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  1. #1
    Community Member RG_Arlyn's Avatar
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    Angry Re: LFM use/abuse

    Not sure if it is against the rules, but what is up lately with some of the guilds lately using the LFM to get a group together (i.e. saying private - so and so guild only)
    1. You are in a guild together
    2. you have guild chat that you can ask for people to run a quest with you (many guilds also have teamspeak or vent, so its even easier to ask your guildies to run quests)
    3. you have a guild roster that you can sort by who is online
    4. you can invite from the guild tab list
    5. I dont care how many people you have in your guild you can use the guild tab to organize your party

    If you want others to join in for the fun or horror once your guild members have joined you then by all means advertise to look for others to join a so-and-so guild run, but it makes you look stupid to put private on the LFM (especially when it doesnt fill after 30 min...hahahaha).

    This is not to be confused with someone who has a group up and they put - 1 or more spots saved for so-and-so. Most likely they got some tells and someone is switching, so I completely understand that. Also, don't confuse it with the LFM's that say that they are being picky, due to the nature of some quests I understand that not all characters are suited for the quest...myddo is our friend....

    OK, venting over. I hope that the LFM's on Sarlona will no longer have guild run only parties up, that is all.

  2. #2
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Those are some good ones, but my favorite are the, "Need healers I'm not one" says the level 20 WF Favored Soul...


  3. #3
    Community Member Deaeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RG_Arlyn View Post
    Not sure if it is against the rules, but what is up lately with some of the guilds lately using the LFM to get a group together (i.e. saying private - so and so guild only)
    1. You are in a guild together
    2. you have guild chat that you can ask for people to run a quest with you (many guilds also have teamspeak or vent, so its even easier to ask your guildies to run quests)
    3. you have a guild roster that you can sort by who is online
    4. you can invite from the guild tab list
    5. I dont care how many people you have in your guild you can use the guild tab to organize your party

    If you want others to join in for the fun or horror once your guild members have joined you then by all means advertise to look for others to join a so-and-so guild run, but it makes you look stupid to put private on the LFM (especially when it doesnt fill after 30 min...hahahaha).

    This is not to be confused with someone who has a group up and they put - 1 or more spots saved for so-and-so. Most likely they got some tells and someone is switching, so I completely understand that. Also, don't confuse it with the LFM's that say that they are being picky, due to the nature of some quests I understand that not all characters are suited for the quest...myddo is our friend....

    OK, venting over. I hope that the LFM's on Sarlona will no longer have guild run only parties up, that is all.

    That last part about Myddo says a lot. A good player or 2 can carry the rest through just about any quest in game. Ever join a zerg/first to click gets in shroud? lol. Myddo is a useless tool that is rarely updated. I mean my guilds list still has players that aren't int he guild anymore, they haven't even logged into the game for almost 2 years now. But go ahead and rely on myddo to pick your parties.

    Back to topic. I have used the lfm this way in the past and to me it's just easier to start an lfm as private. Reasons: a lot of our "guild" only runs also include friends NOT guilded. Hence, they can click the lfm to join. Some guild have ppl who log in and look at lfm first thing, oh, my guilds running an event, sure I'll come. There's many reasons for "private"/"guild only" to be on the lfm. You should find out more before venting :P

  4. #4
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    do the extra pixels ruin your day.
    Maybe they dont want to sift thru the 30 odd people they have online in random groups of 2-6 in random areas, and can just have everyone click the lfm when they are ready for the invite.

  5. #5
    Community Member Deaeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Those are some good ones, but my favorite are the, "Need healers I'm not one" says the level 20 WF Favored Soul...

    Lol, +1, there's many times I'll randomly put up, Bring your own dps, as myself being a lvl 20 ftr. Maybe bards should start hosting lfm's and put bring your own songs!

  6. #6
    Community Member Symera's Avatar
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    My biggest beef, is the LFMs that are up for days...

    LFMs are like erections, if they are up more than 4 hours, there is a problem.

  7. #7
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    I see these all the time, and have delt with them for years... I'd rather see that then have the LFM say nothing... Which is what would happen. It's no biggie in my book... I'd rather see this than LFM's that are bashing others, selling thing, guild recruiting or one of the many other LFMs that aren't really looking to run a quest.
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  8. #8
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symera View Post
    My biggest beef, is the LFMs that are up for days...

    LFMs are like erections, if they are up more than 4 hours, there is a problem.

    But those make for the best of parties.

  9. #9
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symera View Post
    My biggest beef, is the LFMs that are up for days...

    LFMs are like erections, if they are up more than 4 hours, there is a problem.
    But you just have to give them props for their stick- to- it- ness... I give up on LFM's after 15 minutes and start... Or 30 minutes if a raid... I don't want to be just sittin at a keyboard for half the night... waiting for people to join.
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  10. #10
    Community Member RG_Arlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixenuup View Post
    But go ahead and rely on myddo to pick your parties.

    Back to topic. I have used the lfm this way in the past and to me it's just easier to start an lfm as private. Reasons: a lot of our "guild" only runs also include friends NOT guilded. Hence, they can click the lfm to join. Some guild have ppl who log in and look at lfm first thing, oh, my guilds running an event, sure I'll come. There's many reasons for "private"/"guild only" to be on the lfm. You should find out more before venting :P
    I personally have never used myddo to fill parties, and if I'm running a group and have an LFM up it's because I'm willing to take and "carry" others through. I know that myddo has its problems and may not be updated that's why I dont use it, but I dont blame others for checking first especially when running epics.

