my build that i made is a pure DPS kensai build called a demon build
40 strength
14 dexterity
27 Constitution
6 intelegence
6 wisdom
9 charisma
40-70 base damage
190-300 criticial
my build that i made is a pure DPS kensai build called a demon build
40 strength
14 dexterity
27 Constitution
6 intelegence
6 wisdom
9 charisma
40-70 base damage
190-300 criticial
Last edited by zarthak; 04-08-2011 at 05:02 PM.
You guys obviously missed the whole point of the thread.
He said it was a DEMON build.
So it's obviously awesome.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
ya he was gimp thats why i TRed into a wf 18barb/2 fighter and its way better 500-800 crits