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Thread: Innovation

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  1. #1
    Community Member Dracey's Avatar
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    Default Innovation

    Before responding, keep in mind that this is NOT a VoD or HoX thread. And please at least read the actual topic highlighted in bold red.

    Now much of this post is just purely my opinion, but many players seriously do seem to wrongly have this impression that a Warforged and Only a Warforged is Necessary for tanking Sully in VoD much in the same way many players strongly believe that a Bard and Only a Bard is Necessary to run stones in HoX. If for the correct intent, then in these two scenarios the selection process in roles originally rest on convenience and efficiency and not necessity but I digress.

    One of the major problems I've experienced are leaders passing on these tactics to newcomers so firmly as if asserted to be the one and only correct method. And in time those newcomers will follow the pattern and influence future newcomers to follow the same tactic as if there are no other. I only have experiences in Sarlona, but a simple issue like this is what hurts a perfectly decent MMORPG.

    Other trends and pressed ideas may include:
    - You Must have Two healers in a shroud
    - You must be this tall to ride, er.. I mean you must have at least 450 HP to shroud (N difficulty)
    - The Barbarian is a superior tank because over 9,000 hit points will surely survive
    - OMG Your Icon (Rogue, Cleric, Wizard, Etc) says that you cannot possibly tank
    - Your build is gimp, reroll into This!
    - Etc, etc, etc
    * Feel free to add to this truly Endless list, there is some entertainment value in this

    Topic: People need to think for themselves, formulate their own plans or at least understand that there is no such proper One way of enjoying the game. Far too many experienced players have failed in the most epic fashion to appreciate this, but what happened to Innovation?

    I know there are plenty of people out there who enjoy the game in their own personal way. I understand that a great number of us will not allow opinions of others to control our decisions. But then what about the rest of the population? It's not that difficult to provide or undertake the simpler, more subtle notion of guidelines opposed to spewing out strict instructions. But in every channel (including trade) I see people imposing or perhaps even force feeding these strict instructions to newbies and newbies who oblige blindly. I believe that people need to start explaining or asking "why?" and not only focus so ignorantly on "what" and "how."

    On a side note, the moment you egotistic elitist minded people throw out nonsense such as “you must have x number of blah to <insert action>” Without properly evaluating, respecting or at the very least acknowledging the opposing arguments and preferably having taken into consideration the relevant alternatives, you invalidate your judgment entirely.

    *edit* I'm trying to Initiate a meaningful discussion in this thread to a topic that I find fascinating and am curious by what directions it may take. I know what my own opinions are (that will be shared), however, I am only really interested in your opinions. And by no means am I trying to get anyone to agree with me.
    Last edited by Dracey; 04-09-2011 at 01:51 PM.

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