have up to 3 new abilities of Negative Energy that do not consume spell points (they use hp instead).

    On combat, you cast an extended death aura that keeps you healed while you deal death with your negative energy abilities or your bow. Speaking of which, you don't need to buy arrows because you can conjure your own and you can even bestow upon them fire, acid and other powers. Your Spell points will last longer because you mainly use them to heal yourself and not as an offensive measure.

    When you run into a group of monsters you use charm spells to get them to fight for you. This is one AWESOME build.

  4. #4
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    I played many Wizards from lvl 1, all solo. If you build a good toon you can easily solo anything till high levels. You can have some difficult the first time you enter each quest, of course, but after knowing what to expect things become very easy and fun.

    This is my usual build:

    Stats: 14,8,18,18,6,6
    Feats: Extend, Toughness, Insightful Reflexes, Mental Toughness, Focus: Necromancy, Maximize, Imp. Mental Toughness, Greater Focus: Necromancy, Empower, Spell Penetration, Gr. Spell Penetration, Heighten
    Skills: Concentration, Balance, Jump, Spot, Hide, Move Silently

    For a new player, buying Warfoged is a must IMO. You must have a way to heal yourself. You can't trust your hireling all the time. In the initial levels, to make things easier just grab a good greataxe/greatsword, learn all buff spells you can and play as a melee toon, using offensive spells to deal with large groups (Acid Blast, Wall of Fire, etc). Eventually, after getting the cheap spell-like abilities from either the Archmage or Pale Master prestige, you'll be able to drop your axe and play as a real caster, only with spells.

  5. #5
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninety0ne View Post
    The sneaking skills arent very useful in ddo.
    Don't believe everything that you hear ... I'd definitely suggest having move silently at max. Hide can be replaced with invisibility usually. Sneaking in DDO rocks.

  6. #6
    Community Member Kahless_of_Cannith's Avatar
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    Default Not so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeus_Quinlan View Post
    I realize that playing a wizard solo is very tough, but it can be very rewarding.

    at low levels, I depended on hireling clerics to keep me healed and summoning monster spell always provided an additional target for monsters while allowing me to do distance fighting with ranged spells or a bow.

    At level 6; however, I became a Necromancer and let me tell you... It rocks. At level 12, while in undead form, the death aura spell will cause damage to enemies while keeping me healed. I now use other types of hirelings such as fighters, bards and paladins to help me in combat.

    Maximize your Intelligence, get your Dex up to at least 15 and then your con as high as you can. Strength, Charisma and Wisdom can be left behind or at least a 10 so you don't have penalties. Spend every enhancement on Intelligence. Let your other scores get better though Magic Items or Tomes or something. (When I got to level 12, I resurrected my character as a 32 point build instead of the original 28 point build and then used a +2 tome of supreme ability). I then enhanced all my abilities with Magic items of at least +4 bonus.

    The first feat you want is Augmented summoning which makes your summoned monsters and hirelings tougher than average. Then you need Spell Focus Necromancy. At level 6 this will allow you to get the Pale Master I Enhancement which will grant you the ability of summoning various skeletons to do your bidding. (one at a time of course!) but now you have a skeleton and a summoned monster and a hireling running with you! That's four members in your team running solo!

    Next get Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Point Blank Shot and Mental Toughness. With these feats you can get the Elven Arcane Archer Enhancement at level 8.

    Then add, Toughness, Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, Maximize Spell, Extend Spell and Heighten Spell. If you get the chance then either add Spell Focus: Enchantment or get an item that grants you this ability.

    At level 12 you can then get the Pale Master II Enhancement which will grant you the ability to get either Shroud of the Lich or Shroud of the Wraith Enhancements (you can eventually have both but the Action Point cost will make it difficult at level 12)

    This wizard rocks! you turn into a wraith and you automatically gain displacement (50% chance of miss), a bonus on hide and move silently skills and you can do damage with unarmed attacks. You also have up to 3 new abilities of Negative Energy that do not consume spell points (they use hp instead).

    On combat, you cast an extended death aura that keeps you healed while you deal death with your negative energy abilities or your bow. Speaking of which, you don't need to buy arrows because you can conjure your own and you can even bestow upon them fire, acid and other powers. Your Spell points will last longer because you mainly use them to heal yourself and not as an offensive measure.

    When you run into a group of monsters you use charm spells to get them to fight for you. This is one AWESOME build.
    Trollolol? The build is a gimpfest, and would likely not even be terribly fun to play. Maybe a bit more effective for only solo, but not much.

