I was looking for a good guide to crowd control. Specifically I was looking for something that will tell what types of spells to use on what mobs, and which CC spells are best to focus on, and why.
Thanks for the help...
I was looking for a good guide to crowd control. Specifically I was looking for something that will tell what types of spells to use on what mobs, and which CC spells are best to focus on, and why.
Thanks for the help...
Basic spell guide.
Even if there is one, it will be highly outdate when update 9 flies in.
Crowed control is not only spells - one of the best cc is coming from bards, esp virtuoso bards (Fascinate song).
Currently in high level content mass hold is the way to go, as following attacks will be auto crit (changes at u9 to no autocrit, but 50% damage amp)
Web works well as cc, esp when the mobs save against (mass) hold or are immune to it.
Otto's dancing sphere is a common spell, the single target irresistible version working really well in epics, too.
Both are used often together with mass hold, so when the mob saves against hold it is still being held by something else.
Divines also often use greater command when no arcane is around, as there hold dc is usually too low at level.
I probably have missed other important stuff (sleep, ...) but those are the ones used most often in my experience.
In the UK, the method of crowd control used is called Kettling..... ;-)
My highest caster is only in mid-teens, but my crowd control method has been consistent since level 5 or so...
1) spam hypno
2) spam web
3) get on knees and pray that melee know how to work with hypno...
I assume that changes in epics. (ie. spam heightened hypno...etcetc...)
Crowd control depends on the class. Wizards would use heightened hypno, ottos dance, web, hold monster, etc. Bards would use facinate & ottos dance.
There are a few others but tend not to be used as much currently. Update 9 could change everything so most people doing CC will probably revisit spell lists to see what will now be useful and what updated 9 made less useful.
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
the best cc advice i can give is
is it melee, use will/reflex save based spells (like hold, web, hypno, disco)
is it caster, use fortitude/reflex based spells (like flesh to stone, web)
is it ranged, use will/fortitude based spells (hold, fts, hypno, disco)
its a game of trial and error to find the nemesis of any given foe. with some experience you'll master it though.
Thelanis - Inferus Sus
Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing WarforgedNursing IsFutile (FvS) - Unorthodox Behaviour (Kensai) - Bigbofo (Warchanter) - Nukelear Blast (Sorc) - Jurugu Fleshbane (currently TRing) - Reviving IsCheaper (Radiant Blaster)