If the game bugs and you immediately report it can you get your item and or platinum back. I tried to buy a 4.2k pp axe off of AH last night I guess that the server was lagging at the same time, and I ended up getting kicked from game. When I log back in not only did I not have the item I was missing about 24kpp. I would like the axe but if someone beat me to the punch so be it. I realize that the amount of pp is insignificant for those at higher level, but it amounts to about 25% of mine so its not for me. To be honest it wouldn't matter if I didn't care about that amount kinda of worries me that if a game bug causes me to lose something I am just sol. What happens if I grind out some rare item or mats for crafting then loose them. Does not really inspire me to want to put any more effort into the game knowing that some lag could cause me to loose items. I really hope that's not the case.