I know it's not anything along the line of Boots of Corrosion but is this even something that is somewhat sought after?
I know it's not anything along the line of Boots of Corrosion but is this even something that is somewhat sought after?
The problem with the Firestorm Greaves is the same as the problem with the Bloodstone and Spell Storing Ring. The limiting factor is by far the small amount of shards pulled. Because of this, many people won't even bother looking for a scroll until they find a shard. If you're looking to unload one of these scrolls you have to be in the right place at the right time and know a person with a shard, but no scroll. It's not that the value is particularly horrible, it's just that there's little reason to actively look for this scroll. Find a person that actually needs it and you're set.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
around 1m. +/-
they turn up more than the @#%@#% shards tho.