My characters were updating to a point. I have won 2 different lotteries and just won a 3rd. However, the character that won the last lottery doesn't even exist anymore. I deleted it couple of weeks ago.
My characters were updating to a point. I have won 2 different lotteries and just won a 3rd. However, the character that won the last lottery doesn't even exist anymore. I deleted it couple of weeks ago.
I just won a friendship ring yesterday, and I noticed that todays prize was a +1 heart of wood(or what ever its called)
Try using a different browser. MyDDO takes so long to load that some of those widgets tend to timeout on IE. I have less problems on Firefox.
eta: I just saw in your other thread that you tried this. Don't know what to tell you.
Last edited by Phoenix-daBard; 04-26-2011 at 07:28 PM.