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  1. #61
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    1) I doubt it, still seemed to take alot less damage then other players

    2) Its not a joke

    3) Im not complaining i'm sharing my experience with the DDO communiity.
    You cast this FvS in an unfavorable light and it's uncalled for even if you didn't use his/her name. You should expect these kinds of comments instead of ridiculing the people who offer them.

  2. #62
    Community Member Roronoa177's Avatar
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    Even the world famous Conan, whom started his career wearing only leather loincloth, had to resorted to ugly blue chainmail at the near end of his adventuring days. (peer pressure too?)

    What makes u think u can escape unscathed wearing only rags till lvl 20? At ur lvl, u should b wearing an oversized pink armor with polka dots.

  3. #63
    Community Member Kalindush's Avatar
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    Hey, I like rags! I just don't like use it in a quest. But they pretty comfortable.

  4. #64
    Community Member Terebinthia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    1) I doubt it, still seemed to take alot less damage then other players

    2) Its not a joke

    3) Im not complaining i'm sharing my experience with the DDO communiity.
    I do agree they look kinda cool for a barbarian.

    I'm guessing they are going to be craftable after update 9, which would be somewhat entertaining.

    Personally I'm trying to find the robes with the smiley faces on the soles of the feet that my friend has.
    Terebinthia, Terebynthia, Tereana, Tereaina, Tereanna, Terebyte, Terechan, Terebinthis
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  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    1) I doubt it, still seemed to take alot less damage then other players

    2) Its not a joke

    3) Im not complaining i'm sharing my experience with the DDO communiity.
    Ok I'm not a numbers guy but looking at a few different threads it seems that at lvl 8-9 enemies have a "to hit" bonus of like 25-30 (of course depending on difficulty). Assuming you're a low dex THF rather than a high dex TWF (some barbs like TWF) you could easily get 30 AC if you cared to. +5 mithral full plate, pots, dex bonus (even if it's only 1-2), protection item, adamantine ritual and haste pot. That's not including other buffs that you could get from other players such as bard songs, cleric/pally spells, halfling hero companion and more. None of this would nerf a lvl 8-9 barb and in fact would reduce the enemies chances of hitting you. Even with rage if you maxed AC (without nerfing your toon doing something stupid like taking the dodge feat) you'd still have a good enough AC for (most) enemies at level. Even if you're only stopping the lower "to hit" mobs you're still reducing the damage you take significantly at this level.

    I understand why you're not worried about AC as a barb, first you can kill stuff quickly enough that they won't get enough swings to kill you. Second you have high enough HP that you barely notice those 3 point and 5 point arrows that hit you . Third it's pointless to worry about it at lvl 12 and beyond. Fourth it's resource intensive (mithral full plate, specifically, will run you 100K plat). However, a healer notices these things and appreciates them. I just TR'd one of my toons into a FvS and I'm pugging lvl 5-8 quests currently and it's unbelievable how many wands I go through. I didn't think I would actually spend more money than I'm taking in on wands, scrolls and pots. Luckily I've got plenty of plat due to my past life however, it's players like you who don't care about AC (even at low levels when it is VERY important to have AC) that create such a drain on your healers.

    There is also one point that doesn't have to do with AC and your choice of armor. Deathblock. In a quest with beholders you should have it and it fits best into your armor slot (even if you're using a silver flame tailisman I don't see the point in not wearing armor (unless you're trying to incite people or be funny and you've said it's not a joke so....)

    Basically the way I see it is that you are like someone who pushed a police officer and then got tazed then you go looking to the community for sympathy. Sorry dude I got none for this.

    (as I've said, I personally don't tell these korthos rags people what I think about their selection in game. After all they're just trying to get a rise out of people for forum fodder anyway. I'm not going to give them that. When I'm on my cleric I heal them no questions asked however, I can see the point of this FvS and you shouldn't get any sympathy for the situation that you brought upon yourself.)

    also one quick question to clear things up. Did the guy heal you or not? Since you say in your OP that his quote was "at higher levels they won't heal you" but the title to the thread says "no heals for you" which would be misleading if he actually healed you and you don't cover that in the OP. The fact that you don't talk about your death, soulstone, pots used, etc... leads me to believe that he actually healed you throughout the quest and merely warned you about future possibilities.

  6. #66
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    i see where the op is coming from. many replies to this post have been avbout how armor does more then just ac. resist __ has been mentioned a few times.. how is that any less of a slot waste then nothing at all with half the guild ships in ddo carrying the full line of resist 30's? with the exception of a few dragontouched effects on a few toons, the marilith chain, and 1 or 2 epics, armor is useless in this game.... even if the description on it doesnt look so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    We should make our feedback as honest as possible so that when it is absolutely ignored by Turbine we will get bonus points on the scoreboard of life.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    So anyway was minding my own business leveling up my halfling barbarian who, from level 1 to level 20 will be wearing the korthos island tatted rags in my armor slot, I was doing Jungles of Kyper on hard when this TR favoured soul says "If you don't wear armor past level 16 no one will heal you"

    And im like Dude, AC is pointless on a barbarian its all about fort, DR and hit points. Would any of you kind healers not heal someone just because what they wear?

    I was so flabbigasted I had to have a lay down and a nice cup of tea before sharing this with you.
    I have a Rogue buddy who goes through the same thing when he doesn't wear his armor. The funny thing is that his AC is higher Naked than with his armor on. He also has taken some ripping from others in the game who feel that he is damning their group and xp (flawless) by becoming a liability.
    I haven't played as long as others but I do know that I have a TON to learn.

    It's best to just laugh (off mic) at the people who think they know everything.
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  8. #68
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Default Sorry

    I had a dex based acrobat for 4 years. I loved her. Her survivability was unvelievable and she was a great utility toon. Extremely versitile and in combat she NEVER missed (40ish Dex.. If I remem). Unfortunately, she did very little damage vs the important stuff, and with 330ish HP when she did get hit.. It was ugly! Almost every forum on rogues or HP spelled out REROLL... But I didn't listen..because I loved her... About 2months ago, I LR'd her into a STR based Assassin.. Holy Combat Usfullness! ..and her rogue skills and UMD are just as good. Surely, OMG, all those people where on to something...

    Don.t wear any Armor if you don'want to... but ultimately you are losing out on three slots if u don't. Not to mention that even though AC in DDO is gimped, some points help (it's a system based on pionts after all), and anything to help clerics save spell points is truly very helpful.

    FYI there are some Barbarian builds that use most of their slots for guards.. Which cause more damage to the monsters when they hit you, which is often...

    Ps, if you are really that passionate about it, use ALL of your starter gear, and nothing else...If this is the only toon you have, the you wont know any better, and will have a lot of fun...

    Remenber that G&R song... "I used to loved to love her, but I had to kill her"..
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