im not gonna list a million scrolls that i doubt anyone will ever need, so here's the short version:
Antique Greataxe
Bramble Casters
Raven's Sight
Bracers of Deftness
not an extremely impressive list but these are the scrolls i don't need and figure someone else may have a use for. i also have a ton of 'novelty' scrolls for items some people may just want to craft for the heck of it, midnight greetings, chimera's fang, that one robe from house P with +7 int and a slot.... and a few i'd prefer to keep but would be willing to part with for the right price
also have some kind of cool items;
+5 holy greataxe of maiming (large guild augment slot) ML 12
+4 metalline kukri of pure good (meh, kukri)
disease immunity ring of heavy fortification (tiny slot) ML 13
other stuff i'll list i sort through all my junk lol
pm me for prices, or to make an offer.