    Don't take augment summoning (very, very, very, gimp), and the arcane archer feats are probably a bad idea too. You will do far more dps with spells, especially since you cannot fit in all the needed feats to be an effective caster and ranged dps on a pure wizard or even a multiclass (I've tried). Also, dex may not be worth it as a caster has almost literally no hope of getting an effective AC, and you should really take insightful reflexes if you want a reflex save. Finally, constitution, which is never mentioned, is NOT A DUMP STAT! It should be second only to intelligence.
    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    being very wimpy, mostly i expect to sneak around and hide a lot, so i thought would be a good one to take very early.
    Hopefully this is a soloing build, since this tactic is irritating for groups. If you're worried about getting hit, you'll tend to play very conservatively and cautiously, which means you're not attacking or back at the last fight still in stealth mode while the group is already 1 or 2 fights ahead.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Don't believe everything that you hear ... I'd definitely suggest having move silently at max. Hide can be replaced with invisibility usually. Sneaking in DDO rocks.
    this is good to know.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    Hopefully this is a soloing build, since this tactic is irritating for groups. If you're worried about getting hit, you'll tend to play very conservatively and cautiously, which means you're not attacking or back at the last fight still in stealth mode while the group is already 1 or 2 fights ahead.
    i intend the build to be for use in a group. i am guessing that i would not be in a real group though until i got back up to level 5 or so. i will solo or play with some family members for a while. i would normally support the group.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amadeus_Quinlan View Post
    I realize that playing a wizard solo is very tough, but it can be very rewarding.

    ... distance fighting with ranged spells or a bow. ...

    ... Next get Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Point Blank Shot ...
    there's a lot of stuff i don't understand here (about pale master etc). but isn't there severe penalty for a wiazrd to use ranged weapons?


  11. #11
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    Default human

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninety0ne View Post
    For a new player doing a wizard. Buy warforged then roll max int max con. ...

    hope it helps
    i want to be a human wizard.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kahless_of_Cannith View Post
    Trollolol? The build is a gimpfest, ...

    ... Finally, constitution, which is never mentioned, is NOT A DUMP STAT! It should be second only to intelligence.
    Hope this helps.
    i agree. con will be my second highest stat.


  13. #13
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    why did i never had any problems soloing on an wizard.
    run to the back into an corner turn around and hit the entire corner with an 90 degree attack, as flamming hand or acid.... something.

    grab reward, hence repeat.

  14. #14
    Community Member MindCake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    a lot of the stuff in the game is new and *very* confusing. i have been reading a bunch of posts about building wizards. apparently insightful reflexes can make up for a low dexterity. so i was thinking about a (10,8,16,18,8,8) or if i can afford a 32 point build after taxes: (12,8,18,18,8,8) or (10,8,18,18,10,8). the latter because of will saves? (i think).
    You can't do 12,8,18,18,8,8 (nor the other one) on 32 point build human. It's 36 points. But 18/18 INT/CON is viable I think.
    I took Insightful Reflexes on my Drow, and it seems to be working fine. On a human with extra feat, I probably wouldn't hesitate.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    being very wimpy, mostly i expect to sneak around and hide a lot
    I'm not sure sneaking works the way you expect it to. Anyways, you'd need to get items to boost the skills for it if you want it to be usable, and that would cut into your slots. Probably doable. Probably not easy without significant funding/support.

    As for being wimpy, it's not quite true. Buff yourself with Blur/Displacement, Stoneskin (wands are good for this), False Life, Protection From Elements, and you can be quite sturdy.
    At low levels get aid clickies from Khortos (later 3/day ones from AH), use them-11 temporary HP you get before a fight means that much less to heal after a fight. Get a couple curative cloaks from Redemption. This should tide you through the first levels.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    so i thought would be a good one to take very early.
    To be honest, I don't really know, but it sounds like a mostly flavor thing. I imagine there are some situations where this feat is "kinda cool", one or two places where it's exploit-rank good, and the rest of the game is tight dungeons where you turn a corner and get ambushed by a bunch of dire whatevers.

