1. I like that the mobs dont all try to run immediately after a successful feint. Still some do but it does not seem as bad as it once was.
2. I caught multiple mobs in a IFeint move a couple times. Not certain if this is from glancing blows or if it happens if mobs are very close together. Either way I like it.
3. A mostly helpless effect goes off even if the roll to make the mob sneak attackable fails. I am not sure if this is WAI but I like it.
4. The h/e rogue dilli now lets you take it and since an AC fighter is one of the few builds that can easily afford it, I say that is a good thing.
Overall I like the tweaks however I am not sure if they went far enough. Improved Feint is insanely expensive for virtually any build (13int, and 2 feats). It should be an impressive feat. Maybe make it work while holding a missile weapon? Extend the SA vulnerability to 8s or 10s.? Maybe immobilize the mob like it was stunned?
A lot can be given to the feat without it being overpowered since it takes a lot to get it.