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  1. #1
    Community Member ZaxisDakmorr's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Default Jorg + Wind Stance. Any difference?

    After nearly 4 years of playing I finally got my Jorgundal Collar (sad right...). The question is, does it make any difference if a 20th lvl wis/dex monk on wind stance using it? I can't see any difference visually, and I can't seem to find threads about this matter. Thank you for your patronage.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ZaxisDakmorr View Post
    After nearly 4 years of playing I finally got my Jorgundal Collar (sad right...). The question is, does it make any difference if a 20th lvl wis/dex monk on wind stance using it? I can't see any difference visually, and I can't seem to find threads about this matter. Thank you for your patronage.
    as i understand it, you will see no benefits if you also have haste, or wind stance IV. if you use wind III, you would notice a very *slight* difference (2.5% to be specific).

    but hey, in a few weeks when you have to go fire stance if you want to generate enough ki, that would be useful... if you didn't also need oremi's in your neck slot. and if you didn't have haste from some other source anyways. (ok, so it'll be useful should you TR, before level 18, basically).

  3. #3
    Community Member ZaxisDakmorr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Oh! Thank you for the info. Seems I have to let go of this thing to my other toon then.

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