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  1. #26
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post

    Why on earth have the melee block for you? There is nothing stopping non-melee healers other arcane, the ss bard and such to be a foot-stop. Agro mech entails only one person have the mob attention at the time... so it does not matter perched/terain or artificial terain (blocking foot-stop) are all one the same strategically speaking.

    When comes teleporting mob none of that mater either... just blasting/insta-kill and mitigating damages along with self-healing become relevant. Thus the racial/class combined with a little knowledge become the total scope of the game.

    Melee doorways is a strategy I see many groups employ. Healers are likely to target the front-line melees for healing rather than the back arcane(s) blasting throw the blockers.

    It is different as it requires better group communication, and sometimes monsters still jump through the blockers so the arcane(s) in the back does not mean that they have no danger.

    Perching, swimming in the pools healing (while soloing?) after an AoE was cast attracting monsters in the AoE and no way for the monsters to hit back sounded like it is not Working As Intended. That is probably why we are seeing constant changes (nerfs?) in this area:

    1) Extend metamagics no longer synergize with most Area of Effect spells and crowd control spells in U9.
    2) Only things that "extend" are good for are buff (Abjuration) and curses (Necromancy).
    3) Most AoEs shortened to maximum of 30 seconds.
    4) Seems to reduce lag for the overall server as for the "reasoning" we got.
    5) Certain spells that seemed to be curving around corners got changed...

    In the light of all this, why shouldn't a caster with single target damage ray spells get buffed to better DPS than melees? Otherwise, casters have no spot(s) in parties.

    As I mentioned in my analogy earlier. What is the role of the casters? I suspect Turbine wants us to move towards the "Air Strike" mentality.

    Very High burst damage and better sustained DPS than melees.

    Just like in an army on the ground, they can "win" the war easily with a dominating "Air"; without it, they're probably just going to struggle there while the enemy forces bombard them with their air force.

    However, with Air Force alone and no ground support crews won't win the war; as there is no one to paint and hold the targets for you. You still need ground support crews to get into cities. I suspect the move of the stunning fist availability (Improved Unarmed Strike) to non-pure monks there. Tactical fighters that can hate/intimidate tank(s) and stunning blow hold is cheaper than caster(s) casting mass hold/CC spells; as hold doesn't provide Criticals, only 50% more damage and normal sneaks.

    Might be even cheaper having tactical fighters intimidate/hate tanking with bards fascinating/enthralling since songs can regenerate with items.

    DPS characters would have to be SMARTER in that they only aggro one monster at a time.
    Last edited by Tyrande; 04-13-2011 at 01:05 PM. Reason: why it is cheaper with intimidate/hate tanking and fighter tactics

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