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  1. #1
    Community Member abrownbear9108's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Question about Fireball spell. maybe a bug?

    on my Fire Sav i've been using the Fireball SLA fairly frequently and i've noticed that when i have nothing targeted it wont go in the direction i'm looking, it always goes in a direct line away from me at. never hits the ground when i'm aiming straight down, never flies away when i'm aiming up, always straight ahead unless i target something

    is this a bug? i dont remember the actual spell ever doing this, but then again i never really used the spell as i always went for Acid Blast instead (overcomes more resists). but even with acid blast which i always used at lower levels, it never flew parallel to the ground when i didnt target something, same with Otilukes Freezing Sphere and Ball Lightning

    might be something for Devs to look into

  2. #2
    Community Member MrAakmr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Well, i started a thread about this yesterday (, but it doesn't seem to have gotten any attention really. I think everyones to busy crying DoooOOOooooM! over things to really care

    This has answered one question I had, as to whether or not this was just the acid blast s-LA. I'd say bug report it if you haven't, and hope it gets fixed as it makes little to no sense that the targeting on s-LAs is different from the normal spell.

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