    It becomes even more true with U9, where rays will have double base range but won't be affected by Enlarge. So even if you do not take it, you'll still have some spells for the "kinda cool" long range trickshots.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    the advice about putting points into concentration, move silently, hide, balance, tumbling, diplomacy and, jump seems to make sense. search and spot do not seem so obvious though. won't other party members like thieves have a high ability in these things?
    Only put 1 point in tumble. You can put a couple points in jump, but not too many. Take jump spell instead.
    With these points saved, max UMD and spot (as far as cross class limits allow, anyways).
    You will need spot to see the mobs before they see you. It's in general nice and useful to be able to see the enemy. Even more if you want to sneak around them, or if you ever decide on that Enlarge and snipe at long distances.
    You don't need search- other people should have it.

    Warforged is not a must. With UMD and a couple simple items (CHA item or Eagle's splendor clickie, runic gloves (UMD+1) or robe of command (UMD+2 amongst others, and a hide penalty so replace it once you're done)) you can use a wand of CLW at good enough success rates to make it cheaper than potions.
    If you don't go palemaster, UMD is very useful.
    Or you can stay within Cleric's sight. That works too.
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  15. #15
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    >> [QUOTE=MindCake;3728826]You can't do 12,8,18,18,8,8 (nor the other one) on 32 point build human. It's 36 points. But 18/18 INT/CON is viable I think.
    >> I took Insightful Reflexes on my Drow, and it seems to be working fine. On a human with extra feat, I probably wouldn't hesitate.

    ok. get int 18 & high con and get Insightful Reflexes. should i put the points left over into stength or wisdom? sometimes my wizards find themselves with no spell and using a knife or staff vs will saves?

    >> I'm not sure sneaking works the way you expect it to. Anyways, you'd need to get items to boost the skills for it if you want it to be usable, and that would cut into your slots. Probably doable. Probably not easy without significant funding/support.

    i see hide uses dex. just putting skills there won't do the job? i need items?

    >> As for being wimpy, it's not quite true. Buff yourself with Blur/Displacement, Stoneskin (wands are good for this), False Life, Protection From Elements, and you can be quite sturdy.

    i don't have those spells yet, but i will get them.

    >> At low levels get aid clickies from Khortos (later 3/day ones from AH), ...


    >> Get a couple curative cloaks from Redemption. This should tide you through the first levels.

    i had some kind of healing cloak, but couldn't figure out how it worked.

    >> To be honest, I don't really know, but it sounds like a mostly flavor thing. I imagine there are some situations where this feat is "kinda cool", one or two places where it's exploit-rank good, and the rest of the game is tight dungeons where you turn a corner and get ambushed by a bunch of dire whatevers.

    which feat is that again? (long range?)

    >> It becomes even more true with U9, where rays will have double base range but won't be affected by Enlarge. So even if you do not take it, you'll still have some spells for the "kinda cool" long range trickshots.

    >> Only put 1 point in tumble.


    >> You can put a couple points in jump, but not too many. Take jump spell instead.


    >> With these points saved, max UMD

    this is confusing. i need to do this so i can use cleric spells/wands? can't i assume that there will be a cleric in the party if i need some high level cleric spell? wouldn't the points be useful elsewhere? (or do i get enough extra for being human?)

    >> and spot (as far as cross class limits allow, anyways). You will need spot to see the mobs before they see you. >> It's in general nice and useful to be able to see the enemy. Even more if you want to sneak around them, or if you ever decide on that Enlarge and snipe at long distances.


    >> You don't need search- other people should have it.


    >> Warforged is not a must.


    >> With UMD and a couple simple items (CHA item or Eagle's splendor clickie, runic gloves (UMD+1) or robe of command (UMD+2 amongst others, and a hide penalty so replace it once you're done)) you can use a wand of CLW at good enough success rates to make it cheaper than potions.


    >> If you don't go palemaster, UMD is very useful.
    >> Or you can stay within Cleric's sight. That works too.

    i can stay near cleric. i am just wondering if the points are more useful somewhere else.

    thanks for all the pointers.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MindCake View Post
    You can't do 12,8,18,18,8,8 (nor the other one) on 32 point build human. It's 36 points. But 18/18 INT/CON is viable I think.
    >> I took Insightful Reflexes on my Drow, and it seems to be working fine. On a human with extra feat, I probably wouldn't hesitate.
    ok. get int 18 & high con and get Insightful Reflexes. should i put the points left over into stength or wisdom? sometimes my wizards find themselves with no spell and using a knife or staff vs will saves?
    There won't be any leftover points. Maxing a stat (eg. 18 INT on human) costs 16 build points, if you max two you use all the 32 points.
    On a 28 points build you can't even max two. In that case max INT, nearly-max CON, and put the rest in STR.
    The STR is mostly for convenience.

