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  1. #41
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    For trash?

    Holy rapier of PG with a Seeker +10 rapier of PG in the offhand.
    Paralyzing rapier of PG with a Seeker +10 rapier of PG in the offhand.
    Disrupting rapier + disrupting dagger.
    Smiting rapier + smiting dagger.
    Banishing rapier + banishing dagger.
    Muckbane + everbright club for oozes/rusties. (cba to farm another muckbane)
    2x Acid Light mace for skellies.
    Scikle of PG + sunblade for zombies.
    Holy dagger of backstabbing for when I need to-hit (gimp first character, dex build, **** gear etc).

    And probably more which I can't remember. Also daggers in offhand because they're cheap. I'd rather use dual rapiers but the price still kinda hurts. Still in the process of building my first RadII, which will replace the paralyzing rapier.

  2. #42
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    Talk to me about the Water II. What do you like/dislike and what did you do for each Tier?
    What I initially liked about Water II was just it's lower cost in ingredients. I also like that it does Bludgeoning damage in addition to cold damage, so it affects more mobs. It also seems to have a higher proc rate than most other effects.

    Nothing I really hate about the weapon, though sometimes I wish I had gone radiance for the more consistent damage.

    For each tier, I just went straight damage. I considered something else, but since I was making the weapon for primary DPS, seemed logical to just go damage.
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  3. #43
    Founder Kale_Hagan's Avatar
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    TWF Assassin

    On hand, Rad II with force crit ritual rapier
    Off hand, +3 Icy Burst Seeker +10 of PG rapier

    Other combo is Rad II and Tier 3 Epic Smallblade. Others situationally, greater banes, etc.
    Last edited by Kale_Hagan; 04-13-2011 at 03:55 PM.
    "Funny 'Ha-Ha, or Funny 'Uh-oh...'?
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  4. #44
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale_Hagan View Post
    On hand, Rad II with force crit ritual rapier
    Off hand, +1 Icy Burst Seeker +10 of PG rapier
    I know this setup. This was what I used prior to my TR - I was surprised how viable a plain Seeker weapon is when I did the calculations for that.

    My Autocrit Weapons were a Adamantine Heavy Pick of Maiming and a Seeker Heavy Pick.

    Just a note: Since U9 will change the helplessness state, I will not add the autocrit weapons to the list - they are an own category which will soon be useless.
    Quote Originally Posted by Truga View Post
    Still in the process of building my first RadII, which will replace the paralyzing rapier.
    I will note it as Rad2 main + Seeker +10 of PG off-hand, if you don't mind.
    Last edited by karl_k0ch; 04-13-2011 at 12:06 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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  5. #45
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    I use my pair of minII Khopeshes against usual trash and a pair of icy burst holy burst picks for held trash. I should have built litII's instead, I'm still working on that
    Last edited by Kmnh; 04-13-2011 at 12:12 PM. Reason: Khopesh :P

  6. #46
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    I use my pair of minII's against usual trash and a pair of icy burst holy burst picks for held trash. I should have built litII's instead, I'm still working on that
    Khopesh or Rapier? An edit of your post is much appreciated - it helps me for future reference.

    Also, if you want to, I can note it as Dual Lit2 - while transition choices are viable, I am mainly interested in final(ish) gear.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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  7. #47
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    I had a mechanic before any patches that gave them any love so that means he is a total mess now.

    He is elf 15 rogue 4 fighter and 1 wizard

    Before the arc archer patch you used to be able to use the force imbue on any ranged weapon not just bows. So I had fighter levels for feats and specialization, wizard for mental toughness(aa prereq) and flame arrow wands and elf for arcane archer.

    He carries about 10 repeaters that are used situationally.

    1. weakening + enfeebling w/ frost burst + force burst
    2. holy burst + pg w/ frost burst + force burst
    3. cursespweing + smiting
    4. banishing + pg
    5. cursespewing + disruption
    6. cursespewing + pg
    7. flaming burst + wounding
    8. trip earth
    9. paralyzing
    10. metalline + pg w/ frost burst + force burst

    still looking for paralyzing + pg, banishing + eob or geob, wounding + puncturing, improved roaring

    current plan is to TR after I farm enough mats for a trap the soul xbow just because it will be fun

  8. #48
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    talk abt golf carts... complete list-

    rad2+ epic small blade
    5ghost touched of pg ssx2
    banishing of pg+banishing of backstabbing rapiers for vale
    holy of puncturing rapx2
    vampiric fury short swordsX2
    greater ele bane x2
    greater undead bane/disruption clubs
    construct bane picks
    gnollish long bow with maiming
    metalline of pg shortbow
    staff of shadow for auto crits

    blaming it all on a rogue compendium i read advocating weapon sets for each enemy type
    Last edited by Thaxlsillyia; 04-13-2011 at 02:32 PM.

