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  1. #1
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Question Amount from suffix/prefix decons?

    You know how you get say a Level 2 amount of Air Wisps for Shocking and a Level 4 amount of Body Strands for Bone-Breaking etc, etc......does the level on these or amount even if the level stays the same increase as your crafting XP increases or is DECON not related to crafting XP and it's just a set amount for each effect? Also you have a chance to get greater essences each time you strip a prefix/ this always a random amount?

    TY for any replies, trying to fill in my thread on DECONS a little better.
    Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 04-07-2011 at 06:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    ....does the level on these or amount even if the level stays the same increase as your crafting XP
    AFAICT it is a random amount up to 2^ItemPropertyLevel - 1; your crafting level has no effect.

  3. #3
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjw View Post
    AFAICT it is a random amount up to 2^ItemPropertyLevel - 1; your crafting level has no effect.
    Okays...TY.....I am just going to list the LeveL amount then.....i.e. Level 1 amount, Level 2 amount....etc...... and list what subtype the prefix/suffix falls under.

    I wanna do this not only for myself but for other people to realize that stuff such as the coveted +4 Holy Burst Silver of GLOB will not require that you can only get the shard crafting ingredients from Holy, Holy Burst, and Pure Good weapons as there are I am sure many other prefix/suffix that fall under the GOOD subtype....this goes for all the shard ingredients...there are multiple effects that fall under all the types.

    TY for the reply

  4. #4
    Community Member DrakmireTS's Avatar
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    I posted this as a barely-filtered wall of text in a different thread, but there are some relevant numbers from when I deconstructed all of my handwraps (along with 2 kamas and my boots):

    Strength Sapping (4)
    Body Sparks
    18 sparks, 3 crystals

    G. Chaotic Outsider Bane (5)
    Law Marbles
    34 marbles, 3 orbs

    G. Evil Outsider Bane (5)
    Good Beams
    33 beams, 5 beacons

    Vorpal (8)
    Evil Grime
    29 grime, 3 sludge | 34 grime

    Armored +8 (8)
    Divine Shares (is this meant to be 'shards'?)

    Maladroit (3)
    Body Strands
    8 strands

    Stunning +10 (5)
    Water Droplets
    34 droplets, 2 whirls | 25 droplets, 1 whirl

    Stunning +8 (4)
    Water Droplets
    18 droplets, 4 whirls

    Metalline (4)
    Chaos Sparks
    18 sparks, 3 flashes

    Striding 30% (6)
    Air Wisps
    31 Air Wisps

    G. Construct Bane (5)
    Chaos Sparks
    31 sparks

    G. Aberration Bane (5)
    Law Marbles
    31 marbles, 1 orb

    Improved Destruction (6)
    Body Strands
    37 strands

    G. Undead Bane (5)
    Good Beams
    36 beams

    Eagle +10 (5)
    Mind Threads
    30 threads, 5 shards

    G. Dragon Bane (5)
    Divine Shares

    G. Giant Bane (5)
    Arcane Charges
    35 charges

    G. Elemental Bane (5)
    Divine Shares

    Poison Neutralization [5 charges] (4)
    Good Beams
    13 beams

    G. Cold Resistance (5)
    Water Droplets
    26 droplets, 4 whirls

  5. #5
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakmireTS View Post
    I posted this as a barely-filtered wall of text in a different thread, but there are some relevant numbers from when I deconstructed all of my handwraps (along with 2 kamas and my boots):

    Strength Sapping (4)
    Body Sparks
    18 sparks, 3 crystals

    G. Chaotic Outsider Bane (5)
    Law Marbles
    34 marbles, 3 orbs

    G. Evil Outsider Bane (5)
    Good Beams
    33 beams, 5 beacons

    Vorpal (8)
    Evil Grime
    29 grime, 3 sludge | 34 grime

    Armored +8 (8)
    Divine Shares (is this meant to be 'shards'?)

    Maladroit (3)
    Body Strands
    8 strands

    Stunning +10 (5)
    Water Droplets
    34 droplets, 2 whirls | 25 droplets, 1 whirl

