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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Crafting Results

    Not really knowing anything about the crafting system, but if I build the an uber weapon of slaying, is there any way to get it to another character on the same account? Also, is there any way to get said weapon onto the AH? Or is everything crafted bound to the character?

  2. #2
    Community Member Cheswick's Avatar
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    Currently crafted items are bound to character. The shards are bound to character also.

    The only item which I have crafted which is bound to account was a trinket. Trinket blanks have to be bought from the DDO Store since there are no un-named trinket items in game. (and then they still have you buy blanking chemicals to make it craftable) even though there is nothing on the trinket to start with. Correction : I just read this post from MadFloyd where he says that general blank trinkets will now be a drop item in chest pulls -
    Last edited by Cheswick; 04-10-2011 at 07:18 AM.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    They stated there will be unbound crafting as well, which is probably why there are 2 rooms on each side are still empty. However this crafting will most likely need more resources and higher crafting levels. As they want to introduce it step by step it isn't yet available. Maybe they first want to see how fast we can craft something uber and destroy the economy with it as soon as it is unbound
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheswick View Post
    Currently crafted items are bound to character. The shards are bound to character also.

    The only item which I have crafted which is bound to account was a trinket. Trinket blanks have to be bought from the DDO Store since there are no un-named trinket items in game. (and then they still have you buy blanking chemicals to make it craftable) even though there is nothing on the trinket to start with. Correction : I just read this post from MadFloyd where he says that general blank trinkets will now be a drop item in chest pulls -
    shards of power from shroud can be used as trinket blanks

  5. #5
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    I know this is waaaay late in the design process (and thus, probably won't happen), but wouldn't it make a bit more sense to divide this into four different crafts that require player interaction, so that way, someone can grind to max, and still need another player's help.

    So why four? To start with, all of the schools would become their own craft, and the players would then be able to make BtC kits that they can apply to another person's item. This is how enchanting works in WoW, but there's also a specific slot in the trade window to expose the item to an enchanter so they can enchant it. Also, by splitting the schools into separate crafts, this forces player interaction to create the uber item. The only change, none of the schools can add a +X bonus to the weapon, that gets moved to a fourth craft.

    While that makes three, what of the fourth?

    Why not make another craft that creates the base items, with the +X bonus on them. This craft would also create items with the wide variety of materials available, and also create items in three different bindings, Bound to char (easy), bound to account (harder to make), and maybe unbound (which would be even harder).

    To control who can craft what, each player can choose only one craft, and if they change crafts, they lose all experience in the old one.

    The advantage of this change, for Turbine, for someone to max out in the crafting system, they now need 4 characters, instead of 1. Why is this crucial? It gives very strong incentives for the players to roll more alts, spend more time in the game, and buy more stuff from the store.

    From the player's perspective, we can use our crafting skills to not only help another player, but by maxing out in a craft, we can make bank, which can help the newer players get the items they need to make the better items. Sure, the general crafting system is a great addition, but to get the best gear in the game, you need to go grind in the harder areas.
    Last edited by Almagnus1; 04-10-2011 at 05:33 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    DDO != WoW =)

    I'm happy that the crafting isn't patterned after what Blizz has done. I prefer the Developers Decisions of Turbine. =)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyetisha View Post
    DDO != WoW =)

    I'm happy that the crafting isn't patterned after what Blizz has done. I prefer the Developers Decisions of Turbine. =)
    Ok, so the idea isn't completely scrapped because I mentioned WoW.... I'm looking at this crafting system as more of an outsider, while I (like probably a few others) played WoW in the distant past (original, before the first expansion for those curious), I have spent far more time in another Turbine title, LotRO.

    And before anyone else says so, I don't want this game to become WoW like, or even LotRO-like, I want it to be DDO, which is why I play, because it's a different experience than LotRO. However, if an idea can be stolen from another MMO, and applied to DDO, and make DDO the better for it, while still giving that idea a distinctively DDO flavor to it, why not?

    The only real influence WoW has on the above suggestion is for some mechanism in a trade window for someone to enchant someone else's bound item without that person needing to give them the item, which is how the WoW Enchanting craft works, something which has superficial similarity, if not more, to what I'm seeing in this new crafting system, and truthfully, with a lot of the DDO crafting systems. However, the suggested divisions in the DDO system carry influence from LotRO.

