Preface: This thread has not been updated since 11-08-2011. I intend to keep this thread as a snap shot of a rogue's arsenal in 2011 and will not upgrade it any further.
Fellow Backstabbers!
I am interested which weapons you use typically against trash mobs. I am mainly interested in mid- to endgame weapons, even only planned setups, but feel free to include transition weapons.
If you are not using TWF as a main fighting option, please indicate that. I will try to collect the information provided in the OP. (I will not include the weapon used against raid bosses in the OP. However, you can still mention them.)
Meinir's Choice is/will be:
Primary Set: Rad2 Rapier + Epic Smallblade.
Secondary Sets: Banishers and Smiters. Unsure if they are going to be used post U9.
TWF Survey: 48 participants (32 piercing, 16 slashing), multiple answers possible
Piercing Weapons:
12 rogues use Radiance 2 Rapier + Epic Smallblade
6 rogues use Radiance 2 Rapier + Lightning 2 Rapier
5 rogues use Dual Radiance 2 Rapiers
4 rogues use Dual Puncturing Rapiers
3 rogues use Radiance 2 Rapier + (Seeker +10) Rapier
2 rogues use Dual Lightning 2 Rapiers
3 rogues uses Lightning 2 Rapier + Epic Small Blade
1 rogue uses Mineral 2 Rapier + Epic Small Blade
1 rogue uses Radiance 2 Rapier + Triple Pos Rapier
1 rogue uses Radiance 2 Rapier + Ash2/Steam2 Shortsword
1 rogue uses Lightning 2 Rapier + Epic Smallblade
1 rogue uses Mineral 2 Rapier + Epic Smallblade
1 rogue uses Epic Smallblade + Epic Spy Dagger
1 rogue uses Lightning 2 Rapier + Mineral 2 Rapier
1 rogue uses Improved Destruction Shortsword + Destruction Dagger
1 rogue uses Tier 2 GS Rapier + Treason
1 rogue uses Lightning II Rapier + Water II Rapier
1 rogue uses dual Weakening Heavy Pick of Puncturing
1 rogue uses MinII Pick + Triple Earth Heavy Pick
1 rogue uses Turbulent Epee + frost/force/acid/pg rapier
1 rogue uses Rad2 Dagger + Lit2 Dagger
1 rogue uses Radiance II Rapier + Turbulent Epee
1 rogue uses Radiance II Rapier + Epic Garos Malice
1 rogue uses Dual Epic Spy Dagger
Slashing Weapons:
7 rogues use Dual Lightning 2 Khopesh
5 rogues use Dual Radiance 2 Khopesh
3 rogues use Dual Radiance 2 Scimitar
3 rogues use Dual +5 Holy of PG (Or Min2) Khopeshes
3 rogues uses Radiance 2 Khopesh + Lightning 2 Khopesh
1 rogue uses Dual Midnight Greetings
1 rogue uses Lightning 2 Khopesh + Radiance 2 Khopesh
1 rogue uses Lightning 2 Khopesh + Radiance 2 Kukri
1 rogue uses Dual Crystal Cove Epic Tier 3 Cutlasses
1 rogue uses Dual WoE Khopeshes
1 rogue uses Rad II Khopesh & Infectious Hooked Blade
1 rogue uses ESoS
1 rogue uses situationally Min II Falchion some hard/elite content
1 rogue uses situationally Rad II Falchion
Situational/independent of Piercing/Slashing:
15 rogues use situationally Smiting/Banishing/Disruption/Greater Banes
3 rogues use Dual Triple Pos Maces/Morning Stars
1 rogue uses situationally Radiance 2 Rapier + Icy Burst Banishing Rapier
1 rogue uses situationally Radiance 2 rapier and +4 Holy silver/cold iron shortsword of lawful/chaotic outsider bane
1 rogue uses Epic Hammer of Life
several rogues use situationally Treason as an off-hand weapon
Acrobat Survey:
5 participants
3 rogues use a Rahl' Might
3 rogues use an unsuppressed Dreamspitter
2 rogues use a (Petrifying) Staff of the Shadow
2 rogues use an Epic Souleater
1 rogue uses a Lightning 2 QStaff
1 rogue uses a Radiance 2 QStaff
1 rogue uses a Staff of Nat Gann
1 rogue uses an Icy Burst Weakening Q-Staff of Stunning 10
1 rogue uses situationally a Stunning +10 QStaff
Mechanic Survey
3 participants
2 rogue uses a Radiance II Heavy Repeater.
1 rogue uses a Lightning II Heavy Repeater.
1 rogue uses a Triple Earth Repeater