    Stunning +8 (4)
    Water Droplets
    18 droplets, 4 whirls

    Metalline (4)
    Chaos Sparks
    18 sparks, 3 flashes

    Striding 30% (6)
    Air Wisps
    31 Air Wisps

    G. Construct Bane (5)
    Chaos Sparks
    31 sparks

    G. Aberration Bane (5)
    Law Marbles
    31 marbles, 1 orb

    Improved Destruction (6)
    Body Strands
    37 strands

    G. Undead Bane (5)
    Good Beams
    36 beams

    Eagle +10 (5)
    Mind Threads
    30 threads, 5 shards

    G. Dragon Bane (5)
    Divine Shares

    G. Giant Bane (5)
    Arcane Charges
    35 charges

    G. Elemental Bane (5)
    Divine Shares

    Poison Neutralization [5 charges] (4)
    Good Beams
    13 beams

    G. Cold Resistance (5)
    Water Droplets
    26 droplets, 4 whirls
    TYVM....I'll punch this into my thread +1

  6. #6
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjw View Post
    AFAICT it is a random amount up to 2^ItemPropertyLevel - 1; your crafting level has no effect.
    There's bound to be an additional calculation in there. On some of my Level 3 crunches, I've gotten 14 materials total. Your formula says I should have gotten only (2*2*2) - 1 = 7

    On my level 4 crunches, 21 materials. Your calculation says I should have gotten (2*2*2*2) - 1 = 15

    Level 3 crunches is my biggest data set so far, because I failed to start tracking when I first started crafting =P

  7. #7
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Default Here are a few I have

    I thought about logging all my decons but then I started working on the Crafting Video Demo so my thoughts shifted and now I don't think I can more than 1 more chare on Lam with items to decon. If you can give me a list of things you are missing I can buy them before moving my final char and log them.

    Pre/Suf * level * Essence Type
    Major Ice Lore * 5 * Water
    Major Fire Lore * 5 * Fire
    Superior Combustion VII * 8 * Fire
    Greater Devotion IV * 5 * Good
    Disruption * 6 * Good
    Major Void Lore * 5 * Evil

    Edit PS:
    A small sample from what I have left, I may video some When I get my last char moved.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 8 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Vorpal Kama, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 28 Evil Grimes, 2 Evil Sludges.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 8 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Vorpal Kama, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 34 Evil Grimes, 5 Evil Sludges.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 8 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Enfeebling, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 33 Evil Grimes.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Cursespewing Longsword Of Tendon Slice 4%, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 9 Evil Grimes.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Cursespewing Battleaxe of Backstabbing, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 9 Evil Grimes, 3 Evil Sludges.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Cursespewing Longsword of Enfeebling, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 6 Evil Grimes, Evil Sludge.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Cursespewing Shortbow of Slowburst, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 8 Evil Grimes.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Cursespewing Dwarven Axe Of Tendon Slice 10%, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 7 Evil Grimes.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Improved Cursespewing Shortbow of Backstabbing, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 28 Evil Grimes.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +4 Improved Cursespewing Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 31 Evil Grimes.
    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +4 Improved Cursespewing Longbow of Power I, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 32 Evil Grimes.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Earth Sand (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Seeker Greatclub Of Shatter +6, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 11 Earth Sand.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Earth Sand (Level 5 Amount)! Consumed: +5 Thundering Handaxe Of Shatter +10, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 35 Earth Sand.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Earth Sand (Level 3 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Wounding Dwarven Axe Of Shatter +6, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 6 Earth Sand, Earth Rock.
    Sadly, its seems that levels 6,7, and 8 give you no more than level 5 atm.
    Last edited by Marten; 04-08-2011 at 04:47 AM.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  8. #8
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyetisha View Post
    There's bound to be an additional calculation in there.
    You are quite right; I have seen some really high values also. Level 5 stuff seems to produce around 32; level 4 around 16-ish...but I agree, my original estimate was wrong.

    I guess when enough people collect and send data, we'll get a better picture.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery
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    Please add to the list on the DDO Wiki at Full_Crafting_System#Crafting_Components_from_Deco nstruction
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
    If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)

  10. #10
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjw View Post
    You are quite right; I have seen some really high values also. Level 5 stuff seems to produce around 32; level 4 around 16-ish...but I agree, my original estimate was wrong.

    I guess when enough people collect and send data, we'll get a better picture.
    Absolutely. I'll continue logging and anytime you wish to review my raw data I'll be more than happy to provide it =D

  11. #11
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marten View Post
    I thought about logging all my decons but then I started working on the Crafting Video Demo so my thoughts shifted and now I don't think I can more than 1 more chare on Lam with items to decon. If you can give me a list of things you are missing I can buy them before moving my final char and log them.

    Pre/Suf * level * Essence Type
    Major Ice Lore * 5 * Water
    Major Fire Lore * 5 * Fire
    Superior Combustion VII * 8 * Fire
    Greater Devotion IV * 5 * Good
    Disruption * 6 * Good
    Major Void Lore * 5 * Evil

    Edit PS:
    A small sample from what I have left, I may video some When I get my last char moved.