    I did specify that if, as a guild, you wanted others to join a guild run of...insert quest name.... by so-and-so is fine...but a guild only private run I think is inappropriate use of the LFM

  11. #11
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    Personally I find it annoying as well, but at least they're using it to form a group. I believe this topic came up way back, and that the end result was that it wasn't going to get you in trouble unless you specify who is NOT allowed.

    Edit: to clarify, from what I can recall you can put things like "no pikers", but not something like "Arlyn is a piker".
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
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  12. #12
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RG_Arlyn View Post
    Not sure if it is against the rules, but what is up lately with some of the guilds lately using the LFM to get a group together (i.e. saying private - so and so guild only)
    This does not violate the rules, they are using the grouping tab to...GROUP.

    They may be doing this because they are picking up people in channels, people may be switching to out of guild characters, or it could be to more easily coordinate two groups (DQ)

    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Those are some good ones, but my favorite are the, "Need healers I'm not one" says the level 20 WF Favored Soul...

    What's wrong with this? He doesn't want to heal, he doesn't have to. His group. If he's saying that, he prob has a build that you don't want him healing on.

  13. #13
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    This does not violate the rules, they are using the grouping tab to...GROUP.

    They may be doing this because they are picking up people in channels, people may be switching to out of guild characters, or it could be to more easily coordinate two groups (DQ)

    What's wrong with this? He doesn't want to heal, he doesn't have to. His group. If he's saying that, he prob has a build that you don't want him healing on.
    Why bash LFM's?

    They are probably one of the funnest things to watch for in the game!

    So they're stupid, lame, ofensive, silly, elitist or paranoid (like mine).

    We don't need an LFM police (except for traders maybe) - lets let them be "creative" and entertain us.

    Whaddya say?

    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
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  14. #14
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post

    What's wrong with this? He doesn't want to heal, he doesn't have to. His group. If he's saying that, he prob has a build that you don't want him healing on.

    Sure he doesn't have to heal, but then again it's his reputation and not mine. But let's get real for a second and why would a 20 WF FvS hosting a shroud lfm choose not to heal and wait for one, or possibly two more healers when he is more then capable of solo healing.

    You and I both know that doesn't make sense, because if he thinks he's solely DPS he's a fail. No competent player is going to host an lfm with that type of heading. I wouldn't host a shroud on my pure 20 Bard and say, "I'm not going to play songs, will need another Bard". That's ridiculous.
    Last edited by bendover; 04-10-2011 at 11:06 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I take my time when reviewing an LFM before clicking to join. I look for key indicators that will predict what kind of experience I'll find with that group. Sometimes, I'll try to join a train wreck if I'm in the right mood, other times I screen out the ones that I think will just waste my time.

    Having "Private" in the description just means I can pass that one and go on to the next. Not a problem.
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  16. #16
    Community Member karudo's Avatar
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    Default lfm's

    well time for my 2 cents, im thinking about making a squelch lfm just to make things easier, and to stick to the rules i will post for a quest i fully intend to run and will have a title like ppl i dont know join for free loot and piking that will help solve the problem end game from ur friendly neighorhood hater

  17. #17
    Community Member Catiriona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    Sure he doesn't have to heal, but then again it's his reputation and not mine. But let's get real for a second and why would a 20 WF FvS hosting a shroud lfm choose not to heal and wait for one, or possibly two more healers when he is more then capable of solo healing.

    You and I both know that doesn't make sense, because if he thinks he's solely DPS he's a fail. No competent player is going to host an lfm with that type of heading. I wouldn't host a shroud on my pure 20 Bard and say, "I'm not going to play songs, will need another Bard". That's ridiculous.
    So you are saying there is no way to build a FVS that would make it a sub par healer at best? Now I have no problem solo healing a shroud... but if I was grouping with this guy I would at least like a heads up that I am doing that... seems to me his LFM would tell me that.
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  18. #18
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symera View Post
    My biggest beef, is the LFMs that are up for days...

    LFMs are like erections, if they are up more than 4 hours, there is a problem.
    This has got to be post of the year.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  19. #19
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    To the OP, I understand your frustration, but I would like to offer the reasoning behind my guilds private LFM. When I do set up a private one, I usually put private for now, will open soon. This is to allow guildies who have alts in other guilds the chance to hit it on said alt and get in. After a few minutes when all have had the chance, we take down the private and put open for all.

    That being said, what can be irritating is when we try to do a 2/3 guild raid and put out an LFM saying private, know the toons from other guilds who are coming, and still get 10 to 20 other people who ignore the LFM and try to join. In a Normal PUG, we take first come first serve, but on the rare occasions when we are being selective( not for certain builds or clerics or tanks/kiters/ etc.) there is a reason for it. For us it's more of a way to coordinate without have to go through a ton of tells. If you ever see a Creeping Death Private LFM and want to join, just send a tell and if we will be opening it, or might have room, we will respond. Blindly hitting the LFM when it says private can just be plain rude.
    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    ................ There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about DDO that would keep me from "play time". I don't care how good the group is, 5 dudes pretending to be chicks online are not keeping me from the real chick sitting next to me on the bed going "ahem.....hey you, look over here."

  20. #20
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    so you feel personally offended if guild x hosts a private lfm?

    how does a privat lfm differ from any given, say, shroud lfm?

    when else do you feel excluded and get offended? maybe you have a problem?

    i'm using private lfm's now and then. mainly when waiting for guildies that are wrapping up quests with different parties so they can just hit the lfm without the need of typing in guildchat and me then inviting em explicitly.
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