Dear devs,
The rumor mill says you're considering changes to fortification, specifically to make it so that 100% fort requires more than one item. If so, please consider typed bonuses. The idea below allows multiple ways to get to 100% fort, but requires some planning and sacrifices.
Obviously it could use some tweaking. The numbers are just there to present the idea.
Item bonuses (existing fortification items):
+20% Light
+40% Moderate
+60% Heavy
Racial bonuses:
+25% Warforged
Armor bonuses (passive, based on type worn):
+00% Cloth
+10% Light
+20% Medium
+30% Heavy
+5% Mithral
+10% Adamantine
Shield bonuses (passive, based on type used):
+5% Buckler
+10% Light
+15% Heavy
+20% Tower
+5% Adamantine
Feat bonuses (stacking):
+5% Defensive Stance (when active)
+10% Combat Expertise (when active)
+10% Two Weapon Defense (unarmed or two weapons equipped)
+10% Shield Mastery (requires shield equipped)
+10% Improved Shield Mastery (requires shield equipped)
Enhancement bonuses (non-stacking):
+10% Level 1(new line. available to martial classes? any classes?)
+20% Level 2
+30% Level 3
+40% Level 4
+5 % Defender I
+10% Defender II
+15% Defender III
-15% Destruction
-30% Improved Destruction
-10% Paralyzed
-20% Held
-10% Curse