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Thread: Fortification

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Fortification

    Dear devs,

    The rumor mill says you're considering changes to fortification, specifically to make it so that 100% fort requires more than one item. If so, please consider typed bonuses. The idea below allows multiple ways to get to 100% fort, but requires some planning and sacrifices.

    Obviously it could use some tweaking. The numbers are just there to present the idea.


    Item bonuses (existing fortification items):
    +20% Light
    +40% Moderate
    +60% Heavy

    Racial bonuses:
    +25% Warforged

    Armor bonuses (passive, based on type worn):
    +00% Cloth
    +10% Light
    +20% Medium
    +30% Heavy
    +5% Mithral
    +10% Adamantine

    Shield bonuses (passive, based on type used):
    +5% Buckler
    +10% Light
    +15% Heavy
    +20% Tower
    +5% Adamantine

    Feat bonuses (stacking):
    +5% Defensive Stance (when active)
    +10% Combat Expertise (when active)
    +10% Two Weapon Defense (unarmed or two weapons equipped)
    +10% Shield Mastery (requires shield equipped)
    +10% Improved Shield Mastery (requires shield equipped)

    Enhancement bonuses (non-stacking):
    +10% Level 1(new line. available to martial classes? any classes?)
    +20% Level 2
    +30% Level 3
    +40% Level 4
    +5 % Defender I
    +10% Defender II
    +15% Defender III

    -15% Destruction
    -30% Improved Destruction
    -10% Paralyzed
    -20% Held
    -10% Curse

  2. #2
    Community Member FunkyCold_Medina's Avatar
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    Default Good idea

    I like this idea a lot. It makes more sense than the current system of being immune to crits very early on. I think some of the numbers should be dropped slightly to make it a bit tougher to reach a high level though... anything that makes the game a bit more challenging is a good thing.

    It would also make shields a bit more valuable, maybe even make the shield bonus higher than the armour bonus, i.e. Heavy armour @ 20%, Tower shield @ 30%.

    I would go so far as to say the maximum possible should be capped at 90% or 95% so that there is always a chance of getting critted no matter what your armour set is comprised of.
    Maybe this maximum could be raised with active blokcing enabled, so when shield blokcing you are at 100% fortification.
    Ex-Devourer Europe player, now perfectly happy and content on Thelanis.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inkblack View Post
    Armor bonuses (passive, based on type worn):
    +00% Cloth
    +10% Light
    +20% Medium
    +30% Heavy
    +5% Mithral
    +10% Adamantine

    Shield bonuses (passive, based on type used):
    +5% Buckler
    +10% Light
    +15% Heavy
    +20% Tower
    +5% Adamantine
    1-5% per enhancement bonus? (5% might be a bit much, since DT docents would end up base 40+25% all on their own, but you've got a d20-ish thang goin on, so throwin the notion on out there.)
    Last edited by Scraap; 04-06-2011 at 08:26 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Infant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inkblack View Post
    Dear devs,
    Armor bonuses (passive, based on type worn):
    +00% Cloth
    +10% Light
    +20% Medium
    +30% Heavy
    +5% Mithral
    +10% Adamantine
    Just out of curiosity: What would a mithral fullplate be? I'd expect 30%...


  5. #5
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    Changes to the fort system? maybe a good thing, maybe not.

    I would only want to see it, though, if changes are made to AC so it becomes relevant beyond GH.

    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  6. #6
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infant View Post
    Just out of curiosity: What would a mithral fullplate be? I'd expect 30%...

    35% I would guess. 30 from heavy armor and 5 more from mithral

    *EDIT* as othes have pointed out, heavy is Med, so 20%+5
    Last edited by Cam_Neely; 04-06-2011 at 11:07 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  7. #7
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    unfortunately the main use of fort is not to prevent damage (crit damage is only a minor contrubion as most enemies have low crit profiles). It is to prevent damage spikes.

    Without 100% you will still have those. The difference between 95% and 50% is quite irrelevant.

