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  1. #1
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Default Upcoming Sorc Shroud Run

    What better way to test the new spellcasting mechanics and Savant PrEs than an all-sorcerer shroud run?

    Most of us are tracking the notes for mod 9 if not already testing them on Lammania. For those who are doing either of these or both, and are already swapping spells, feats, etc. to get their sorcerers prepared for the day mod 9 goes live, I am organizing an all-sorcerer shroud run on Sarlona. We don't know the day the new module goes live yet, so reserving space (tentatively) will be done through this venue. But first, an explanation of what to expect:

    1. Part 1 will obviously require each player to have a two-handed greater construct bane weapon.

    2. Each character should be able to self-heal confidently either with Reconstruct or Heal scrolls, depending on your race. (If your sorc doesn't have a rediculously high UMD or you aren't WF, this group may not be for you.)

    3. As much as I love my 12Sorc/6Fighter/2Monk melee-caster, this group is specifically for lvl 18+ Sorcerers with the third line of any Savant PrE. 18Sorcerer/2Monk builds will be welcomed.

    4. At the moment, this will be strictly Sorcerers and not Wizards. The point of the run is to land a full set of elemental awakenings in parts 4 and 5 as quickly as possible. I respect wizards and don't want to hurt any feelings... it's just the point of this run.

    5. Mature adults who know how to have fun, are adventurous and skilled players willing to try new things for flavor are encouraged to apply. All others... there's nothing to see here. Move along.

    6. This run will be on the day of the release, so please only apply if you are sure your feat swapping has already been completed or you are already set to qualify for the new PrEs. In other words, if you feat swap Necro Spell Focus to take your first line of Evocation Focus on the day of the release, you won't qualify.

    Honestly, an all-sorcerer shroud run matching items 1, 2 and 5 could easily complete today. The ultimate goal is really just to see how awesome the new PrE lines really are. I suspect, with at least 5 characters of the same Savant PrE, we will all be surprised at how great this run will be. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to this release and the proposed event!
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  2. #2
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Why not do it on Lammania right now?
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  3. #3
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    Why not do it on Lammania right now?
    1. Lammania is not an official release or a finalized module.

    2. This event is also to celebrate the "official" release of mod 9.

    3. What you propose just doesn't have the same swagger.

    4. Thanks, though.
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  4. #4
    Community Member Gratan's Avatar
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    I would like to bring my sorc Krisi. she will be an earth sav. I am guessing you would like to know what line we are taking so we can have multiples.
    Hargrave 20 Pally 1/2ling * Saraph 20 N Human Clr * Azureflame 14/2 CG WF Wiz/Rog * Grimstone 12/2/6 CG Dwf Rgr/ftr/Barb * Ebinn 17/3 Clr/Pally Dwf * Settsu 20 Dwf Monk LN * Nythh 8 Fvs Lg Human * Krisi 20 Sorc Drow LG * Cinderblok 6/12/2 Rgr/Ftr/Mk WF LG

  5. #5
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    MY sorc being only level 4 (Want to level him up for the savant lines ofc) and fairly new i would like to take a "reserve" spot until he his high enough level to match the requirements. Thanks.

    Edit: level 6 now.
    Last edited by Arkadios; 04-12-2011 at 07:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Put me down as tentative. Depending on when the release hits, I can bring Tserina. She's pretty gimpy, but hey you can all UMD rez scrolls right?

  7. #7
    Community Member twigzz's Avatar
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    Put me down. Flamestarter and prob h20 specced(my name gonna be dumb now! )

  8. #8
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    I don't mean this in a negative way at all. I'm not calling for nerfs at all. I'll just say that I'd be careful about posting things like '10 seconds for p5!!!!' as I've seen this play out before with dark monks and arcane archers both before and the end of the story isn't pretty.

    That said, please PM me the ridiculously awesome p5 time even if you choose not to post it.

  9. #9
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    I don't mean this in a negative way at all. I'm not calling for nerfs at all. I'll just say that I'd be careful about posting things like '10 seconds for p5!!!!' as I've seen this play out before with dark monks and arcane archers both before and the end of the story isn't pretty.

