So I want to make a greensteel weapon as a generic DPS-weapon to swing from levels 12-19 after I TR. Not worried about a DR breaker, I have that covered, and not worried about level 20, I've got a couple epic weapons that I like.
Now, I know that the very best DPS greensteel in generic situations (no DR, no special immunities or vulnerabilities) is Lightning 2.
But EVERYBODY gets Lit2! I want to be different! And I'm willing to sacrifice a little DPS (but no more than needed) to be different.
So my question is, which OTHER greensteel combination has the next best DPS after Lit2 for generic mobs?
- Corrosive Salt
- Disintegration
- Elemental Mastery
- Magma Surge
- Steam
- Crushing waves
- Incineration
Any ideas which of these is best? Who's run the numbers or tried them out?
Thanks for any insight on this.