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  1. #1
    Community Member Cadveen's Avatar
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    Default Pale Master III spell-like ability

    To aid in Pale Masters being able to utilize more nerco spells that are cluttered together in level four. Maybe add contagion and curse as Pale Master III spell like abilities. Just a thought, but almost all high end undead in the game have some kind of diseasing and cursing ability. Fear Aura?


  2. #2
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Not a bad idea, but for the reason of having more undead related abilities not just to make room in the spell slots.
    We will have four undead shrouds, i don't see any reason not to have a few more to choose from since you have to pick.
    Some people already suggested ghoul, mummy, as the obvious ones, i'd go with ghost personally.

  3. #3
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    Not a bad idea, but for the reason of having more undead related abilities not just to make room in the spell slots.
    We will have four undead shrouds, i don't see any reason not to have a few more to choose from since you have to pick.
    Some people already suggested ghoul, mummy, as the obvious ones, i'd go with ghost personally.
    we have wraith already

  4. #4
    Community Member Cadveen's Avatar
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    Although the negative SLAs of Pale Master I, II, and III are nice and I use them constantly, I feel the pres need to be beefed up a bit. I do not think just adding more forms will do this. The summons are next to useless so take them out and add curse and contagion as sla's. And for all intents and purposes as the other guy stated....a ghost is pretty much a wraith.

    ALSO...If you cast a summon in an epic quest. It should become a creature with epic stats like the mobs in the quest otherwise they are useles..just a thought.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cyreonx's Avatar
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    I would like it if we got back a more melee compatible form for tier 2. Something like "shroud of the Wight" or ghast or ghoul.
    +2 strength
    +2 constitution
    either 1d4 bleed damage or the harm touch we get from lich form. We need something offensive to add. The con damage on crits doesn't really help that much.
    Chance for 15/20/30 temporary hitpoints when hit. This coupled with the + 4 con was what really added survivability to lich form.

    I kinda doubt at this point they're going to add it in this update. But add ideas and maybe we'll get it

  6. #6
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyreonx View Post
    I would like it if we got back a more melee compatible form for tier 2. Something like "shroud of the Wight" or ghast or ghoul.
    +2 strength
    +2 constitution
    either 1d4 bleed damage or the harm touch we get from lich form. We need something offensive to add. The con damage on crits doesn't really help that much.
    Chance for 15/20/30 temporary hitpoints when hit. This coupled with the + 4 con was what really added survivability to lich form.

    I kinda doubt at this point they're going to add it in this update. But add ideas and maybe we'll get it
    a wight would typically deal negative levels on a crit. life stealing would be an appropriate buff, i suppose.

  7. #7
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    we have wraith already
    Ghost is nothing like wraith except on incorporeal.
    Telekinetic trip would be the likely option, one drain touch, maybe frightful moan and some kind of charm for malevolence.
    Not all at once of course.

  8. #8
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    With all due respect, pale masters and savants are top of the pile right now. So I don't think we need buffs. Plus, I don't think I can spare enough AP on new and cool forms. :P

    With all due seriousnes, additional forms woud be nice. They are exclusive, so you can't stack 3 of them and be uber powerful. I would like they add some sort of unarmed animation for some low dps in forms. Shame to see all unarmed bonuses being practically wasted. That way it would be fun coice, but not built for effectiveness (something like 70-100 DPS - at lvl of our free nukes)

  9. #9
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    They should correct prereq for PM summon first :

    Without correction there will be no place for them in PM build (23 AP for almost useless Pet? No, thank you)
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
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  10. #10
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    They should correct prereq for PM summon first :

    Without correction there will be no place for them in PM build (23 AP for almost useless Pet? No, thank you)
    All PM pets are a waste of APs.

    Edit- Even with the changes you suggest.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  11. #11
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
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    I made a post about Pale Master here. Basically I suggested:

    Spell damage and crits (crit damage and chance) should get boosted to reflect that of a full spec elemental line since negative energy is main focus of the prestige. Damage is boosted by 45% from prestige, full lines go up to 50%. Crit chance is fine as it is 9% and full lines go up to 8% (should still be brought in line). Crit damage multiplier is 1.5 from prestige, and full lines go up to 2.25.

    Metas should apply to the SLAs for Pale Master (and Archmage too... for the cost they are really pathetic) like they do for Savants. After playing both Savant and Pale Master, my SLAs on Pale Master are saved against consistently and do half or less damage than my Savant counterpart (half or less when they aren't saved against, 1/3-1/4 or so when they are in comparison). Pale Masters are still the master of negative energy much the same way Savants are the masters of their chosen element. No reason they shouldn't get similar benefits.

    The ToD set as a whole really sucks pretty bad. When you are wearing another class ToD set because yours is really terrible, something is wrong. It was suggested to either add superior void lore on it at least, and/or increase caster level of negative spells by 2.
    Last edited by Noelemahc; 04-09-2011 at 10:43 AM.

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  12. #12
    Community Member Cadveen's Avatar
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    Also, savants get curses to increase their dmg and awaken weakness to make their spells hit same elements. Give pale masters curse as an SLA so we dont have to waste so much mana to get our spells to function fully on epics.
    Again..if we summon a pet in an epic if it does not become an epic creature..DEVS...It is worthless. If the summons are a main part of our PRE and they are worthless please remove them and give us something useful like contagion and curse as SLA's.

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