I ran with a level 13 Wizard last night who stuck around after the raid while me and a guildie chatted with a new friend of ours. Well, the wiz asked about what sort of equipment would be good for his level. I began explaining what's good and what you need: like Heavy Fort, the highest +CON and False Life items for your level, etc...
After explaining a lot of this stuff, we discovered the wiz was wearing multiple +INT items not realizing they don't stack. This is understandable...I did the same thing myself the first character I rolled. We don't all stare at our character sheets all day. Well, an hour later we had him kitted out like a champ and I think he now has a new understanding of DDO and will be able to enjoy the game a lot more with his new found strength.
My questions to the Devs is: Where is our decent tutorial? Its nice that anyone can get to level 20 without great equipment, but in the end this is only going to lead to /ragequitting when the level 20s start ripping into people for not having necessities like Fortification or CON items on.
The current exclamation point system could be used to introduce these ideas. For example, when you have a +Stat/skill item on and you equip a second one, Pop, an exclamation point shows up telling you "Hey, those don't stack, only the highest bonus applies". Or when you loot your first Fort item you get a Pop "Fortification guards against critical hits, and is considered an extremely important item to have for any character." Something like this would go a long way towards helping you keep a strong player base that understands your game.
Simply put, this game is difficult to learn and has a much steeper learning curve than games like WoW. This is especially so if you've never touched PnP. I'm not advocating making this game accessible to 5 year olds, but just to add tutorials explaining the extremely important things that are expected at the higher levels to avoid frustration down the line.
After all: Knowing is half the battle! Knowledge is Power!