  9. #49
    Founder Kale_Hagan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    I know this setup. This was what I used prior to my TR - I was surprised how viable a plain Seeker weapon is when I did the calculations for that.

    My Autocrit Weapons were a Adamantine Heavy Pick of Maiming and a Seeker Heavy Pick.

    Just a note: Since U9 will change the helplessness state, I will not add the autocrit weapons to the list - they are an own category which will soon be useless.

    I will note it as Rad2 main + Seeker +10 of PG off-hand, if you don't mind.
    No prob. Also I forgot to add my seeker rapier also has the force crit ritual.

    My autocrit weapons are a maiming Rocksplitter and a +3 seeker +10 light pick of PG. The numbers I generate with those make me cry knowing they are about to become useless.

    I will probably not change my main trash setup after U9 since I don't rely on autocrits on those weapons anyway, I just rely on critting 25% of the time, and sneak attacking as close to 100% of the time as possible. The autocrit weapons are going into cold storage, however.
    "Funny 'Ha-Ha, or Funny 'Uh-oh...'?
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  10. #50
    Community Member camels's Avatar
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    epic souleater (my precious)
    rad II

    or auto crit:
    dream spitter
    petrifying staff of shadows
    “A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
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  11. #51
    Community Member Bufo_Alvarius's Avatar
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    Im curious, but why did you khopesh rogues make rad2 peshs? Is masters touch to much of a hassle? Seems like scimi is the way to go.

  12. #52
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bufo_Alvarius View Post
    Im curious, but why did you khopesh rogues make rad2 peshs? Is masters touch to much of a hassle? Seems like scimi is the way to go.
    17-20 is not all that far behind 15-20 in terms of crits. Radiance Blindness *will* occur, and as people with more damage-calculating-goodness have determined before, Rad II Khopesh > Rad II Rapier, as far as DPS is concerned.

    That, and if I'm going to have a "Khopesh user", I'm going to try and make as many of his weapons Khopeshes as possible for thematic purposes.

  13. #53
    Community Member Philibusta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    I've noticed that most people that post on the forums (what, 90%?) Have at least one, if not multiple, level 20 toons. So yeah, conversations on the forums tend to be about that end of the spectrum. No one cares what you use to kill mobs in Kobold's New Ringleader, because in three hours you'll have upgraded to something new.
    -Or, at least that's how I see it. I could be wrong.

    As for lack of variety/Attack of the Clones:
    People with a decent amount of common sense tend to stick with what works. These particular types of weapons seem to work well for Rogues at higher levels, so... they use them.

    Back on topic...
    I don't think this counts *yet*, but my Barb-soon-to-be-TRed-into-Rogue already has a Rad II and a Lit I Khopesh created, specifically for Rogue-ing. The plan is 34 Point Human Assassin III, Pure.
    I can agree with that point, I guess. To a point. Here, it seems, with the limited amount of variety, that common sense has flown out the window in favor of min/maxing. Seems to be a very limited weapon selection that Rogues are supposed to aspire to acquire. You know, to keep up with the Joneses.

    And I dont need to hear about "if you've never been to endgame you dont know" either. Ive read plenty of posts on this forum from people whining that after they grinded and grinded and grinded and finally got all the greensteelultimateubergear they can handle, that Epic content isn't enough of a challenge. Well....DUH! Give up all the unnecessary junk and it might be challenging!

    Just because these weapons, "the best of the best of the best, sir!" doesnt mean they're the only weapons that can do the job. Be Bold. Be Different.
    All that is wrong with DDO, life, taxes, poltics, religion, music, fast food, education, the criminal justice system, the weather, society, the universe, and previously-discontinued-but-now-on-their-way-back snack cakes, is all the fault of Wizards of the Coast. I know this because Fred told me so, and Mind Flayers are smart.

  14. #54
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Level 20 Human Rogue.

    Dual Radiance II Scimitars. Created when I had a level of Barbarian. Would probably be Rad II Khopeshes if I could simply transfer the enchantments over.

    Destructive Staff of Shadow followed by Non-upgraded Rahl’s Might in High AC epic Stuff.

    Seriously considering Positive III Bludgeoners (Heavy mace or Warhammer) for Abbot Raids, the Subterrane and futureproofing. (Admittedly, not a high priority. But when you don’t have them, and could use them, you notice.) +5 Holy Heavy maces in the meantime.

    For constructs, I would like to get some Anarchic Adamantine Bludgeoners of Greater Construct bane. I’ll probably wait until such a thing is craftable though. In the meantime, dual Aldoran’s Malices.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bufo_Alvarius View Post
    Im curious, but why did you khopesh rogues make rad2 peshs? Is masters touch to much of a hassle? Seems like scimi is the way to go.
    Saves an inventory slot and isn’t easily subjected to nerfing. (The devs have a history of unnecessarily removing scrolls from the vendors.)
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 04-14-2011 at 03:53 AM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  15. #55
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    Trash Greensteel:

    RadII/VacuumII(Trap The Soul) rapier in main hand

    mixed/matched with

    AshII/SteamII shortsword (Dex Finesse build) in offhand.

