Originally Posted by
in short, we don't. the sorceror curses in and of themselves are even reuses of monster effects. mephits cast them, water elementals had one. and so on. they aren't new, except being in player hands. it is the dev's goal of improving the first lifers, and the gimps with much of what is going on. a secondary goal was removing one trick pony show appearances. for some reason in the rebalance, rather then exclusively playing about with sp costs, cooldowns and cast times, we got buffs to spells, and echoes and other oddball things. this unfortunately overpowered the new prestige line for one class through the moon, and also had a secondary effect of making monster casters potentially instadeath on two legs, especially if any packs happened to occur using the buffed spells.
as to sustained or not, this has always been a tradeoff. and you are quite right when you say some of the changes only really help the new and the "gimpy". it isn't balanced at all at present. where we start running into real rocky waters is that sustained needs to exist sufficient for viable soloing on lower difficulties with poor gear, without exploding in effectiveness with good gear. exceptional gear is another matter entirely.
breaking that down for a dps perspective. good gear is anything that ups the sp pool significantly or reduces meta cost slightly (improved max/emp/extend 1) and potency up to 50% increase. excellent gear in dps would be much rarer, as in things that regen sp, reduce total sp cost a great deal( staff of petitioner -10% cost),reduced meta cost a larger amount(improved max/emp/extend 2, and or clickies for making it free for a bit, ie embers, ornamental dagger) or big increases(eardweller 100%).
so differentially you have minus 1-2 sp cost per meta sustained with spikes of -25 in difference, possibly -10% overall cost, and 50% burst damage increase in difference there from a pure dps perspective.
now we can look at live and see it being workable. the death effects are a huge issue in places, as are control, but leaving those off the table the pure dps is workable, in trade for some of the deficits. should damage output go up, no. i agree there. should it be more even across spells, yes. if the content doesn't to minimize the benefit of one element over another, that would be rendered largely moot in the eyes of the general playerbase.
should the spells be modified for everyone to suit the new pre- no, this would break monsters and the other class.
which gets me back to the point i was making before and repeatedly. take your poor to mid geared wizard, and throw hi his force sla's. how does that stack up compared to melee. but that line is getting shot in the head for the sake of the new echoes. if the naked sorceror with the new enhancement line can flat out deal more damage than a wizard that is geared out in the same situations seems good. the wizard has other abilities right? but if the other abilities do not get things dead, it's a moot point. a fighter or barbarian can trip a mob over and over, but if that is all they can do, the quest isn't getting done.so now we have a situation where one class needs to be able to carry the day, and if your goal is to make the other class twice as effective as a point of differentiation, then that class suddenly has twice the output needed to get through the content. this breaks things.
so as i was saying before the base model is inherently set up in this way, arcanes capable of more damage output then melee, but losing much of it in overkill, comparative losses due to scaling with more people, and so on. it seems they assume a more diversified party, and if we skew the party we skew the results obtained. you could in theory muck about with the items, while reducing the curse from the new pre's and actually have a hope of fixing the extreme overpower that we saw in lam preview build 1 on sorcerors. but you cannot eliminate sustainability as compared to mob quantities and health without breaking a class.
you find content balanced in the old releases for a near naked caster. add primo gear and your scenario becomes true. but simple reduction of damage output, or reduction of sustainability isn't going to work.
and that is what you headed the thread with. maybe a scaling cap on damage outright. similar to the cap on jump skill at 40, so the designers knew what they could build around.
certain other titles out there used something of that nature to limit the overpower of aoe's. but there are flaws with that as well.
which leaves me where i was before. come up with some reasoned solutions. ones that account for widely variable gearing, the necessities in design on new arcanes, finds a good distinctive split between two classes without overpowering either or both, accounts for dungeon scaling given how it applies to all difficulties including epic, the number of player slots available in content, etc etc. that or state what you did, that you feel this way, and hope the dev's strike a good balance soon, without forgetting human behaviour in the past.on that much i can agree.
ps. that thought you had on how spelldamage can affect mobs for double, but there is no melee equivalent( just the equivalency of dr to resistances, not a flat buff to output from vulnerability) is really worth asking them to look at really closely. in fairness sake removing double damage from elementals, or adding physical type vulnerabilities for double damage is worth exploring.
and that i am trying to agree with you, but noting the absolute overpower is coming in predominantly with one of the classes, and the developers stated goals. if they reduce epic mob hp, this is a huge dps boost for casters, if the do not reduce it everywhere else and reduce player hp, then reduce spell damage things get broken. its a nasty little problem, not answered simply by the either or you present in the current situation.