    That said, please PM me the ridiculously awesome p5 time even if you choose not to post it.
    They already nerfed the spit out of the acid savant, due to feedback on the Llama forums. I imagine in the next upcoming llama builds, they'll nerf everything else and this will end up being just a regular all sorc shroud run. But we can dream!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    They already nerfed the spit out of the acid savant, due to feedback on the Llama forums. I imagine in the next upcoming llama builds, they'll nerf everything else and this will end up being just a regular all sorc shroud run. But we can dream!
    Exactly. The moment people start talking about how nice something is - even something as benign as the idea that evoker wizards could cast their miniscule dps SLA's forever - it's getting nerfed now. I'd like there to be at least one build that doesn't get nerfed into oblivion before U10.

  11. #11
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    I'd like there to be at least one build that doesn't get nerfed into oblivion before U10.
    I was tempted to say healbot clerics/fvs, but the cost of the heal spell went up.

    Pure i-only-sing-and-pike bards? I honestly don't know.

  12. #12
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draiden View Post
    2. Each character should be able to self-heal confidently either with Reconstruct or Heal scrolls, depending on your race. (If your sorc doesn't have a rediculously high UMD or you aren't WF, this group may not be for you.)
    Or a half-elf with cleric or FvS Diletantte feat.

    I am not on Sarlona, but one sorcerer I have is FvS Diletantte -- exaclty for self-healing purposes.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gratan View Post
    I would like to bring my sorc Krisi. she will be an earth sav. I am guessing you would like to know what line we are taking so we can have multiples.
    Definitely. Thanks for understanding and I should've mentioned that. Although I'm pretty confident that within a 12 man party we're going to have no less than 3 of air, ice and earth strictly by random chance. I would be surprised if we had any fire savants on the server and I think earth and air are leading the pack so far... maybe a slight edge to air? Not sure. At any rate, with at least 3 earth, 3 ice and 3 air we'll still have full awakening in 22 seconds or so.

    Ideally... between air, earth and ice I would like to see 5 or more of two savants and (if spots remain) a couple of whatever remains. That would mean instant and full awakening in a second. We'll see how well it goes.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Put me down as tentative. Depending on when the release hits, I can bring Tserina. She's pretty gimpy, but hey you can all UMD rez scrolls right?
    lol... yup. Depending on the number of savant types we have, we might just have the "odd savants out" play healer types so the fully awakened mobs alergic to the most popular savants can focus on nuking as quickly as possible.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twigzz View Post
    Put me down. Flamestarter and prob h20 specced(my name gonna be dumb now! )
    It took me a minute to figure h20 out. "H-twenty"? H2O... water... got it. Curious... going to change your name?
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  16. #16
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrok View Post
    I don't mean this in a negative way at all. I'm not calling for nerfs at all. I'll just say that I'd be careful about posting things like '10 seconds for p5!!!!' as I've seen this play out before with dark monks and arcane archers both before and the end of the story isn't pretty.

    That said, please PM me the ridiculously awesome p5 time even if you choose not to post it.
    This occured to me, too. It really would be a shame, since the TRULY endgame content is not very condusive for spellcasting and this new mod is showing real promise for the caster types. I hope they don't beat the heck out of it all with the bat... but that's for another thread.

    As for the PM... you got it.
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  17. #17
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    They already nerfed the spit out of the acid savant, due to feedback on the Llama forums. I imagine in the next upcoming llama builds, they'll nerf everything else and this will end up being just a regular all sorc shroud run. But we can dream!
    When I tested the earth savant a couple of weeks ago, it was pretty insane and certainly outshined the rest by a long shot... so maybe the adjustments were necessary.

    As a sidenote... fire savant is the gimp of the elements now and needs a new look. Maybe the awakenings should enable a savant to inflict damage on mobs who are normally immune to the element. Just a thought (although probably best served in another thread).
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  18. #18
    Community Member TDarkchylde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draiden View Post
    I would be surprised if we had any fire savants on the server and I think earth and air are leading the pack so far... maybe a slight edge to air? Not sure.
    I can bring Groundloop, she'll be a Fire Savant come U9. :P
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  19. #19
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Oh and Tserina will probably be an air savant. I need to hit llama up and see if that's really the path I want to take. I mostly took it for the abundant step ability

  20. #20
    Community Member Tirisha's Avatar
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    Are you gonna be scheduling this raid/filling slots in advance. I'd be interested in applying with my Sorc. Not sure what pre I'm gonna go though, Am leaning towards Air because it's the only one you don't get punished for being a drow (considering the DC on the final tier abilities are based on Con, and a non-TRed Drow can't even start with a 18 cha and 16 con.).
    Real life is a worse grind than any MMO.
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