    Sadly, its seems that levels 6,7, and 8 give you no more than level 5 atm.'s gonna be a while before they release the final version of this anyways.......any little bit helps my list out greatly....thanks for this info.

  12. #12
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Default a few more

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Body Strands (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: Belt of Balance +13, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 32 Lesser Body Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Good Beams (Level 4 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Superior Devotion III Light Steel Shield of Spell Resistance (13), Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 12 Lesser Good Essences, Greater Good Essence.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Arcane Charges (Level 9 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Greater Potency VII Kama, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 30 Lesser Arcane Essences.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  13. #13
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Looking over the results so far, the first thing that stands out to me is that of 8 level 3 decons, 3 had greater essences, while of 6 level 6 decons, 0 had greater essences. The overall rate of generating greater essences outside of level 6 is 17 of 33, and the odds of 6 events having 0 greater essences with that chance are therefore (16/33) ^ 6 = 1.3%. Not conclusive, but looking pretty weird.

    The ranges for lesser essences each level are:
    level - min, max - range
    3 - 6, 11 - 6
    4 - 12, 18 - 7
    5 - 25, 36 - 12
    6 - 28, 37 - 10
    7 - none
    8 - 28, 34 - 7
    9 - 30, 39 - 10

    Now, it is not feasible at this point to try to determine the sizes of dice being rolled, so let us start with the simplest assumption for level 5 (d12) and see where it takes us. What about:

    d12 + level + 19

    ...for levels 5 and up? That fits all the data we have. Alternatively, we could do:

    d20 + 20

    ...for levels 5 and up, or put another way that for levels 5 and up the output is independent of level.


    Anyway, thanks for giving the data!

  14. #14
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Arrow some more numbers

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Mind Threads (Level 4 Amount)! Consumed: Charismatic Crown of Eloquence +7, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 16 Lesser Mind Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Fire Embers (Level 4 Amount)! Consumed: +4 Fire Guard Breastplate of Power II, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 15 Lesser Fire Essences, 4 Greater Fire Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Body Strands (Level 4 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Bodyfeeder Greatclub of Everbright, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 17 Lesser Body Essences.

    (Level 5 Amount)! Consumed: +4 Ghost Touch Returning Throwing Dagger of Greater Monstrous Humanoid Bane, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 29 Lesser Divine Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Evil Grime (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Improved Cursespewing Light Pick of Parrying, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 37 Lesser Evil Essences, 4 Greater Evil Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Body Strands (Level 4 Amount)! Consumed: +3 Flaming Light Mace of Destruction, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 20 Lesser Body Essences.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  15. #15
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Grabbed a couple items off the AH to test my ML theory:

    Effect: Lesser Ice Guard (Level 2)
    ML: 4 item
    Yield: 6 Lesser materials

    ML: 16 item
    Yield: 4 Lesser, 2 Greater materials

    The total of the yield seems to be the same in this sample. =)

  16. #16
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyetisha View Post
    Grabbed a couple items off the AH to test my ML theory:

    Effect: Lesser Ice Guard (Level 2)
    ML: 4 item
    Yield: 6 Lesser materials

    ML: 16 item
    Yield: 4 Lesser, 2 Greater materials

    The total of the yield seems to be the same in this sample. =)
    Ok now go do that 100 more times

  17. #17
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyetisha View Post
    Absolutely. I'll continue logging and anytime you wish to review my raw data I'll be more than happy to provide it =D

    If/when you have a decent amount, please do. Though I expect to be depressed by the results -- it just seems decon is designed to be a very poor second to spending TP.

  18. #18
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    If anyone has any raw data please PM me with it or post

  19. #19
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Talking Even more

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Arcane Charges (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Axiomatic Burst Densewood Repeating Light Crossbow of the Magi, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 37 Lesser Arcane Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Body Strands (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Axiomatic Burst Handwraps of Improved Destruction, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 29 Lesser Body Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Law Marbles (Level 4 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Axiomatic Burst Longbow of Power I, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 11 Lesser Law Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Law Marbles (Level 2 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Axiomatic Falchion Of Tendon Slice 6%, Parfett's Leading Dissolver. Created: 4 Lesser Law Essences, Greater Law Essence.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Good Beams (Level 5 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Axiomatic Greatsword of Greater Undead Bane, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 33 Lesser Good Essences.

    (Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Chaos Sparks (Level 6 Amount)! Consumed: +1 Cursespewing Greataxe of Smiting, Lorinda's Ultimate Remover. Created: 34 Lesser Chaos Essences.
    Last edited by Marten; 04-10-2011 at 03:33 PM.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  20. 04-10-2011, 04:40 PM

  21. #20
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    Inputted. I'll post my results later today. Some interesting trends coming through

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