    If such a system will be implemented i can see some people take the effort to get 100% while those with builds that have difficulties so no longer invest in any fortification at all.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    Why give a Mithral bonus to armor and not shields?
    Anál nathrach
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  9. #9
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Logical idea.... /signed

    EDIT: question..... if idiot melees can't run around with their Minos' giving them 100% fort, will the devs drop the price of the raise dead and healing SP costs? Because if this multiple sources of fortification idea goes through, healers are gonna whine a heckuvalotmore now that melee's are only running around with 45-65% fort
    Last edited by Khanyth; 04-06-2011 at 08:42 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    I think this would cause many problems, especially for classes that are inherently squishy and have to wear robes AND don't use shields. So you end up with squishy zero fortification (casters primarily) going <ding> <ding> <ding> all over the place. If anyone needs heavy fortification, it's them...

    Not sure how this is going to look, or if it's even going to take place, but it's going to have to be based on a lot of things other than armor and shields, or it's gonna be a mess.
    Last edited by Seamonkeysix; 04-06-2011 at 08:45 AM.
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  11. #11
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seamonkeysix View Post
    I think this would cause many problems, especially for classes that are inherently squishy and have to wear robes AND don't use shields. So you end up with squishy zero fortification (casters primarily) going <ding> <ding> <ding> all over the place. If anyone needs heavy fortification, it's them...

    Not sure how this is going to look, or if it's even going to take place, but it's going to have to be based on a lot of things other than armor and shields, or it's gonna be a mess.
    ouch for monks, have to wear robes, be on the front lines, 1d8 hp, hp is going to have to be massive to deal with the spike damage, its going to make some races and classes almost impossible to be able to melee. Oh well should sell more sp pots in the store though..........

    oh and rangers and rogues only get light armour........................ **** might see a lot more kitting.
    Last edited by NaturalHazard; 04-06-2011 at 08:51 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    While won't object ideas and suggestions will note fortification isn't supposed to be hard to get.
    As far as magic goes magic can mess with the precision needed to strike the vital areas.

    An alternative, just an idea, is to have other ways to bypass fortification.
    One easy way is to let more enemy casters use targeted dispel to temporarily supress fort items for a few seconds.
    Sure they have to pick from all your items but if they begin with the usual five slots it'd be a 20% chance.
    Furthermore doing so still supress one of your items, which is a valid caster tactic that isn't present in ddo.

  13. #13
    Community Member Elyanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infant View Post
    Just out of curiosity: What would a mithral fullplate be? I'd expect 30%...

    I'd prefer if the metal type stacked with the armor type.

    ex: mith FP would be 5+30 for a total of 35%

    Also how about a 5% for every +2 enchantment so as to not make things get very high with the +8 armor from bracers and such.

    +8 bracers with cloth armor would be +20 % fort with the above
    +5 mith FP would yeild 10 + 5 + 30 for a total of 45% fort.
    Got a question the answer may be on the wiki!

  14. #14
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Mithral Fullplate should be 25% - medium armor + mithral

    This is an interesting system, although far more complicated than the current one and (for those who care) deviating further from PnP D&D. It's not a bad way of working heavy armor into the mix, however.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  15. #15
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    The WF should be based on body type but I like this, a lot.

    It'll give armor'd mooks and advantage over guys in pajamas that would allow making AC viable in all content with pajama-monkeys having an Achilles-heel. This balances out monk-splash and just makes logical sense, if you're in cloth immunity to critical hits is just plain stupid.

    Mob damages would need to be adjusted a little since critical hits would be a reality except for those perma-encased in steal and with a shield.

    Combine this with my idea for expanding the useful range of AC ( and I think we have a winner.
    Last edited by grodon9999; 04-06-2011 at 09:25 AM.

  16. #16
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    Q: What would mithral FP be?
    A: Originally I intended it to be 25% by the formulas above. 20% medium +5% mithral. It's a bit of a give back to get the additional dex bonus. It could just as easily be changed to +10% for mithral (making it equivalent to normal since the armor is lighter anyway).

    Q: Why mithral bonus to armor and not shields?
    A: Bonus to armor was intended to offset the reduced category caused by mithral. Heavy armors made of mithral are considered medium.

    BTW, this is just answering questions to clarify my original intent. I'm not saying my idea better than what others have suggested. I know there is plenty of room for improvement.

