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  1. #1
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default BTC shards? Seriously?

    Is it really Turbines intent that you have to grind crafting levels on ALL toons in order to make items for them?

    I know you keep hinting to unbound items but we all know that will come with some additional cost attached.

    I just lost the appetite for the entire crafting and it seems that things are getting stacked against grinding out levels on your own and the intent is to buy materials from the store and level that way.

    I just can't phantom any other reason to make all shards BTC.

    It took me probably 10k+ lesser materials to level up to 55 in elemental. I can barely craft burst weapons. Given the drop rate hitting 55 in ONE school is going to be a mountain; wanting me to do the same with all my toons is like asking me to climb that mountain while strapping broken glass to my naked feet.

    Is that really the lesson that Turbine took away from our discussion this week about what we think about essences in the store?

    To make it even more dreadful because some people are fully fine with buying themselves instant leveling?

    I really hope that is not the case but it sure looks like it.

    Keep it - running shroud a bazillion times just seems like fun again.

  2. #2
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    I know prior to the April 8 update, even if the shards had BtC, I was still able to place them in the Shared Bank, when I logged in my other character, to use, it now read BtA.

    I was too tired to try any thing else, but about to log in and see what crafting is like after April 8th Update

    Just saying I was "What The " seeing some shards were BtC and Some BtA, and it seems they are really BtA (Until the unbound crafting devices are added)

    Remember this crafting is still in Beta

    If I was into PvP, I probably would have an issue with Players able to buy their levels, but since DDO is PvE adventures, I have 0 issues if one wants to spend $ to level up, I say go for it if you can afford to do such, I know I would

    Keep playing with the Crafting, this is lamaland, if it was live, I would be upset in the state it's in now.

    I do agree the cost to level up is high, I'm trying to repeat a weapon I picked up a while back, which was a decent lvl 6 weapon, last night after working on it, I saw I needed a level 44 Divine (for 100%) just to make the same level 6 weapon , so we're talking low to mid 30's divine, the cost and time is way too high.
    I guess that's one way to keep rare drops rare, and not just instant crafted

    oh and another thing, even if you never crafted, combining is always at 100% , so your plan to have one craftsman, in your personal posse should still work out.
    But then again after I press submit and log in game, I may find they did change it all to BtC and no longer BtA, I best stop typing here and go peek for myself

  3. #3
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    The Shards are BtC- they bug to BtA if they are placed in a bag and removed.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  4. #4
    Community Member XaatXuun's Avatar
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    well heck.

    Okay before the shards were BtA, and should be if using Bound Device.

    So before when I was placing BtC shards in Bank it would bug them to BtA ?

    Yeah now I am a lil upset, even it was lamannia , when I get out of game I'll update my post now that I see that has changed, from a "yu need to relax poster" type reply, to "I know the feeling, it 's a mean mean thing to do"

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I think binding is a security measure and a control group measure to help track shard trends.

  6. #6
    Community Member XaatXuun's Avatar
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    right now I would guess the shard trends have been just for leveling up craft, Don't really need a way to know that.
    I'm sure many players have crafted shards they would never use, just to get the their crafting level up, and if they happen to make a shard that a Alt they have could use,then they could send it Via Shared Bank, but being BtC, and someone that plays Alts, Crafting will be a terrible skill to invest in.

    I doubt I'll be much into crafting once it goes live, seeing the time and money needed to spend to just getting some levels out of it, and surly wouldn't try and get every Alt I play leveled up in Crafting. I will dab in it once it's live, just not going to count on ever being able to craft anything useful. End rewards and random chest loot at level has better items then what one could craft.
    In the end this crafting is just end game addition not an All level addition like I got the impression it was going to be, but then again it's still Beta, so till live I have no final thoughts about it, but in it's current state, I can only voice my feelings if it was live
    can't afford to be an optimist testing something in Beta,
    I mean my views cannot be, but my attitude is

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    Is it really Turbines intent that you have to grind crafting levels on ALL toons in order to make items for them?

    I know you keep hinting to unbound items but we all know that will come with some additional cost attached.

    I just lost the appetite for the entire crafting and it seems that things are getting stacked against grinding out levels on your own and the intent is to buy materials from the store and level that way.

    I just can't phantom any other reason to make all shards BTC.

    It took me probably 10k+ lesser materials to level up to 55 in elemental. I can barely craft burst weapons. Given the drop rate hitting 55 in ONE school is going to be a mountain; wanting me to do the same with all my toons is like asking me to climb that mountain while strapping broken glass to my naked feet.

    Is that really the lesson that Turbine took away from our discussion this week about what we think about essences in the store?

    To make it even more dreadful because some people are fully fine with buying themselves instant leveling?

    I really hope that is not the case but it sure looks like it.

    Keep it - running shroud a bazillion times just seems like fun again.
    I found elemental easy school to get up... It took me prob triple for divine if not more.. Arcane does seem the easiest though..

    arcane 44
    divine 51
    elemental 63

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