Pre U9 casters ALREADY dominate with straight DPS even before enhancement changes / savants.

Arcanes absolutely tear up any epic quest solo farming endless pack of monsters.
Melees cannot even hope to kill more than a few monsters solo.

Casters have way more DPS and their dps has both AOE and Range. Melees have neither AOE nor Range.
It takes a good caster literally seconds to kill an entire pack of monsters in Epic von1, Fens or Chrono (starting fight).

Casters currently need to rely on cold in Devil raids, because guess what? Devil Raid bosses have fire immunity and cold/acid resistance which is an artificial bubble world for people that spend time only in shroud. These people THINK that casters have low dps because they do nothing but run shroud and low lvl quests where the bosses are fire immune.

Open your eyes and realize it takes a caster mere SECONDS to drop the fire elemental lieutenant in part 2 shroud, or the mobs in Fens/Von which get hit for purple damage with fire.

-So why don't we see more than 1-2 casters per raid? Artificial bubble world where devils are fire immune. (And even still a good eardweller caster using cold/force can pull his weight).

-Why don't we see 6 caster epic groups? We could, except there arent enough COMPETENT casters on the servers. 6 caster epic group would tear everything to pieces Pre U9 until they hit a red name with ridiculously high HP.

1. Pre U9 Casters already DESTROY every trash mob in the game from the minute you get Fireball, all the way to level 20 and in all epics.

2. Casters Pre-u9 can't do much in fights with red names who have high HP and fire immunity (ToD, VoD). NOTE casters CAN pull their weight with DPS in shroud.

3. U9 already addresses point #2 by giving us SLA for sustained reasonable dps for red name boss fights AND by giving us a bigger selection of Non-fire and cold spells (ELEC + ACID) AND by un-coupling fire/cold enhancements and allowing us to spec 2 or more lineages to bypass elemental immunities.

4. There is no way casters should have sustained DPS equal to melee. The minute you give casters equal dps to melee is the minute that melee becomes useless. Casters have AOE + Range. Melee does not.