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  1. #141
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    Wow this thread is full of wine. I'm talking cheap wine that comes in a box.

    Ki is meant to be a limited resource. I watch monks now go up to a olitary mob and stun tod and spam as many ki strikes as they can and come out with more than they left with. This was never meant to be the way it worked.

    Fighters and rogues don't spend haste boosts for every meaningless fight. Pallys dont spend their entire compliment of smites on a solitary single epic tiefling ranger.

    I've been playing around with savants on lammania and when I have a single mob do I spam all my highest dps spells use my tier 3 ability on it and then maybe enervate/finger it if my dps only brought it to 10%? No I use sla's to bring it down but the example here is very similar to what monks do on live now except without any penalty.

    Use those easy trivial fights to build up ki for the large groups or harder mobs where you'll want to spend more ki.

    Let's take chrono for instance. Fight starts with a large group of mobs but that's ok you start with a pretty large compliment of ki to start a fight. Spend some to take out casters and probably the devil but after that use the rest of the straggling mobs to build up towards the next fight. Monks gain a lot over fighter splashes here in their ability to carry more ki from one fight to the next.

    Is it gonna take some readjusting to play style? Sure a little but not spending the ki on trivial fights is not something hard to learn. In the end monks will be just as strong as they are now (in some ways stronger due to helplessness not affecting them as much dps wise.)
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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  2. #142
    Community Member
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    Their is dex vs strength issue in DDO, which is mostly do to Two weapon fighting requiring very little dex.

    Greater Two weapon fighting per PNP requires 19dex and later their was Perfect TWF with 21+ dex I think. Basically high dex got extra damage via number of attacks while strength got it via Power attack. In DDO though you get Power attack on your off hand and with light weapons and two weapon fighting doesn't cost a lot of dex ...

    oh well.


  3. #143
    Community Member Tirisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    Wow this thread is full of wine. I'm talking cheap wine that comes in a box.

    Ki is meant to be a limited resource. I watch monks now go up to a olitary mob and stun tod and spam as many ki strikes as they can and come out with more than they left with. This was never meant to be the way it worked.

    Fighters and rogues don't spend haste boosts for every meaningless fight. Pallys dont spend their entire compliment of smites on a solitary single epic tiefling ranger.

    I've been playing around with savants on lammania and when I have a single mob do I spam all my highest dps spells use my tier 3 ability on it and then maybe enervate/finger it if my dps only brought it to 10%? No I use sla's to bring it down but the example here is very similar to what monks do on live now except without any penalty.

    Use those easy trivial fights to build up ki for the large groups or harder mobs where you'll want to spend more ki.

    Let's take chrono for instance. Fight starts with a large group of mobs but that's ok you start with a pretty large compliment of ki to start a fight. Spend some to take out casters and probably the devil but after that use the rest of the straggling mobs to build up towards the next fight. Monks gain a lot over fighter splashes here in their ability to carry more ki from one fight to the next.

    Is it gonna take some readjusting to play style? Sure a little but not spending the ki on trivial fights is not something hard to learn. In the end monks will be just as strong as they are now (in some ways stronger due to helplessness not affecting them as much dps wise.)
    Though your post addresses some peoples feelings and I don't disagree with you on many points.

    I'd like too note that my problem with current lammania ki generation is the reliance on specific build chooses to be able to reasonably use cool ki abilities not spam ki strikes. If you are a dark monk that spent a host of AP on TOD and invested massive amounts of build/level up points into Wisdom for stunning fist; you'd look pretty silly if you couldn't keep Stunning fist and TOD on timer, let alone use shadow fade (from your ninja spy pre you spent AP on) or abundant step (that you invested 12 monk lvs to obtain).

    At the same time I'd like to point out that if this doesn't change I'm just gonna throw on oremis put kyoshos in the bank and call it a day. But I'd like to have the option to use kyoshos or in the future possibly nyokos even (since I will be a ninja spy 3 when it comes out)
    Real life is a worse grind than any MMO.
    Tirisha 25 FVS, Aierian 25 MNK, Girltank 18 FTR/ 2PALLY/5 EPIC, Seidra 25 SORC, Wikka 20 WIZ, Kylexi 20 PALLY, Stephony 20 Bard

  4. #144
    Community Member Jahmin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Think about it: stunning blow has a 15s cooldown, fist has a 6s cooldown. Do you really think that the developers intended monks to stun 2.5x as often as everyone else? the thing that slows fist down is supposed to be the ki resource.
    Given that in PnP, Monks DO stun 4x as often as everyone else, yes I do believe that is what the devs intended.

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