    At low levels the eternal wands should be enough to cover your out-of-sp damage needs. And you can carry a normal wand for emergencies.

    On mobs caught by hold spells, you critical hit on any roll except 1, so you don't need STR for that. When I land hold monster on something, I pull out two heavy picks and kill it.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    >> I'm not sure sneaking works the way you expect it to. Anyways, you'd need to get items to boost the skills for it if you want it to be usable, and that would cut into your slots. Probably doable. Probably not easy without significant funding/support.

    i see hide uses dex. just putting skills there won't do the job? i need items?
    Your dex will add maybe 3 points to your hide score. But it's a cross class skill for you, so your ranks will only be worth half. I happen to have hide/move silently nearly maxed (there was just nothing more useful to put the points into), but the couple times I tried sneaking I hardly noticed it doing anything. I suspect items would help, but I don't really know.
    Oh yeah, move silently is probably more important than hide. You can use invisibility to sorta-replace hide.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    >> Get a couple curative cloaks from Redemption. This should tide you through the first levels.

    i had some kind of healing cloak, but couldn't figure out how it worked.
    The easiest way is to drag it to some hotbar, click it then click it again. First click is to equip, the second is to use it. Same with the aid clickies.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    which feat is that again? (long range?)
    Enlarge spell.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    >> With these points saved, max UMD

    this is confusing. i need to do this so i can use cleric spells/wands? can't i assume that there will be a cleric in the party if i need some high level cleric spell? wouldn't the points be useful elsewhere? (or do i get enough extra for being human?)
    >> Or you can stay within Cleric's sight. That works too.
    i can stay near cleric. i am just wondering if the points are more useful somewhere else.
    Usually there will be a cleric, most parties insist on recruiting one.
    But there are often cases where you need some moderate healing, and the cleric just can't be there. For example: the rest of the party fell into a trap and they're all dead. Or you fell into a deep hole and got separated. Or your task is to go west and pull the lever while the rest wait at some door. Or the cleric has no idea what they're doing. Or the party is spread all over the map and the cleric is doing his best but can't really get to you specifically at this partiular time. Or the leader just asked everyone to bring some CLW potions and accepted the first 5 people to click the LFM, and there wasn't a cleric amongst them.

    You should carry potions, but the wands are about one order of magnitude cheaper.

    There's also race/alignment restricted gear you may want to use sometimes.

    The main thing is, though, that these points wouldn't be more useful elsewhere. Being a wizard you should have enough to get all the good things (Concentration, Balance, UMD), and plenty of moderately useful on top too (spot,hide/MS,diplomacy, a bit of jump/tumble). There's no reason to give up the flexibility of UMD.
    Druids have a fundamental right to bear arms.

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  17. #17
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    UMD is one of the most useful skills in this game. It allows you to use restricted items, and use wands/scrolls you wouldn't normally be able to use. Being able to emergency heal yourself up, or raise dead on party members (particularly the healy type if they died) is really useful. Being able to use race restricted items allows you to use more powerful effects at a lower lvl. For example, typically a +6 INT item is min level 13, a race restricted one is ML 11.
    Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtayek View Post
    i did manage to get a wizard up to level 5 mostly solo, but it was hard.
    Despite of what some people will tell you, wizards are not good at soloing compared to most other classes until level 7 (Wall of Fire). Then they become alright, but you still have to be careful. At later levels, though, wizards are wrecking machines.

    if i get my new character up much past level 5, i expect that i would be playing in a party of 4 or more, so i would rely on a cleric and avoid spending points on umd. don't know anything about warforged, so i was going to avoid spending points on repair.
    IMO, UMD is not required for a wizard (and good job avoiding repair). UMD can be nice, but a WF Archmage or a Human/Drow PM benefit less from it than most - they can already use fire shield scrolls, they can heal themselves, they don't usually need restoration, so the biggest draw of UMD is Raise Dead scrolls and restricted items. However, a wizard should have enough skill points to be able to max UMD anyway. You need Concentration and Balance. Spot is great to have. Apart from that, the only skills that are useful are Hide, Move Silently, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Jump, maybe 1 point in Tumble... If you take Concentration, Balance, Spot, Hide, Move Silently, UMD you should be able to have all of those maxed by level 20 even on a WF (as your INT will raise with levels and tomes), with plenty of points remaining for something like a point in Tumble, maxing Diplomacy and a few points in jump. There is very little opportunity cost in maxing UMD on a wizard.

