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  1. #1
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    Default Dragon Touched for a Cleric

    Just wondering, what would people suggest on a DT Plate for a cleric?
    It's def. having Lorrik's for the Sovereign, but what about for the other two slots.
    I was thinking, just brainstorming, but thinking healing amp 20% on it.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Wouldn't go healing amp. If your heals are good enough to hit the barb you are already overhealing yourself so its pointless.

    It really depends on your gear setup.

    Personally I still like Blue Dragonscale instead unless you have another arcane lore item.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    do you really need Plate or just want it Vestments are better.

    a guard, SP/HP, resistance+5 there are so many to chose form whta does your gear say you need.

  4. #4
    Community Member seobanio's Avatar
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    Healing amp is cool for clerics/fvs for aura and free healing capstone respectively.
    Zaxza Sorc, Xexa FvS, Zaxa12/6/2 Fight/Rog, Xexasaurus Monk
    A Tribe Called Zerg

  5. #5
    Community Member EyeRekon's Avatar
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    Default Sample DT Configuration

    Adventuring Set
    General purpose, consolidates a number of other items slots to prevent swapping and conserve inventory space.

    • Eldritch
      • Striding 25%
        • Frees up boots or ring
        • A consistent, reasonable substitute for haste while moving
      • Resistance +5
        • Can conserve a cloak, ring, or named item slot.
        • Always nice, but you can cast Nightshield on yourself for a dispelable +3.
      • Heavy Fortification
        • Can conserve belt or named item slot
        • slot-for-slot substitute if you tend to keep fort on your armor anyway
        • Heavy fort is readily available @ LV9 and you cannot wear this until LV16 so you may not want this here to make use of your other item investments.
    • Tempest
      • Spell Penetration VIII
        • Great support for your insta-kill spells you will use while leveling (Banishment, Destruction, Implosion)
        • Can prevent item swapping such as scepters
    • Sovereign
      • Greater Potency VII
        • Great support for your healing spells, cometfall, & blade barrier which will be the bulk of what you do.
        • Can prevent item swapping such as scepters

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    do you really need Plate or just want it Vestments are better.

    a guard, SP/HP, resistance+5 there are so many to chose form whta does your gear say you need.
    Vestments are a good idea, you're right, since I might do a clonk next life.. I was just thinking about ac, but this is a bigger advantage.
    I really have everything covered, except heavy fort, but I can fill that in another way.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeRekon View Post
    • Greater Potency VII
      • Great support for your healing spells, cometfall, & blade barrier which will be the bulk of what you do.
      • Can prevent item swapping such as scepters
    This vs. full Lorrik's set?

    Edit* I'll mention, as a cleric, I run with a superior potency VII mace as my main weapon, and switch to a Spell Penetration VIII mace for when I need to bypass SR, so usually not a problem
    Last edited by harrface; 04-06-2011 at 07:06 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Wouldn't go healing amp. If your heals are good enough to hit the barb you are already overhealing yourself so its pointless.

    It really depends on your gear setup.

    Personally I still like Blue Dragonscale instead unless you have another arcane lore item.
    I agree on the over healing, I just was torn on what to choose so I threw something out there.
    On the issue of the dragonscale, I already have a set, perhaps for a lower level TR, but at level 19, I already crit well enough on my healing that more is, while always useful, not entirely necessary.

  9. #9
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Default Cleric crits

    Quote Originally Posted by harrface View Post
    I agree on the over healing, I just was torn on what to choose so I threw something out there.
    On the issue of the dragonscale, I already have a set, perhaps for a lower level TR, but at level 19, I already crit well enough on my healing that more is, while always useful, not entirely necessary.
    2 points:

    First, the dragonscale (or other Greater Arcane Lore) is awesome, not just because of healing crits, but because of Blade Barrier crits.

    Second, although healing crits are unreliable and often overkill on healing SPELLS, they are pure, consistent win for your RS healing aura. A signifigant healing-per-second-over-time increase.

    To original poster, I'd say Eldritch is a great place to put a utility effect to free up a slot somewhere else: Heavy Fort, Deathblock, Featherfall, Striding 25%, or GFL. I currently have Featherfall slotted, but will change it to Heavy Fort when I get my epic helm done and replace Minos Legens.

    I know you said you wanted the full Lorrik set; I did the same myself for my first set of DT, but now I don't use the Lorrik set at all any more. The Amrath belt clickies give Superior Ardor 8, better than Lorrik set for 18 minutes per shrine, more than enough for most quests & raids, and Superior Potency 6 covers me fine for the rest of the time. If you consider not using the Lorrik set, there are some nice possibilites.