  16. #56
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philibusta View Post
    I can agree with that point, I guess. To a point. Here, it seems, with the limited amount of variety, that common sense has flown out the window in favor of min/maxing. Seems to be a very limited weapon selection that Rogues are supposed to aspire to acquire. You know, to keep up with the Joneses.

    And I dont need to hear about "if you've never been to endgame you dont know" either. Ive read plenty of posts on this forum from people whining that after they grinded and grinded and grinded and finally got all the greensteelultimateubergear they can handle, that Epic content isn't enough of a challenge. Well....DUH! Give up all the unnecessary junk and it might be challenging!

    Just because these weapons, "the best of the best of the best, sir!" doesnt mean they're the only weapons that can do the job. Be Bold. Be Different.
    I'm not understanding the first paragraph. I was addressing your concern about lack of variety; I explained that because they are "best", only a small range of weaponry is used. It's like soda : ask people what they drink, a large majority of the US will name a brand creates by either the Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola company. They had the best "fit" for taste of the American people, and therefore their products are more popular. How is this akin to common sense flying out the window?

    As for the second one, I wasn't trying to imply that. I apologize if it came across that way. The post I was responded to had commentary to the effect of "why do I only see end-game weapons here?", and as such my answer was to point to the weapons that we end up using by far the longest - the ones we use when we hit levels 12-20. All weaponry before that is transitional, and therefore often not talked about.

    I'm pretty sure that the guy who originally started using Khopeshes on a Rogue *was* the bold, different guy, since Rapiers used to be the undisputed king. Yeah? Could swear I've heard this story before. Not to mention the Epic Cutlass is less than a quarter of a year old - if that's not "trying something new", I don't know what is.

  17. #57
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philibusta View Post
    I can agree with that point, I guess. To a point. Here, it seems, with the limited amount of variety, that common sense has flown out the window in favor of min/maxing. Seems to be a very limited weapon selection that Rogues are supposed to aspire to acquire. You know, to keep up with the Joneses.
    Let me try to shed another light on it.

    There is one kind of weapon which provides an outstanding DPS boost for rogues in solo situations (this means not without a party; just that the other party members are fighting other mobs). This is a Radicance 2 weapon. The importance might fade a bit with the new bluff ability.
    When new rogues are asking which GS weapon to craft first, the canonical answer is: Rad2 weapon, 45 HP accessory. The importance of such a weapon is undisputed and reflected in the survey results. (How the choice for such a weapon is a contradiction to common sense is not clear to me, tbh. If you are referring to the opinion that rogues should only stay behind 'real' fighters - this is not an option in most quests.*)

    However, even for the case of Rad2, there are a lot of viable variants: Rapiers, Khopeshes, Scimitars, and even Kukris. Especially Slashing weapons offer a whole bunch of customization: High chance to blind vs. high Crit Power (Khop vs. Scimmi main); higher to-hit and high crit chance vs. high damage (kukri vs Khop/Scimmi off-hand).

    And this Rad2 aside, SableShadow's remark regarding golf carts fits it very much.

    I guess that most rogues do indeed carry a huge number of specialized weapons, depending on the mobs. Some of the players mentioned those, some of the players mentioned that they won't mention them.

    As you can see in the posts before, this does not end with Banishing et. al, but also extends to WoE rapiers and nifty things like +10 seeker rapiers. Wielding a seeker weapon in your off-hand is actually a viable option. There are few other melee classes who can afford such a setup. The existence of weapon-independent Sneak Attack damage allows more customization of your weapon choices than it does for other classes.

    *Addendum: In a situation where the party is ambushed, the melees might need to kill the mobs who are attacking the healer. Meanwhile, one mob is attacking the bard/caster. If the rogue attacks this mob, she will get its aggro sooner or later. This is where she loses the SA damage, unless the mob is blinded.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  18. #58
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    Seriously considering Positive III Bludgeoners (Heavy mace or Warhammer) for Abbot Raids, the Subterrane and futureproofing.
    those are on my wishlist as of U9. holy/holy burst/holy blast + greater disruption(6d6 on hit) will be pretty nice skelly beater
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

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  19. #59
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    Emi, pure Lvl 20 Drow, uses a Rad 2 rapier and triple positive (good/good burst/good blast) shortsword in the offhand.
    Last edited by Emizand; 04-14-2011 at 06:07 AM.

  20. #60
    Community Member Kovalas's Avatar
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    Halfling Rogue18Monk1Fighter1 Assassin

    Dual Radiance Rapiers for Trash

    Dual Mineral II for Boss

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