I'm hoping someone can confirm or correct some of the math I'm seeing on the Radiant Servant aura, because things seem a bit off. I'm only looking at non-crit ticks from the aura. The enhancements I have that apply to this are human improved recovery I and II and cleric life magic I-IV. My cleric is a 12 cleric/2 paladin. With my character naked and with no metamagics on, it's ticking me for 8, characters without any healing amp for 7 and warforged for 3. (I know all ticks round down.) Right off the bat, that means my base tick is 5 and non-cleric levels are adding to my caster level, and the +1 caster level is applying. (I know both of these things were questioned at times, and while I'm figuring it's known by most that they are, I'm trying to establish a baseline.) So this is:
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 1.2 amp = 8.4, rounds to 8
5 base * 1.4 life magic = 7, stays at 7
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 0.5 warforged = 3.5, rounds to 3
With empower on, the three tiers are 5, 10 and 12, which means
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 1.2 amp * 1.5 empower = 12.6, rounds to 12
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 1.5 empower = 10.5, rounds to 10
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 0.5 warforged * 1.5 empower = 5.25, rounds to 5
Here's where the problem comes in: when I equip a greater devotion item. That pushes it to 6, 13 and 15. Greater devotion is supposed to be 40 percent, but those values mean it has to actually be 25 percent.
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 1.2 amp * 1.5 empower * 1.25 greater devotion = 15.75, rounds to 15
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 1.5 empower * 1.25 greater devotion = 13.125, rounds to 13
5 base * 1.4 life magic * 0.5 warforged * 1.5 empower * 1.25 greater devotion = 6.5625, rounds to 6
I know the empowered healing only doing 1.5 instead of 1.75 is not WAI, and it appears greater devotion is also not WAI. Neither one of these is in the known issues, but at least most people know about the empowered healing not being boosted by the prestige enhancements. I'm just hoping someone can check my math, because I'm somewhat disappointed in ticking myself for 15 rather than the 20 it should be doing at this point. (5 * 1.4 * 1.2 *1.75 * 1.4 = 20.58 = 20). Do the other levels of devotion work correctly, or are the also incorrectly described? And is ticking for base 5 as a 12 cleric/2 paladin WAI?