    i did manage to get a wizard up to level 5 mostly solo, but it was hard. my characters stats are now (10,12,14,20,9,8) and i have been sorta following and but i put points into dex instead of con and str.
    That build is no good. One thing you need to understand if you're going to play a wizard is that you are almost never going to be spamming damage spells every cooldown like in some other games. Your most important damage spell is Wall of Fire, which Evocation focus doesn't even help with. I think the only spell I ever use that it would help with is Cone of Cold. Also, and I may be wrong here in which case I don't doubt someone will correct me, the Archmage (what you want to be as a WF) only requires Mental Toughness, not Improved Mental Toughness. As these feats are not very good by themselves, Improved Mental Toughness is a terrible waste of a feat.

    being very wimpy, mostly i expect to sneak around and hide a lot, so i thought would be a good one to take very early.
    I love that feat, and I have even given up Insightful Reflexes for it. It is great when soloing, especially if you also have Spot and stealth skills. But objectively, I think a non-TR, non-insanely geared wizard has enough more useful feats to fill up all the slots. It is certainly a very fun feat.

    the advice about putting points into concentration, move silently, hide, balance, tumbling, diplomacy and, jump seems to make sense. search and spot do not seem so obvious though. won't other party members like thieves have a high ability in these things?
    Spot is very nice to have to see stealthy enemies, especially when soloing, and even more so if you have the stealth skills yourself. Search is a waste of points. It serves 2 purposes - detecting doors (which wizards can easily do without search), and finding traps. If you have a rogue, he can search for the traps. If you don't, you can't disarm them anyway as a pure wizard.

    Don't spend too many (or even any) points on Jump. Wizards already get 34 jump from their spells, and the max is 40. So you are just 6 points short with a bare minimum 10 str (8 starting + 2 eventually from a tome). You can put 6 points in jump, but you don't even need to have maxed jump all the time, if you really need 40 vs 34 jump for something you can equip jump boots (you will be switching items in this game anyway). I maxed Jump on my Wizard, and now when I buff myself I'm above 40, so those points are basically wasted.
    Last edited by svinja; 04-16-2011 at 03:43 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MindCake View Post
    There won't be any leftover points. ...

    At low levels the eternal wands should be enough ...

    On mobs caught by hold spells, you critical hit on any roll except 1, ...

    Your dex will add maybe 3 points to your hide score. But it's a cross class skill for you, ...

    Usually there will be a cleric, most parties insist on recruiting one. ...

    You should carry potions, but the wands are about one order of magnitude cheaper.

    There's also race/alignment restricted gear you may want to use sometimes.

    The main thing is, though, that these points wouldn't be more useful elsewhere. Being a wizard you should have enough to get all the good things (Concentration, Balance, UMD), and plenty of moderately useful on top too (spot,hide/MS,diplomacy, a bit of jump/tumble). There's no reason to give up the flexibility of UMD.
    ok. this is making a lot more sense.


  20. #20
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    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by svinja View Post
    Despite of what some people will tell you, wizards are not good at soloing compared to most other classes until level 7 (Wall of Fire). Then they become alright, but you still have to be careful. At later levels, though, wizards are wrecking machines.

    good. i will be patient.

    >> IMO, UMD is not required for a wizard (and good job avoiding repair). UMD can be nice, ... However, a wizard should have enough skill points to be able to max UMD anyway.


    >> You need Concentration and Balance. Spot is great to have. Apart from that, the only skills that are useful are Hide, Move Silently, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Jump, maybe 1 point in Tumble... If you take Concentration, Balance, Spot, Hide, Move Silently, UMD you should be able to have all of those maxed ... There is very little opportunity cost in maxing UMD on a wizard.


    >> That build is no good.

    presumably because of low con?

    >> One thing you need to understand if you're going to play a wizard is that you are almost never going to be spamming damage spells every cooldown like in some other games.

    ok. when i played ad&d on a table, my highest character was only a level 5 wizard, so i don't have that much experience in a lot of tactics.


    >> I love that feat, and I have even given up Insightful Reflexes for it. It is great when soloing, especially if you also have Spot and stealth skills. But objectively, I think a non-TR, non-insanely geared wizard has enough more useful feats to fill up all the slots. It is certainly a very fun feat.

    are they mutually exclusive? (can i have both).

    ... Search is a waste of points. ...

    good to know.

    Don't spend too many (or even any) points on Jump. ..

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