I finally managed to kite sulu through 1 million blade barriers On my fvs. This may not be a big achievement for most fvs but for me it it is pretty big. Me and the big grey guy have had a ongoing vendetta for a while now. I had tried around a year ago with no success. Was poorly geared and back then and did not have a shroud item or torc. Tried again a few months ago when i made my con copp goggles. It was not enough. Last week after 62 runs of demon queen i looted my torc. First one i have seen in all my completions. Oddly enough 2 dropped in the chest in a 3 man guild run.
This spurred my battle with Sulu. This was the deciding factor to give me the courage to try round 3
That was last week. This week i have been asking around on if there is any ways to avoid the chains. did some tests in sins on the grey devil who you fight when you get the badge. Not much worked. Mantle seemed to work sometimes and spell resist 32 worked 1 out of 20 chains maybe. To my Surprise. mantle was no good vs chains in VOD. I just had to fly through em. Heal/free heal and remove my curses. Then throw up some fully pimped out blade barriers.
I was in to much of a frenzy to actually get screenies throughout the whole process. Every time i wanted to a devil,orthon,bat,trap or Sulu was riding up my divine butt and it was not comfortable. All my fingers were spoken for. All my keys were in use. I kinda just zerged the traps and hoped for the best. This part was actually easy. Was more strategic flying and jumping that got me thru the traps. Bats were not that much of a problem. The occasional bat hit me for around 60 damage.
I used Zero pots. I did however use my spell storing ring. bauble, Korthos necklas and Twisted talisman towards the end because i was getting kinda scared. My startegy was to throw down minimal blade barriers. Only one at a time and kite sulu and devils around the barrier rather then in a circle through multiple bb's around the map. This way i could keep getting hit by the mobs. Regenning sp every other hit.
I had one lag spike around 3/4 of the way through. He had just started spamming chains and all of a sudden i froze. I do not carry deathpack so i was toast if i died. luckily it sorted itself out with no time to spare. I had around 56 health when it sorted itself out and quickly spammed a heal in the nick of time.
My gear setup was pretty straight forward in preparing for this.
- Con opp goggles 10, hp 300sp +5 cha skills
- Necklace -Torc of 62 completions to get :/
- skyver for the big crit blade barrier and free heal
- Battered guardian shield from Diplomatic immunity With fear immunity and lifeshield . i only had one planer grid and wanted to save it for the end
- Fire storm grieves but most of the time i used my striders.
-Epic Cloak of night for the Blurry effect
- Vornes belt
-Ring of the Dginn 33% electric absord 10 resist
- Disease immunity ring of heavy fort
- Eardweller for when the going gets tough. Saved this for the bitter but forgot to use it . lol
- Gloves i did not really bother changing to much. Had on the demon queen Bramble caster gloves on i think.
-Bracers were ordinary str bracers with a medium guild augment slot for 15 extra health.
- Helm , Epic mask of tragedy for the greater potency 7 because i wanted to make sure I had the shield and skyver on at all times for the lifeshield procs, fear immunity and crits to spells. otherwise i would have had sup potency 6 dagger on.
- Armor - Epic calvalry plate strictly for the demonic hp proc.
- Around 46 rage potions and 75 haste potions
My main goal was to get my procs goin as much as possible. The con opp 30 temp hp stacks with the demonic 30 hp and the lifeshield 15. All seem to go off like mad for a combined total of 75 temp hp. At certain times when turtling up against devils i was barely taking any actual damage. My free heal was plenty to keep me up and in a safe spot.
My stats
HP 432 With this set up and no rage.
SP 2805
No ship buffs or yugo pots were used in this completion. Mainly because my guild is only level 45 and are ship buffs suck. And i have yet to unlock yugo potions on this character. I also am missing a toughness item because i was wearing epic mask and not minos.. Also am missing hp item from shroud. Will have to start working on that soon.
Anyway here is the final screenies of my round 3 In Vision of destruction : Bludgeon in the Dungeon.
And of course The token flex for kicks n giggles is a must
In three days i am gonna try it on hard.
Would also like to thank my 2 main guildies from The Hidden Blades for encouraging me to try again and all the players in Argo advice channel who gave me tips this last week. Thanks guys.