The suggestion of the bard(song). does it has spell resistance?
i know bard isn't part of the spell casting thread but this is an valid spell casting question ( i think).
The suggestion of the bard(song). does it has spell resistance?
i know bard isn't part of the spell casting thread but this is an valid spell casting question ( i think).
No a bard song doesn't have to get past spell resistance. The DC on facinate is typically very high for most bards so its rare for a mob to save. However if playing the song of suggestion once in awhile a mob might save on the suggestion song on splash builds in higher level content.
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
i think suggestion song is still based on the cha mod
Virt II makes elujin smile!
that fascinate didn't had SR i already knew.
but how about the suggestion song?
DC for fascinate is the perform skill.
i think the DC for suggestion is 10 + half bard level + charisma mod. not 100% sure.
46: 18 base 5 level 2 race 4 tome 2 shrine 7 enhancement 3 exceptional 3 class enh 2 yugo.
so 10 + 10 bard + 18(46 charisma) = DC 38 save or be fascinated.
neither have SR?
any way to up the suggestion save?