strange that the title is trash weapons but everything listed is crafted...
my lvl 11 max dex drow mechanic uses:
1. holy light repeater of pure good
2. nat staff
endgame plan is LitII heavy repeater and Epic Nat Staff
strange that the title is trash weapons but everything listed is crafted...
my lvl 11 max dex drow mechanic uses:
1. holy light repeater of pure good
2. nat staff
endgame plan is LitII heavy repeater and Epic Nat Staff
Dual Rad II Khopeshes.
Synergia Merlocke (Wiz, Heroic/Epic/Iconic Completionist x3) Merloc (Cleric Tank) Merlocked (Barb) Merlocc (Rog)
epic souleater, Lit2 longbow
Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
My Builds : Abbot Raid Manual : Weapon Damage Modeler : My Trades
first off let me say that my 'rogue' was always a bit different., been playing various incarnations of the character since i started many moons ago.
name: shadeweaver.
race warforge:
version 1 - greatsword and bow user, rogue/ranger/wizard. cant remember exact split
version 2 - handwrap user, rogue19/monk 1
version 3 - greatsword and repeater user, rogue13/paladin6/fighter1 (mechanic/hunter of the dead. its fun to blow up zombies)
version 4 (current) - handwraps, shortswords, repeater. rogue 13/monk6/artificer 1 (planned ninja assassin build)
in my greatsword using incarnations I use cleave/greatcleave and hit and fade attacks to enable sneak attacks on groups. Honestly never got round to making him a radiance weapon but it would have been ideal. infact the first incarnation was rerolled before the shroud even came out.
Greatswords ive found **** helpful for a rogue:
weakening of enfeebling, paralising and tendonslice/hamstring are probly the most underrated usful options here, when your sneakattacking a group of enemies its really helpful to split the pack by slowing/paralising some of them and weakening stacks nicely with cripling strike. the usual boss beater etc as well but no surprise there.
cripling, wounding or weakening. wounding of shatermantle is a great caster support tool.
stunning, vertigo and all of the above.
I also try and prioratise a solid anti undead weapon and golem weapon, as this helps cover a rogues traditional combat weakness.
Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
stuff by me:
Dual lits2 khopeshes, since using a rad2 makes the cced mob go crazy and skate around which means lower dps for whole party.
Really tho doesn't really matter what you are using for trash, since it always dies fast/ instant.
Havent seen this thread in awhile! I guess i might as well pitch in now that my rogue tr is complete.
Rad2 rapier + Epic garos malice
Lit2 rapier + smallblade
2 Spy daggers (if i can get the #$%#@# seals)
Level 20 Halfling Assassin
90% of the time: dual epic midnight greetings
Previously used:
A mix between epic garos', radiance II rapier, mineral II rapier, epic cutthroat smallblade, water II shortsword, otehr misc good weapons.
Silver (good/holy) weapons for boss fights.
Banishers, smiters, greater banes, fire/ice only as needed.
Lv 20 TR'ed halfing Assassin
1st: RadII rapier+MinII SS
2nd: Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade x2
3rd: Epic Cutthroat's Smallblade + EMG
4th: 2x EMG
And when I pluck up courage and start doing LoB, I may craft Alchemical SS. Maybe air ?
>>Officer of the Polish Guild: GildiaDDOpl<<>>Cannith<<
Isioviel Jr'eness - the Completionist
Finghin Al'Roeg 5th life Sorcerer .......Seljuck 5th life 14ftr/5art/1wizIf you like my posts, consider adding to my reputation. Thank You.
All Khopesh
Trash: MinII and RadII
Bosses: MinII and crafted +4 Holy Lawful Outsider Bane (will be upgading to Holy Burst and Greater Bane now I have the skill)
My MinII has +2 ex con so hard to drop
Rad II khopesh and Lit II khopesh
Time for another update
Here is my first post
Here is my second
Now I find myself switching between a Lit II rapier and epic small and a Rad II rapier with the envenomed short sword.
Not sure where I am going to fit in the epic midnight greetings I am hoping to craft soon. Or what to pair it with.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
currently using RadII Khopesh + EMG
Sometimes goes for RadII + Epic water Khopesh
One day will get Kronzek's seal which may change things
Is this thread still updating?
Alchemical earth/air/air Khopesh on the main hand
Alchemical earth/earth/air on the off hand
I use an epic sirroco on the offhand on epic LOB - WF are immune to stone prison, and the artificers and paladins are enough of a threat/annoyance that my trip DC matters and the sirroco procs are useful.
Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm
Leader of Templar
a toothbrush, kidding
20th rogue/fighter 18/2 likes to use heavy picks from lordsmarch with vamp or his WoP's
18th rogue/arty 12/6 likes heavy repeaters, triple earth, WoP (with deception necklace)
13th Acro 12/1 rogue/fighter likes staves, +5 scream/bleed with med guild slot, shadow staff with destruction
11th ranger/rogue 6/5 uses kurki's all crafted, off hand is sneak attack of seeker and main is the bleed/scream
8th rogue/barb acro uses nat gan staff (well this is really my son's toon)
khopesh from challengeX2
This is a very good question indeed, and I thought about this for a while.
Imho, quite some time has lapsed since I started this thread. Meanwhile, a bunch of viable weapons have been added, Alchemical and some challenge weapons as well.
As the OP is written down, it's probably outdated in that regards. In order to make it a recent survey, it would require to make an update of most of the rogues which are mentioned in this thread. I am afraid that I do not have the passion for this, at this very moment. So sadly, I am not going to update the OP any longer. Thanks everyone for participating in taking this kind of snapshot.
If someone else is interested to start a '12 version of this thread, I'll gladly post the current arsenal of Meinir.
Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.
Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build