Hope this can turn into some source for gearing, seeing as I can't find any recent gearing threads. I know a decent bit about building characters, and there are already tons of "official threads" about how to build etc... But afaik there's no thread about gear that has lasted long. Fighter and Barbarian gear is fairly straightforward, and before getting into named/epic items gearing is also easy, take the items that boost your main stats, HP, some other nice stuff... What are people's opinions on Monk gearing? AC gear, DPS gear, Fire Stance, Wind Stance, Stunning, Non-Stunning, Light, Dark... And good setups for Paladins? THF, TWF, AC, no AC, turtle (will be obsolete soon but meh), intimidation, hate boosting, KotC, DoS... Weird build gearing... I know a bunch of good gear but am not so sure on how to fit it together to cover everything I need and get the maximum effect. Thanks in advance?