    Last edited by Inkblack; 04-06-2011 at 09:38 AM.

  17. #17
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    EDIT: question..... if idiot melees can't run around with their Minos' giving them 100% fort, will the devs drop the price of the raise dead and healing SP costs? Because if this multiple sources of fortification idea goes through, healers are gonna whine a heckuvalotmore now that melee's are only running around with 45-65% fort
    Count me among the whiners. Really guys, Clerics seem to be getting the shaft enough the way it is (no more extend on Blade Barriers, no more helping clear trash in Epics quickly with our Dreamspitters, etc., etc.), do we REALLY have to make it even HARDER for us to keep everyone alive without spending all our TP on mana pots? (Note - I DON'T use store pots, and have no plans to start regardless of what happens.)

    Would like to hear from any Clerics out there who have had a chance to really dig into the changes on Lama - are there any changes which are making your life EASIER? I have not yet been able to get out there, so I'm hoping all my fears of DOOOOOM are unwarranted.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  18. #18
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    The WF should be based on body type but I like this, a lot.

    It'll give armor'd mooks and advantage over guys in pajamas that would allow making AC viable in all content with pajama-monkeys having an Achilles-heel. This balances out monk-splash and just makes logical sense, if you're in cloth immunity to critical hits is just plain stupid.

    Mob damages would need to be adjusted a little since critical hits would be a reality except for those perma-encased in steal and with a shield.

    Combine this with my idea for expanding the useful range of AC ( and I think we have a winner.
    would it still be workwhile to play a pajama wearing toon?

    what about people stuck in light armour? they miss out on AC and a lot of fort?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satinavian View Post
    unfortunately the main use of fort is not to prevent damage (crit damage is only a minor contrubion as most enemies have low crit profiles). It is to prevent damage spikes.

    Without 100% you will still have those. The difference between 95% and 50% is quite irrelevant.

    If such a system will be implemented i can see some people take the effort to get 100% while those with builds that have difficulties so no longer invest in any fortification at all.
    Good point. I'm curious if there would be some peer pressure to at least get some degree of fortification, but I imagine some folks would dump it.

    I like that the super dex evasion types get the advantage of the high AC, but run the risk of getting pasted if they actually get hit as Grodon9999 mentions. Granted, the numbers I list above let them get to 100% fort, but only if they spend some AP's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seamonkeysix View Post
    I think this would cause many problems, especially for classes that are inherently squishy and have to wear robes AND don't use shields. So you end up with squishy zero fortification (casters primarily) going <ding> <ding> <ding> all over the place. If anyone needs heavy fortification, it's them...

    Not sure how this is going to look, or if it's even going to take place, but it's going to have to be based on a lot of things other than armor and shields, or it's gonna be a mess.
    Agreed. The possible resulting mess was the first thing I thought when I heard the rumor that they would be tweaking the system. I would love to know what the devs have in mind.

    My opinion -- 100% fort should be attainable for all classes, but there should be some sacrifice to get there. The degree of sacrifice is also a matter of personal opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    The WF should be based on body type but I like this, a lot.

    It'll give armor'd mooks and advantage over guys in pajamas that would allow making AC viable in all content with pajama-monkeys having an Achilles-heel. This balances out monk-splash and just makes logical sense, if you're in cloth immunity to critical hits is just plain stupid.

    Mob damages would need to be adjusted a little since critical hits would be a reality except for those perma-encased in steal and with a shield.

    Combine this with my idea for expanding the useful range of AC ( and I think we have a winner.
    I like the WF bonus dependant upon armor. I guess instead of a racial bonus you could turn it into a series of feat bonuses a little higher than the corresponding armor type:

    +25% Composite Plating
    +35% Mithral Plating
    +45% Adamantine Plating

    I don't think they would get the armor bonus, so the feat would have to be a little bit higher.

  20. #20
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    would it still be workwhile to play a pajama wearing toon?

    what about people stuck in light armour? they miss out on AC and a lot of fort?
    Yes, if AC throughout the whole game is viable. Mob to-hits and damage would need some adjustments because right now it's balanced with everyone having 100% fort.

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