    A greensteel ConcOpp item makes the +6 Wisdom on the Lorrik necklace obsolete (thus freeing up the neck for the Torc or a Superior Potency 6 or +6 Con Amrath necklace), but loses Improved Metamagic Empower Healing 2. However, you can slot the same Improved Metamagic Empower Healing 2 on the Tempest slot of DT. Alternatively on Tempest, you can slot in any +6 stat or +1 exceptional stat to free up a slot somewhere else as needed.

    On Sovereign, if you don't have it on Tier 3 of greensteel items, you can get +100 spell points or +20 HP. If you already have those on greensteel, Greater Spell Pen 8 is a nice possibility.

    I have several epic armors, but can't bring myself to wear them, because the 3 slots with a good variety of effects just make Dragontouched so darned flexible.

  10. #10
    Community Member EyeRekon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrface View Post
    This vs. full Lorrik's set?

    Edit* I'll mention, as a cleric, I run with a superior potency VII mace as my main weapon, and switch to a Spell Penetration VIII mace for when I need to bypass SR, so usually not a problem
    The purpose of my proposal was so that you don't have to swap items around so much. Just wield whatever it is you want to wield, DPS, Arcane Lore, whatever. Divines almost never spend a feat on Quickdraw so you're going to jam yourself up with the swaps during heavy action. The intent is to be worn as general purpose armor when you don't have any specific need and it covers just about everything. If you need a specific "Max Healing" build, that would be different. This general DT build covers healing and more via Greater Potency VII (<= 7th; +40%)

    Lorrik's set is rather lame honestly. As SirValentine said, you can do just as well with Superior Ardor 8 (<= 8th; +50%) clickies (ML:18) if you care. In order for Lorrik's to even begin to be equal to Superior Ardor 8, you must lock down a 3 of your gear slots (shield ML:14, necklace ML:13, DT armor ML:16). That is a lot to exchange in order to avoid clickies and make it persistent, and even then it only affects healing spells.

    Your needs and requirements may differ.

  11. #11
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeRekon View Post
    Lorrik's set is rather lame honestly. As SirValentine said, you can do just as well with Superior Ardor 8 (<= 8th; +50%) clickies (ML:18) if you care. In order for Lorrik's to even begin to be equal to Superior Ardor 8, you must lock down a 3 of your gear slots (shield ML:14, necklace ML:13, DT armor ML:16). That is a lot to exchange in order to avoid clickies and make it persistent, and even then it only affects healing spells.

    Your needs and requirements may differ.
    This ^^

    Lorrik's is so lvl cap 16 its not funny anymore. Get both amrath belts and you have 12 mins of something thats better than lorriks. Add in a club of ardor 6 as a aura/heal spell back up and your good to go.

    for me and my set up i went

    Heavy fort - dont need minos then so have free head slot (sup false life/ balance from cove )

    Constitution +6 - free'd up ring slot for epic bucconeers ring from cove (which is slotted with toughness so really no need for minos )

    Freezing ice guard - always nice to see things frozen when they attack you, makes the meleeing of them that little bit easier

    that said though i have spen pen, heal crits and bb crits covered by other raid items and tbh i could probly drop DT altogether if i got a few more epic items ground out - i just cant be bothered doing any grinding atm till U9 hits and gets settled into live.
    Somedays your the Bug
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeRekon View Post
    Lorrik's set is rather lame honestly. As SirValentine said, you can do just as well with Superior Ardor 8 (<= 8th; +50%) clickies (ML:18) if you care. In order for Lorrik's to even begin to be equal to Superior Ardor 8, you must lock down a 3 of your gear slots (shield ML:14, necklace ML:13, DT armor ML:16). That is a lot to exchange in order to avoid clickies and make it persistent, and even then it only affects healing spells.
    Actually, it's worse than that. The descriptive text for Ardor is wrong when it says 50%. Superior Ardor gives +75%, while Superior Devotion (or Potency) only gives +50%. So the Lorrik set takes 3 slots and still gives less effect than the clickies. It's only advantage is not being a clicky.

    If the situation is bad enough that I need to be casting 7th and 8th level cures (think Epic Demon Queen), I also need Superior Ardor. If I can get by on only Superior Devotion/Potency, I can also probably get by using mainly 5th & 6th level cures.

    (In 6-man quests, I do most of my healing via aura, bursts, and spot Heal spells at needed. When I need a mass cure, Mass Cure Moderate almost always does more than enough.)

