With the announced change to Greater Disruption making Triple-Pos Greensteel weapons suddenly appealing, I think I'm going to make a couple -- a quarterstaff and a great sword. They'll be used for some general DPS and as undead beaters.
What I'm wondering about is which option to put on the 3rd tier. Good Blast is the obvious choice, but it's not that great -- especially with the 20x2 crit profile of a staff. I'm considering putting 30% Healing Amp there instead.
30% amp isn't available on dragontouched. Where else is it available? I adore the +10% and +20% on my dragontouched, along with the 25% from my Jidz Tet-ka's. Healing amp is addictive once you start using it.
Also, has anyone done the calculations to compare DPS of a Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast Triple Pos vs. a Holy/Good Burst/Healing Amp one?
If it's a sacrifice of only, say, 5% DPS to gain an exceptionally useful effect that is hard/impossible to slot elsewhere, then that seems worth it to me.
Any thoughts?