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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Can I get my stuff back?

    If the game bugs and you immediately report it can you get your item and or platinum back. I tried to buy a 4.2k pp axe off of AH last night I guess that the server was lagging at the same time, and I ended up getting kicked from game. When I log back in not only did I not have the item I was missing about 24kpp. I would like the axe but if someone beat me to the punch so be it. I realize that the amount of pp is insignificant for those at higher level, but it amounts to about 25% of mine so its not for me. To be honest it wouldn't matter if I didn't care about that amount kinda of worries me that if a game bug causes me to lose something I am just sol. What happens if I grind out some rare item or mats for crafting then loose them. Does not really inspire me to want to put any more effort into the game knowing that some lag could cause me to loose items. I really hope that's not the case.
    Last edited by Throckbar; 04-10-2011 at 03:17 PM. Reason: clarity

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Yes and No...mostly no. But I wouldn't be certain your PP is gone.

    The GM staff will, on occasion, restore lost items but there has to be some sort of log on thier end (your chat logs/screenshots don't count) proving that you had the item. That sounds good, but I can't ever remember hearing that anyone has gotten items restored after 5+ years of playing so I would imagine thier logs suck.

    with that said, make sure you check the AH under the bids section to make sure that you don't currently have the high bid on the item. Second, check your mail to make sure the item nor the pp is there (auction results goto your mailbox).

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I have checked bids on AH and mail and even my bags/bank (just in case) no item, but even if I did get the item what about the additional 20k pp is the the AH fee (lol)

  4. #4
    Community Member Autolycus's Avatar
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    If you haven't already, you might want to check the "Buy Back" tab at the vendors. I've read about some crazy things happening and people's items sometimes appearing there.

    Good Luck!

  5. #5
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throckbar View Post
    If the game bugs and you immediately report it can you get your item and or platinum back. I tried to buy a 4.2k pp axe off of AH last night I guess that the server was lagging at the same time, and I ended up getting kicked from game. When I log back in not only did I not have the item I was missing about 24kpp. I would like the axe but if someone beat me to the punch so be it. I realize that the amount of pp is insignificant for those at higher level, but it amounts to about 25% of mine so its not for me. To be honest it wouldn't matter if I didn't care about that amount kinda of worries me that if a game bug causes me to lose something I am just sol. What happens if I grind out some rare item or mats for crafting then loose them. Does not really inspire me to want to put any more effort into the game knowing that some lag could cause me to loose items. I really hope that's not the case.
    I am trying to work this out so forgive me if i sound simple.
    You bid on an axe worth 4,200pp. You got booted and logged on to find you had lost 24,000pp.
    Sounds like you may have clicked on the wrong item. Did you check the bids tab and/or did you receive any weird items in the mail from the AH?
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
    A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"

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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    No I did not receive anything just lost the 24k pp, and nothing was in buy back at vendors. The platinum was irritating but what has me really concerned is if I have something truly valuable and I loose it while doing some crafting. With the next patch going to include a major change to crafting this is a real issue. Would really hate to spend a considerable amount of time farming rare mats or items to only loose them because server lags.

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