Hey Thax....wanna know why people hate this raid....because out of a group of 12 people u seem to always get at least one total MORON!
This raid is very easy to mess up if a half-witted idiot cannot comprehend simple instructions. Why am I so steamed about this.
Well, yesterday I had gotten my rank for the day, had some time to spare and figured I would join this Titan raid.....no XP as most of them are these days but hey...it's ok...maybe I'll get a cool piece of gear.
Well we get to the actual part 6 of the raid...instructions are handed out very very well......there was absolutely no fault at all there.....start heading out to prep pillars.
Within the first 5 seconds one pillar is knocked down....a couple seconds later another...after many people specifically stating stop screwing with the pillars whoever the complete and total brainless idiot was in the party knocks down the 3rd...RAID OVER.
It takes a long time to set up to.......this raid is way to simple for someone to grief and ruin which is why it's so unpopular....sad too, because it has some nice gear.