There seems to be a weird problem I've been having on Lamannia. I did the first quest in the new series, and then had to go get a new hireling. When I came back into the Harbor, the yellow arrow that points me to the quest, was pointing to the Baudry chain of quests, rather than the next quest location. I finished the second quest, in the new quest line, and as soon as I recalled into the Harbor, the arrow for the Baudry quest line appeared again. Basically it automatically pointed to that one quest entrance every time, instead of pointing me to the correct NPC or quest entrance. However opening my Quest Journal, and manually selecting the quest from the list, shows the arrow correctly, until I go in the quest or leave the Harbor.
I immediately thought that it in some way might have had something to do with the new quest line bug (not being able to repeat the chain without abandoning it,) but then I experienced this elsewhere. I figured I was on Lammania, so I might as well check out some other packs I don't have. So I grabbed some TP from the NPC and "purchased" Delera's Tome. I went into the graveyard, and there were no arrows to point me to any quests. I jumped into Valak's Mausoleum. When I completed it, I recalled into the graveyard, and immediately was shown a yellow arrow for another quest (I believe it was "And the Dead Shall Rise...".) I ignored the arrow, and went into "The Mystery of Delera's Tomb." When I recalled from that one, I got the same yellow arrow, pointing to the wrong quest. Left graveyard to talk to the NPC, came back in, wrong arrow. Selected the correct quest from the Quest Journal, went into "The Missing Party, " recalled, wrong quest was pointed at again. Same thing for every quest I did in there.
So, it seems to be automatically selecting the first quest, at the top of the Quest Journal. With this happening after leaving the area. I've never had this issue on the Live server before. I've also never had to report a bug, so I'm not sure of the procedure, hence this post. I tried using the in-game bug report, from clicking the Help button, but all I got was a black window.