Savant set bonuses working yet?
Actually are savants +caster level bonuses even fixed yet since they didnt even work last update?
Savant set bonuses working yet?
Actually are savants +caster level bonuses even fixed yet since they didnt even work last update?
Nope, not fixed either.
Still no use being earth savant exept for stoneskin.
No use being fire savant.
No use being air savant.
The only savant that really benefits from the +6CL is cold. Seriously, who thought thoses out ? -_-
DEV 1 : Man the ice line doesn't do enought dps... lets give 'em more CL on their spells...
DEV 2 : Yeah but we'll have to give every PrE the same bonus for balance no ?
DEV 1 : Good idea!
DEV 2 : Hey... is there any spell that benefits from it ? Does it stacks with existing items ? What do we do with ToD items ?
DEV 1 : Meh... We'll check that later... update 13, along with the Druids.
Last edited by Kralael; 04-09-2011 at 02:46 AM.
Kralael /// Kralwar /// Kralzu /// Kralheals /// Proud 'tard of Imperial Assassins