  13. #13
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    You'll want to use your DT armor to fill the gaps in gear. It's main benifit is providing 3 different effect in 1 items slot.

    If your missing +6 cha (or have it in another slot) then you may want to place it on your DT, If your missing a +1 ecpt wis to get wis even then place it on you DT. How about putting 30% striders on vs FF boots... put the FF on your DT and use the striders.

    DT allows you to use 1 slot to fill 3 rolls take advantage.

    I currently have:
    FF, +6 cha and Lorrik's on mine but there are so many options

    And yes I have both amarath belts I just haven't felt the need to grind for a new sov rune.

    Varkaran - clr 20 Cannith

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    To original poster, I'd say Eldritch is a great place to put a utility effect to free up a slot somewhere else: Heavy Fort, Deathblock, Featherfall, Striding 25%, or GFL. I currently have Featherfall slotted, but will change it to Heavy Fort when I get my epic helm done and replace Minos Legens.

    I know you said you wanted the full Lorrik set; I did the same myself for my first set of DT, but now I don't use the Lorrik set at all any more. The Amrath belt clickies give Superior Ardor 8, better than Lorrik set for 18 minutes per shrine, more than enough for most quests & raids, and Superior Potency 6 covers me fine for the rest of the time. If you consider not using the Lorrik set, there are some nice possibilites.

    A greensteel ConcOpp item makes the +6 Wisdom on the Lorrik necklace obsolete (thus freeing up the neck for the Torc or a Superior Potency 6 or +6 Con Amrath necklace), but loses Improved Metamagic Empower Healing 2. However, you can slot the same Improved Metamagic Empower Healing 2 on the Tempest slot of DT. Alternatively on Tempest, you can slot in any +6 stat or +1 exceptional stat to free up a slot somewhere else as needed.

    On Sovereign, if you don't have it on Tier 3 of greensteel items, you can get +100 spell points or +20 HP. If you already have those on greensteel, Greater Spell Pen 8 is a nice possibility.

    I have several epic armors, but can't bring myself to wear them, because the 3 slots with a good variety of effects just make Dragontouched so darned flexible.
    Everyone seems to agree with you, so I'll take your word for it, as you do make an arguable case. I do, in fact, have a conopp mace in mind, so that is a good point.
    What do you think of FF or Heavy fort (FF frees boots, heavy fort frees belt)/exceptional wis 1/+100 sp (Wasn't sure if this stacked at first.)

    *edit: Completely off topic, but what would someone suggest for an alternate to Lorikk's shield? I'm going to slot Torc for necklace.

  15. #15
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrface View Post
    Everyone seems to agree with you, so I'll take your word for it, as you do make an arguable case. I do, in fact, have a conopp mace in mind, so that is a good point.
    What do you think of FF or Heavy fort (FF frees boots, heavy fort frees belt)/exceptional wis 1/+100 sp (Wasn't sure if this stacked at first.)
    The 100 SP stacks with everything except the same effect on Tier 3 of Greensteel, and I think it's a solid choice; it's what I currently have on my DT Sov tier. Lots of people build that into their ConcOp GS item, though I built my ConcOpp gloves with Major Healing Lore on Tier 3 and +50 SP on Tier 2.

    Your other 2 picks sound good too. You know your full gear layout, so if that's what you need to fill in or to free up slots, then go for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by harrface View Post
    *edit: Completely off topic, but what would someone suggest for an alternate to Lorikk's shield? I'm going to slot Torc for necklace.
    2 points:

    First, even without the set, Lorikk's shield is good to keep around for shield-blocking situations, because of it's extremely high blocking DR.

    Second, you still have Superior Potency VI (or better) somewhere, right? If you're NOT too into melee, you can just wield a crappy generic SupPot6 weapon in one of your hands. I suppose if you NEVER cast blade-barrier, it could be Superior Devotion VI instead of Potency, but the always-on boost to your aura/burst and single-person Heal would be tough give up.

    I'm going to have that problem myself when I finally pull my Torc. (Wasn't in 20th end rewards!) I currently have my SupPot6 in my neck slot. It's nice to just be able to swing a gaxe or Dreamspitter without giving up my +50% boost.
    Last edited by SirValentine; 04-19-2011 at 06:44 PM. Reason: Accidently left the word "NOT" out of 2nd last paragraph

  16. #16
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    As was mentioned Lorrik's is a great shield for hiding behind. When tanking is not required the Green blade is nifty for the greater arcane lore.

    I use a sup pot6 scepter+Green blade combo when casting BBs, commetfalls etc.

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