Is it really Turbines intent that you have to grind crafting levels on ALL toons in order to make items for them?

I know you keep hinting to unbound items but we all know that will come with some additional cost attached.

I just lost the appetite for the entire crafting and it seems that things are getting stacked against grinding out levels on your own and the intent is to buy materials from the store and level that way.

I just can't phantom any other reason to make all shards BTC.

It took me probably 10k+ lesser materials to level up to 55 in elemental. I can barely craft burst weapons. Given the drop rate hitting 55 in ONE school is going to be a mountain; wanting me to do the same with all my toons is like asking me to climb that mountain while strapping broken glass to my naked feet.

Is that really the lesson that Turbine took away from our discussion this week about what we think about essences in the store?

To make it even more dreadful because some people are fully fine with buying themselves instant leveling?

I really hope that is not the case but it sure looks like it.

Keep it - running shroud a bazillion times just seems like fun again.