    For those that don't play LotRO (another Turbine MMO for those that don't know), you choose a craft by choosing a vocation - which is a bundle of three different professions. Each vocation needs another vocation, like an armorer vocation requires someone to be able to turn hides into leather, or the tailoring profession is dead in the water, and without tailoring, some of the best metalsmithing recipes cannot be completed, even though the third profession, prospecting, provides the bulk of materials metalsmithing uses. This forces all armorers to at least have a crafting alt to process hides, or a friend that can do that chore for them (thankfully, there are bulk recipes for that, so it's not as mind-numbingly boring as you might think). So instead of having one person self sufficient with everything craftable across 10 professions, you need 4 carefully chosen vocations to be completely self sufficient. Then there's the crafting guild system, which enables the crafter to make the best crafted items for a given profession without the luck factor normally involved. The catch, you can only be in one guild for one of the three professions for your vocation. So instead of the 4 characters, now you need 7 (there's three gathering professions, why that number's not 10). So that's 7 reasons to roll another char, for the sake of crafting. Let's not get into the rep recipes which give incentive to actually level those 7 characters, or the need to farm mats to complete all three professions in a vocation. As far as gameplay impact, there's not any real difference between one vocation and another aside from what they make. No special bound to char crafted items - with the only perk being the access to a set of 4 items that all end game crafters, regardless of vocation, have access to.

    Let's compare that to crafting system currently on Lamannia, to be self sufficient, you only need 1 character. With the suggested divisions, that's 4 characters, which means that's 3 more characters that players would be tempted to work on with the crafting system, meaning 3 more chances for players to spend money in the Turbine Store while working on leveling up their characters. By adding more crafting professions, it drives the number higher. By making the professions interdependent, it forces players to have to either make what they need on another character, or find it off of the AH, which helps to shift the economy for the buying and selling of dropped items, to one that has more crafted items in it. Like it or not, this system is going to have an interesting affect on the AH, to say the least.

    By making someone completely self sufficient gear wise, in the long run, people will drop out of the economy, because they no longer have any need to participate, and that's going to have a REALLY adverse affect.

    And again, if the crafting system is enticing people to roll more alts, is that really a bad thing?

  8. #8
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Hm. too long text for the idea of letting people share crafting with others.

    Problem is sub-skills effectively exclude the solo players. This is not quite trivial.
    Team stuff is always good and very D&D but DDO has casual and solo players.
    Sure you can use alts for this, even on f2p, but enforcing it takes away the option.

    I agree it goes the other way as well and take the fun out of crafting for others.
    However, the future addition of unbound crafting should take care of this issue to some extent.

    As for the OP, is it right that shards are BtC? ddowiki says they are BtA.

  9. #9
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    Ok, so the idea isn't completely scrapped because I mentioned WoW.... I'm looking at this crafting system as more of an outsider, while I (like probably a few others) played WoW in the distant past (original, before the first expansion for those curious), I have spent far more time in another Turbine title, LotRO
    Oh absolutely not. I only voice my opinion strongly when I feel an idea requires it. I'm a vanilla starter for WoW myself, and I remember the absolute horror that crafting items was like up to level 300.

    However, I think the Devs have already decided that the way to get other players to interact with each other is first, the sheer number of crafting levels required and secondly the rather poor return from deconstructing the prefix/suffix off each weapon.

    Just like in WoW where you have to find the enchanter, or blacksmith, or alchemist to combine your materials into the specific item or potion/flask you are looking to make the same will happen here in DDO. You'll have to find an Arcane or Divine or Elemental crafter of sufficient level to make the shard you need to construct onto your own weapon.

    I don't see them adding a combine window to trade because of the Design Decision to use the crafting stations. And that's it. It's a Design Decision. End of story =P

  10. #10
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    Not really knowing anything about the crafting system, but if I build the an uber weapon of slaying, is there any way to get it to another character on the same account? Also, is there any way to get said weapon onto the AH? Or is everything crafted bound to the character?
    Currently the crafting on Lamannia allows you to craft bound items. Most of them seem to be BtC, but I haven't tested all combinations so....

    The NPC that describes the crafting system saya that there is bound and unbound crafting. Unbound will require higher crafting levels to do (likely me ingreedients as well), but we currently can't test unbound crafting because the alters are not in the game yet.

  11. #11
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post

    As for the OP, is it right that shards are BtC? ddowiki says they are BtA.
    Shards are BTA, but crafted items become BTC. Currently at least.

  12. #12
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    What if a high level recipe allowed you to create a McGuffin that, when put into a device, would apply a specific affect to an item, or overwrite an effect already in place on an item. So, if I have a +3 Awesome Weapon of Spiffyness, and I wanted to apply the Uber prefix, I'd throw an Uber McGuffin into a crafting stations with the +3 Awesome Weapon of Spiffyness, and get a +3 Uber Weapon of Spiffyness.

    The McGuffin would not be bound, and require no skill to use, and this would (hopefully) side step needing to work with a bound item, and enable your crafting prowess to make you money.

    As far as a division of the system into at least 3 different schools..... aside from the enhancement/prefix/suffix system, what else is there to craft? Potions, scrolls, wands, items in various materials (ex: mithral full plate, bronze arrows, etc), and various other consumables. Given the scope of what the prefix/suffix/enhancement crafting system covers, I wonder if it's simply too big compared to what's left to craft. If the monolithic crafting system is too big, it's going to make the other crafting choices trivial, because they can't hope to compete with the sheer volume of stuff produced by the monolothic crafting system.

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